HomeMy WebLinkAbout921994 ~¡1;¡m~~~¡ ~l!;Ift~E~j ~jiim*ff:m~fW :~';,:,~~~~j~f¡~; ~~¡1~il . . ¡·~·"·_~~¡,;J>;-~;~;f'''::r~·F~'~'···:~·~ ;~(" o;'~'~~....~-'. .~ .' ·'.-:~~~~-""":,,"~4----""-'~-~~;"-,"-rf__ 1', [7',...,.: "," . ,uèc Direcf Servië'ès: ; -"'. . ,-,.':'_- ':.'-:," "''<'" ·,'-\..i...:: ..,:.... P.O.80x29071 ,,:,. . Glendale. ,CA 91299":9071 . , -.' ~'.': ~- '."~;. '-, ,~ RECEIVED 9/1/2006 at 9:26 AM RECEIVING # 921,994 BOOK: 632 PAGE: 352 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY '~..~---;-----.--------:-~,~.-;-_.- --. L· 1a.INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # 920778 07/31/06 CC WY Lincoln~k b. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT is . f)(l to be filed [for record] .(or recorded) in the . . ~ REAL ESTATE RECORDS. . 2. X TERMINATION': Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is tenninated with raspect to secunty interestisJof the Secured Partyauthonzing this Termination Statement. '3. D CONTINUATION: .Eifectivel1es. of the Financing S.tatemenlidentified above with respect to the secunty interest(s) qf theSecured Party authonzjngthis Co~tinuåtion Statement is . continued for the additionalpenod',Provlded by 'applicable law. . .' .. . . .. .' .' .;' ... 4. ASSÎGNMENT (full pr partiðl):Öiv~ .name of assignee in item 7a or 7b and address of assignee .in 7c; and al¿o give n(¡me of assignor in item 9. , 5; AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATIÒN): This Arriendment affects 0 Debtor 2! o Secured Party of record., ,Cheek oniy ¡m,~f these two boxes. . Also check QM. of the following three boxes a.llil provide appropriate information in items 6 and/or 7. . ...... . :.....' . : .' . ._ ·0 CHANGEnaine a.nd/or1!ddress: Give current record name in item 6a or 6b:also give new 0 DELETE' name: Give record.name· ·0 ADD name: Complete item 7a or 7b. and also .' '.__ . name (ifname change) in itemJ~ dr 7bamJior new address (if address change) in item 7c. . to be deleted i"item 6a or 6b.. . ...¡tèm7è: also' complete items 7d.7g (ií appliéable) ==.. ,,"" , . ':=,: - ..- '. . ß. CURRENT RECORD INFOR~ð:PÇ>~:: . ",: '.' 6a.ORGANI~TION'S NAMEi~,.:::::'i:,';: .::.. ". 7d. SEE INSTRUCTION. 9..NAME OF SECURIõD PARTY. OFRECOROAI,JTHÓRIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name qf assignor, If thisi~ an Assignment). If this is an Amendment authorized by a. Debtor which adds collateral or aáds the authorizing Debtor, 0; if,this'is a :Terrnin'!tion authorized by a Debtor, check here and enter name of DEBTOR 'authorizing this Âmendment: 9a.ORGANIZATION'S NAME. '..' ',...: .' ZIONS FIR,ST NATIONAL BANK; \ "'. OR FILING OFFICE COpy - NATIONALI,)CC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMI;NT (FORr,,1 UCC3) . (REV. OS/22/0'2) , . . - h Prepared bv UCC Direct Services. P.O. Box 29071 Glendale, CA 91209·9071 rei (600).331-3262 ... OOO.;1S~ 0921~)~il UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 11. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # (same ¡IS ilem 1a on Amermentform) 920778 07/31/06 CC WY Lincoln 12. NAME of PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (same as Item 9 on Amendment form) 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAMEt I ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK " ~.'" OR 12b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX . '-", -,' ... 13. Use this space for additional Information THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY _ Description: LOTS 23 AND 24 OF THE TAYiJ,Qß:.,TtiIRD SI RQJ,S!~1rLQN. LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF- '-II r\'\~k~ Ti\ ,J ;:~: "I{i, ~; '.,:" iß _)":':'.f'. ",c ..... ,r::: .. FILING OFFICE COpy - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC3Ad) (REV. OS/22/02) Prepared by UCc-Direcl Services, Inc. P,O. Box 29071 Glendale, CA 91209-9071 Tel (800) 331-3282