HomeMy WebLinkAbout921947 RECENED 8/31/2006 at 11 :nQ-,,4M. ---- ~: ;"""'I\,,'~~h,l¡ RECBVING tF 921947';':';':::;:;1:,'(': BOOK: 632 PAGE 259' JEANNE WAGNER UNCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED ~~m~mim 000259 Maxine Hepworth-Taylor, a single person, grantor of the County of Un coin, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to the MAXINE HEPWORTH FAMILY TRUST, Dated August JíL 2.006, Maxine Hepworth, Settlor and Maxine Hepworth Trustee, grantees of County of Uncoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Uncoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving aU rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit SEE DESCRIPTION IN QUIT CLAIM DEED ATIACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT N' AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Togetherwith aU water rights, mineral rights. improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to aU 1, ./ reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. v (í ?:; WITNESS my hand this I ~ day of August, 2.006. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SS. ) STATE OF WYOMING The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Maxine Hepworth- Taylor, for the MAXINE HEPWORTH FAMILY TRUST, Dated Au.9ust ltr'. 2006, Maxine- Hepworth, Settlor and Maxine Hepworth, Trustee, dated this \ ~ ~ day of August. 2006. " WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: \ \ - l~' 0 b N~=B~~ PAMELA J. ClEMEW - NOTARY PUBua C;ounty at Sta!& at Uncolrr WyDllÚl1f My CommlsslolT EXpires l \ . \. ð- 6h Page 1 of 1 / -- !f~~._r~1 0/'1 r<'J "- "-.4 ~A."::¡~ t( i -, I I 000260 e ! I RECEIVED . I JNCOLN COUNTY CLERK 't:t < j "t:t t;»> Mª aot! .:to ·-u ..8 t!} . tIJ ':¡: .q ~.....,.. ~ +-'- [-i 0 Q,...... 1Utr.I>' gttltIJ ~ ~,~ o .r:¡ à O!:!o -000 :ä':?~ ~£~ 'STATE OF WYOMING} 55. COUNTY OF UNCOLN I~ Jeanne Wagner; County Clerk . .._ within and foresald county and In the 114. 6 7 fi State of foresald~ do hereby certify. the foregoing to be a full, true, and c~f~ DEED copy. ~ tIi,·'",Q;", <l69 SIGNED ~ ...~~ BOOK . PRPAGE 032- KNOWN _'';.~~ENTS. That ~~.. ./ ~ DEtENA o~:lNn JACK OTTESON, WIfe and HiIsband, 01 JUL 20 AH t1: 43 JEANNE \¡VAGNER KEMMERER. WYOMING of the- County of Lincoln. State- of Wyoming: in. consideration. of Ten: and 001100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable- consideration: to them in hand paid by Maxine- Hepworth-Taylor whose- address is: 576 Worton. Lane-, ÅuburrWY 8311IL The- receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged. have remised. released,. convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presenm do for my heirs-, executom and administratom. remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said MAXINE: HEl:'WORTH-TAYLOR, . A Single Person, heirs- and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest. property, possession,. claim and demand as we have, ought to have in: or to all the following: described premises, to-wit: A portion: of the SW~ NE~ of Section. 35, T33N R119W, 6th P.M., located North of ~uburn,. Lincoln County, Wyoming:, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a nail set 450 feet South of the- Northwest Comer of the- SWY~ NEY4- and running East. 767.64- feet to an iron: pipe set; thence S 0"'19'30" E. 284.505 feetto an iron: pipe set; thence WestF 769.20 feet; thence- North. 284.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Hereby releasing and waiving: all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption: laws of the: State- of Wyoming:. TO HAVE: AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said Maxine Hepworili-Taylor heim and assigns, to his and their own property use and behoof forever. So that neither we nor any other person: in. our nameS" or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right to title to the premiseS" or any part thereof, but theÝ' and everyone of them shah by thes~ presenm be excluded and forever barred.. Dated this f ~.JJ;:. day of :.:ru M f% . 200 1. ~..ðt~~ Delena. Otteson: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TA- ~rz,A-N. r ~ The foregoing: instmment was acknowledged. before me: by Delena Otteson: and rack A. Otteson: this_ £ '3 -day of !:nJ-N tr . 2001. Witness·my hand and'official seal. fJ~ jJ~' - Notary Public. My Commission: Expires: ð6·- 07- ,'\'~~',!:;I" ~ ~'&-~'··"·"V':; PULAKESH SAHA . ~~r:..,(t>;ì~Ë Notæy Public. Slate otTexas ~~.~.,:;.¡ My CommissiOII Expires IHl-ÐS "",~o,1\" . 'I,,,..,, :~mili~~~;;m~m: ~ r ~: ,. ,. ~: ~. ~ ;".i '. ;". ~; ~.. :.~ ,. ; f· ~'" .. ~ : .'~ .. ~. ,. ~. ~-~. r; ~ ~: ~: ¥: 1. t ~ ., ::> ~ f~ " ~: ~.. :~. ~': " ..' .' ~~ ~~. ~. !~. ~,.: ".: ¿:, t· t ;." t ;::- .. , L ,. r. -. V t':