HomeMy WebLinkAbout921948 /J '? Ii JV \1 (¥ t<.1::\"I::IVI::U ö/,jl/LUUtt at 11:U~ AM RECEIVING#: 921948 BOOK: 632 PAGE 261 JEANNE WAGNER UNCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~~~r~::::~:::~ :~i~'~.~:&~I:i:,:t:~ WARRANTY DEED 000261. Maxine- Hepworth-Taylor, a single- person, grantor of the- County of Uncoln, and State- of Wyoming, far and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and ather valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to the MAXINE HEPWORTH FAMILY TRUST, Dated I I August ~ 2006, Maxine Hepworth, Settlor and Maxine Hepworth Trustee, grantees i of County of Uncoln, State of Wyoming, the fallowing described real estate situated in I j County of Uncoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the- homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit SEE DESCRIPTION IN WARRANTY DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this Iff day of August, 2006. 7J~'!ktu~;ti-~L Ma in!7Hepwo -:Taylor -Ó l STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF UNCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Maxine Hepworth- Taylor, far the MAXINE HEPWORTH FAMILY TRUST, Dated August ~ 2006, Maxine Hepworthf Settlor and Maxine Hepworth, Trustee, dated this ,&~ day of August, 2006. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: \Vl'1>'Ùl,p ~~~~ NOTARY PUBUC PAM8.A J. CLEMENT - NOTARY PUBœ county ct Slat! ot Uncalrr Wyon1Ir1g" My CommlSSI01T fxpi~! \ \. ~ \ ~. ì:Ån Pag!! 1 of 1 Jl.L -28-.2ØØ6 .10:-43 +U...1+KE TTIl..E~ ESCROW .$B.OO :307 B77 :96Ø2 P.Ø1 ~.:. . .»~MII .'f..},o~.U!l3. .A1.!IAU. ... .3~21'JI.. ..,I,J~ , "'''101( ....,.. ....J .\"..., ..,Jü':"- ~ûiZ1. WYO. NO.7~57..35.. .!:UZI.!.J1!1II tJ. \'J.!oUI!, C\.ØII( I. f' II t,à .':}:¿ 1~'j48 000262 :¡ranloTS orJ..Jllcoln Cowlly, Slale ofW)'Olnin ,lor considemüon DfT~1 Tl d OO/JOO', ($10.00) and other ]:000 Hnt! valuable ~ideraúon In lIaud, receipt. wllereof is hereby ucknowletlged CONVEY AN WARRANT TO TnOMAS REX TAYLOR ANI)" AXlNE UEI'WORTIl-1'A YLOU, llusb:1IId 1\lId Wire JIS, 'cnnllls by the ElllirtUcs, TY DEED 69 " :¡rnnlccs. wl\lÙe: d~ is Anon, WY Ihe following .deacribed Teá\ estaJe. siJuaIt: i Lincoln County amI Slale o( WYDlllina. hereby rcleasing :tnd waiving 1111 rif,hlsunder.and by ~irtl~ of tbe hOlncslcnd a~nplionlaws of thc.statc , tel wH: I'aTI of Section J8, T32N JUIBw,orþe 61h l'.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming being Dlore IWlÏcularly descrlbed.as ¡IUW.!: Deginnllll al a poinL one rud North ~ 3lì f=:t Easl ~( lhe Suuthwul cornu o( uid SecLion 18 :and numillg 11 œ North :206.5 {wi llu:uce East 211 fedi ". . thcllce SouLh 206.5 fcel:' I ' '~.., thenCe Wt:.St.1.1J feet to the point O~.: InnIng., . 1 . ~..' ' E{CIlPl1NO l1IEREJ1ROM llle fol wing described TJruperly; ~iuniu¡ at a poinl one rod North 31ì feel East Df the Southwest Con~r of ~d Section IB :and 1I1IIIUllj ellœNurUI206.5 feel; ," IhenceEasll05.5 feet; I thence .soulh 206..5 feel; J lltcnce West 105.5 Iecllu the puinl f beginning. wrJ'NESS our hands JhisJll!.£. day of.N-~ ber, 1993. I ' ~.p~' /~/.~~iI'..e. ',çr . - Terry .Blaise q~,~ð~~& .Elizabeth j]1abc Blate or MissourI CDunlyof î,J)... Icdged hcftltc mc by Terry .DIal sa Ih is .12!.-. day " .,' . ',' ~, t !\.