HomeMy WebLinkAbout922041 It File No.: 6010614896 000552 WARRANTY DEED Ivan S. Johns and Jean R. Johns, Husband and Wife, grantor(s) of Osmond, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doe es) Convey and Warrant To Kerry Chadwick and Suzy Chadwick, Husband and Wife, grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 37, Grover, v(y 83122 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of Section 24, T31N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on attached Exhibit B prepared by Harper-Leavitt Engineering, Inc. dated May 23,2006, entitled "Pond Area- Ivan Johns Tract". TOGETHER WITH the rights of ingress and egress and utilities provided on Attached Exhibit C. . Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. cE; my/our lumd(s) van . Johns ~/ Je ~Johns RECEIVED 9/1/2006 at 3:12 PM RECEIVING # 922041 BOOK: 632 PAGE: 552 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY - ----- ~-- ~---- - - State of Wyoming ) ) ss. County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of August, 2006, by Ivan S. Johns and JeanR. Johns. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: h1 (6' I ó1 {j f¡~ ~--...-:-:.. -:. ~-:"'~';;"~';;:b" I DeVonna FraSi€. Ju¡~~;P:bÍi~'·j county of Lincoln State of « . . VVyonmng '? My ~ommjsslon E)(~r6S July 1,2007 ~L- ~~AA'oÅ Notary Public < I Vi ! ¡ I i €Ð Strc:amI.inc Deed - WMTanty WY C Rev. 813012006 ~nlli~I~~3~ ¡!¡:;:;ì::~~m::::~::i E¡:n!~::~:·:·::;>:~! ;; l~l:¡¡¡fì1f~~~;:it:!:J;~,t~! ~: ~¡;~~~¡~~~~~~~~¡[;~' U~220t11. 000553 '~,:I~, .~~.. , ~ L:;:~ ~u''''':'~ HARPER - LEAVL11 ENGINEERING, INC. EXHIBIT B CML Is 5T.RUat11UL ENCINEERING. MAmu..u.s TESTING" l.Æ'JD SURVEYING .aDO W ]tdicial St. · P.O. Box 866 BI4c1rføot,ldako 43221 (208) 785-2977 Fax (208) 785-2990 1U1llW.hIeinc.aJm 985 N. ûpi141 Avf. · P.O. Box 50691 Idaho F 41Is, ldahD 83405 (208) 52-M212 FIlX (208) 524-0229 wwUl.hl,inc.œ71l Kerry Chadwick Job No. 20643.1434 5/23/2006 KHL Pond Area -Ivan Johns Tract : I ....~ ~ " ~ .~ , Part of the SW 1/4 of the t#V 1/4ahd thift\lW1/4'óftheSW 1/4 of Section 24, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, p)ý;.;tiÎicblh tÖÚnty, VIlyoming described as: BeginninQ at the West 1/4 comer of said Section 24, said poin1 being the POINT OF BEGINNING Bnd running thence NOO"06'19"E 989.99 feet along the section line; thence N8go40'43"E 507.96 fêet; thence SOO·11'2S"E 1565.18 fêet; thence SeS"02'12PE 60.00 feet to the NW comer of the Bill Johns Tract as shown on Ivan S. Johns and Jean R. Johns Plat recorded 5/412005 and Indexed as map 381-8 in LIncoln Count~ thence SOO·S9'19'W 45.77 feet along the wèst line of said Tract ; thence- S2S"15'25"E246.25 feet along the west line of said Tract; thence S04"03'58"E 35.78 feet along saId wast tine to the &.tV comer ot !aid Tract; thence N71.49'44'W718.93 feet along the north line of the Lori JOhns Tract ,as shown on said survey map, to the NW comer of said Tract, being on the·west line Df said Section 24; thence NOO.06'43"E 653.31 feet along the section line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel contains 21.01 Beres. IJ' , ~,J¡ 1r.J''-)o, '¡'Ì,', "'~ ~ .....~~'("'...J~..L p,,,,..,,..,, ll~nrl ~"",nyc'" Paul N, ~",b" Wyn.I\t!1"'r~1Jon .10, 18<1 UIIÛI ~~Qi:tI~I"n No. 167Q Itf:lho Flttgl.Ir:\1IoII NO. 3990 tI~"~ ~IM"'lio!IlIb.!ftOS ~lIa.~'" WyG. A!O.I1IUIJII ~ NUl! ~n. R"9l"rollDn No. J Q2I UIM Flttgl.trollo. No. 37211\ 'F/LOWE .t. SCH!RB!L Wyo. Ai<J1I1T~II.n NIl, ~3/!n SIIMVnr ~~.I. lTD. ..no.. W~mlnl Blø l'tIIov, wvomlno J./i(1nn, Wy""'lna 1..,,,,, HcISprlnp>, Id:I~' Mon".'I4t. I~.."ø 000554 EXHllIT C DESCRIPTION FOR IV AN S. JOHNS AND JEAN R. .JOHNS SIXTY (60) FOOT ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT To-wit: -- A strip of land sixty (60) feßt in width, within the W~SW1A of Section 24. T31N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with the southerly and wc:o:stcrly lines described.as follows: BEGINNING at point on the westerly right-of-way line of Lancaster Lane County Road No. 12-147, N02°-12'-15"E, 17]3.97 feet from the northeast comer of said W~SW1h; thence coursing the northeasterly boundary of that tract of record in .said Office in Book 370 of Photostatic Records on page 640 as foHows: N88°-47'-3T'W, 128.71 feet, to a point; N25°-03'-03"W,45.30'fcct, to a point; N21°-22'-09"W, 164.12 feet. to A point; N53C-50'-02"W, 75.94 feet, to A point; N700-44'-31"W, 105.14 feet, to a point; N52C-57'-45"W, 86.00 fèet, to a point; N42°-29'-48"W, 262.66 feet, to a point And leave said boundary line; thence N04c-03 '-5B"W, 329.94 feet, to a point; thence N25°·15 '-25"W. 249.01 feet, to a point; thence NOoo-59'-19"E, 59.73 feet, to a point at a fence comer identical with A southwest point of the Johns Remairider Tract; the northerly and easterly Tight-of-way tines of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as nec·essary to create a continuous easement with 2l minimum width of sixty (60) feet to meet the westerly right-of-way line of said Lancaster Lane County Road No. 12-147 and the southerly line of the Johns Remainder Tract as depicted on thatpJat referenced belqw; each "comer'" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Offioe of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a., 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYORSCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Linco1n County titled, a 'IV AN S. JOHNS AND JEAN R. JOHNS PLAT OF F AMIL Y EXEMPT TRACTS WITHIN THE WY2NWY. W~SWy" SECTION 24 T31N R119W, LINCOLN CO , WYOMING", d 2 March 2005, as revised. J description termInates liability of the surveyor"