HomeMy WebLinkAbout921951 :~::;';~::::;!f¡ RECEIVED 8/31/2006 at 11 :14 Aft1xt'::~:i!t~~¡¡:.~ ::.:~::!ili~::.;::.:1 RECEIVING # 921951 ";i':~:¡¡¡:;::j::i!~ì BOOK: 632 PAGE: 266 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER WY W ARRANTy--DEED---------- ' , 000266 Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, husband and wife, grantors of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to the JERRY AND JULEEN NELSON FAMILY TRUST, Dated August P1, 2006, Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, Settlors and Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson Trustees, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: SEE DESCRIPTION IN WARRANTy DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances i? J J thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all !i )1/ reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements ~nd rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this 89 day of August, 2006. ~N~n' .~ ~~¡j'lld~ leen H. Nelson STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, for the JERRY AND JULEEN NELSON FAMILY TRUST, Dated August 1~"~, 2006, Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, Settlors and Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson Trustees, dated this '2þ,-t):- day of August, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~..~ NOTARY PUB~ My Commission Expires: \ \. \ "ß . 0\0 . PAMELA J. ClEME~T . NOTARY PUBliC County of State of ~ LIncoln Wyoming ~ My Commission ~~íres lA· \.'B' Db Page 1 of 1 I.. -- / ,-' 650 0921.9S1 ". WARRANTY DEED 000267 ..__$.6....90. . . ,~--"'_....".'.....-,_....~..,"- ......... RECORDED. July· .1·1;· .tQ.12..······ .l~T. -9Ahl IN BOOK . 15.7.PR. . .PAGE .6.-.:lQ.¡~/)~:\::::.::-;;, WYO. r- O(:"CII r.::: 6 "",.. . ~. ".'.< no-' ~LEfïJ" NO.~¡,;:"UI'>..1.a. ... .ELI,,-,\DEfh ~"'\";~~':~''''_~:'''_ .""",.___..._...._._____.~.~._..·..._·~ø....._-....._.·____ ~_ LYNN NELSON a/k/a LYNN H. NELSON and MAURINE B. NELSON, hi~ wife, of Grover, Wyoming, GRANTOR,for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations in hand paid, receipt whareof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT 10: JERRY LYNN NELSON and JULEEN M. NELSON, his wife, of Grover, ! I Wyoming; GRANTEE, the follo~ing described real estate, situate in i 'Lincoln County and State of Wyoming hereby releasing and waiving I . 'all ri ghts under and by vi rtue of the homestead exempti'on 1 aws of the State, to-wit: A tract of land lying in the S%N%SE% of Section 32, Township 33 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is North 1320.00 feet arid Wes~ 295.00 feet from the Southeast Corner of said Section 32 and proceeding thence South 89°46) West, 517.59 feet; thence North 27001 I West 472.50 feet; thence North 27°521 West 273.60 feet; thence East 1155.10 feet; thence South 660.70 feet; thence West 30 feet; thence North 165.00 feet; thence West 265.00 feet; thence South 165.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO: Beginning at a point which is North 1320 feet and West 2240 feet from the same Southeast Corner of Section 32 and proceeding thence West 400 feet; thence Narth 660.00 feet; thence East 400 feet; thence South 660.00 feet to the point of beginning. Also conveyed is an easement or right- of-way for' i~gress and egress, 30 feet in width, and running from the Northeast corner of the tract of land 1ast described Eastward along the North boundary of remaining lands of grantors to U.S. Highway 89. ctl"".............~ /..\ C7 «. ~ ~_. I- '" -i- /; ''f I: i'.e ~ Lu,þ'l>£.) H-'i~t1µ'¡7' W~').¡- r.~<t.~ This conveyance is made for agricultural purposes. WIT N E S Sou r h an d s t his" Æ . "Jiy. day 0 f . 97 ' " . 1979. IN08(ij£D ð \ i\8STRAC,U) .~. I f';t10TOS~Tfjl¡C: ~~£Of:W(Dín) ,. !__.______~---,t;.-"~~~~., .'~ . .~.-o/-r;~~..... L ... NELSON al k/ a YNN H. NELSON ·V¡}7~' ß' ·/Z~ / MAURINE B. NELSON !::;I.~:·~t:~:::::j !i~~2r.~.. ,I.'..'~ ·!~~.i.~'·I~t :i,)j~~~~l~: é' 651 STATE Of WYOMJNG ) ) 5S COUNTY Of lJNC01N ) 000268 0921951. , ' . '~he foreyoing in5~rument wa5 ackriowledged before me by 11Y~N~.Et-~.'j.. ..a/k/a, lY.!~)lA1.~N£lSON and MA~RJNE B. .NE1SON.. his w~f~, ~~,~~...,.'.'R, ~:~~Y of '~,' 1979. Wltnes5 my hand and offlclal . ~ ~.. 1/: f) ."" .... . ~ \. ~ 9"'''' .'. /!..t# .ø,..." .; . \. -. -.If I . :' '\ ,.' .'.: I"~ - , '.:. .:'" ,~ ., r, !'''' , ...~ ~ . __. I) I'· I) _ M ~ ., = '-. ~\'5 E A l~~:' ,M..~~, ",~ ::\..~jiJ ........ . ,. . ..- -:t- , ' ..., '(. -,....- --<,,:\.. "...,' .' r?\ .~ ¿ c; f/ "" ::,'::,~~j"~Dmm;ss; Dn up; m: '. 'l/-Æ' Jd-J7¡.tõ 0 . . I.. .- 2-