HomeMy WebLinkAbout921953 ,...,-: Î ! J j 1« ""''b' /. . j RECEIVED 8/31/2006 at 11:15 AM RECEIVING # 921953 BOOK: 632 PAGE: 271 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000271. Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, husband and wife, grantors of the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS , I i ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby I ¡ . acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to the JERRY AND JULEEN NELSON ¡ FAMILY TRUST, Dated August d?, 2006, Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, Settlors and Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson Trustees, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in County of Lincoln and Stpte of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: SEE DESCRIPTION IN WARRANTy DEED ATTACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this· .,;;)1 day of August, 2006. ~~-~ Je Ly Nelon . . ~u, ìJ· ì1.d1A$ . leen H. Nelson STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, for the JERRY AND JULEEN NELSON FAMILY TRUST, Dated August 2P,'Ö; 2006, Jerry Lynn Nelson and Juleen H. Nelson, Settlors and Jerry Lynn Nelson and, Juleen H. Nelson Trustees, dated this 2- '\~ day of August, 2006.. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: \\. '-õ' 0\0 ~~.~ NOTARY PU~C PAMELA J. CLEMENT· NOTARY PUBUC ."t;. . County 01 State of Uncaln Wyoming My Commission Expires . \ \: \ ']l¡ . ò b Paf:~J.()1 J . ~~mmmm~fIJ~~ti ,)~ ' , w)-\17 JU'\ ~J¿\o i~~~V\, be\Ð"'" Qp',.t>-J'- l ' rÞ' ù¿f /, )Þ'J Û fl " \iJ1 J fVþt' '!. n off )/v . - ,1J oP~ J/ ... ;~:~ :;¡~~:~f;::~¡~;:f::; ~II~ WARRANTY 03~1~S~ 000272 ~~o.!l.-~_,__.~..~_._. ~_ RECORDr~f) .. .~~,~~. ~. .~~\~ .\?~(~~-:::;~?~.M. IN 1310£., K .3.\5J?R.. '¡::~~~'~':r':'~!f;"-:T:;~A. WYO. ~",A1.G.. r) ,J ~'.1 t'4.I .;~ r - ~'. ':.....":...~: ~...... ':. '.! ": r - ..... <";7_ T'\7..7;':":'.........J........'.....! I"., ,.1,. (""~,,X . ~.:I~.._.,.~......-.................<~,.....,,,..:...~....~...:._~.~'·, _..... \ ~:t. . '';,,ì. ," .......;;" ..1" LYNN H. NELSON, a single man and LYNN H. NELSON REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT dated May 2, 1984, LYNN H. NELSON, trustee, GRANTOR, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby ¡ acknowledged, CONVEY AND QUITCLAIM TO JERRY LYNN NELSON and JULEEN M. NELSON, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, GRANTEES, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-~it: A tract of land lying in the Sl/2 N1/2 SE1/~ of Section 32, Township 33 North, Range 118 West of the 6t~ P.M., Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which ~s North 1320 feet and West 2240 feet from the Southeast Corner of said Section 32 and proceeding thence North 660 feet, thence East to U.S. 89 Highway right-of-way, thence along said right-of-way in a Southeasterly direction to a point where the right-of-way and the beginning bearing running East and West 1320 feet North of the S.E. Corner lies, thence West to the point of beginning, said tract being part of a certain conveyance to Grantor, from Daisy A. Peterson and Edward Peterson, dated October 20, 1955, and recorded November 3, 1955, in Book 12 of P.R., Page 528 recording number 217201, and also any and all interests that the Grantors may have in the possessory interest acquired therefrom. 1!! c- . WITNESS my hand this ~ ~ day of ":>-e~Nk'---, 1992. / L~Tß?!: c<I~_ LYNN H. NELSON .REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT dated May 2, 1984 1lf /~~ NELSON, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing WARRANTY DEED by~þYN~ H. NELSON, a 'single Yé/p~'f~eV- , 1992. ~ was ackn~wledge~efore me man, thlS 7t _ day of - ' "NKSS mv hand and official seal. O. DAVID GARDNER NOCIfy PWrIC . State 01 WyomIng Uncoln County. Wyoming Commission Expires Aug 3, 1995 My Commission EXPires~ð~ 7' /~ .1III¡¡~_w."", ..~,.....~.. E 7/- [)'-V""J ,--,-"t.""""'ì'··-~·l· 1:: I\t: !. L/" t'U~c:qTt /.\ ,',"'1 ¡ ;: ":, ~ ...' ,:" ,. . /.,./""" ~ Pr¡I!' ¡ :.<. , ':C;'r:r""TJf!'''[) /" ..,..,......,~.~_'_~......- ,: -. ~¡-··.·.';.i,·;'w¡:: ~ 4'00 WARRANTY DEED LYNN H. NELSON Page 2 0921953 000273 STATE OF WYOMING ) J SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN J The foregoing WARRANTY by LYNN H. NELSON, TRUSTEE T~_. ... ft. G~. NT dated· May -f¡þz~¿e~ , 1992. ~;TNESSmy hand and official o DAVID GARDNER NotllY Public Stale at Wycm;l1(1 llncoln County, Wyoming Commission Expire¡¡ Aug 3.1995 DEED was acknowledged before me of the LYNN H. NELSOYVOCABLE 2, 1984 this 9' day of seal. My Commission Expires· , . ;~~:*:*::::::¡J~:¡ \~~,:'