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File No.: 6010615739
Deon F. Heiner Jtnd Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees of the Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family
Revocable Trust dated May 16,1997,
grantor(s) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and
Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warran~ To
Kevin H.
,the following
See attached Exhibit "A"
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my/our hand(s) this SCJ day of
1 \
Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustee
State of Wyoming )
County of Lincoln) /J ir/.+. ()
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 'ØJJ . d:;-of Lf ¡ Á.JÎtUM
by Deon F.JIeiner and Cheryl V.Heiner.. --¡¡--
,2rf) b,
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
County 01. State Of
UncoIn Wyoming,
, Mv Commission ExpIreaJúlt27,2D10
RECEIVED 9/1/2006 at 3:18 PM
RECEIVING # 922052
BOOK: 632 PAGE: 571
€æ SImunLinc: Deed - WMT3ßI)' WY ~ Rev, 6/812006
~" ......
Description: Willow Creek Ranch - Lot 6
A portion of the property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 493PR, on Page 384, with the
Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, within the NE1/4 of Section 18, T33N, R118W I of the 6tt... P.M.
Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Metes and Bounds being more particularfy described as foHows:
BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point in the South line of said NE1/4,
said Point of Beginning being 552.49 feet S8B"41'43"E,along said South line, from the BLM. Type
Monumentmarking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1998 location for the Southwest Comer of said
NE1/4; thence NODE 1,900.28 feet to a point in the approximate Center Line ofWiUow Creek; thence
Easterly, along said Center Line, the following: S71 °S5'46"E 47.42 feet, S12°40'S2"E 79.16 feet, -
S53D03'5¡:J·E29.69 feet, N52"12'48"E 69.17 feet. N3"06'23'W 94.40 feet. N36"36'3801E 62.48 feet,
Sei"31'12"i= 90~82 feet, S51"11'39"E 273.89 feet, S77"14'31"E 118.66 feet, S88°15'58"E 91.54 feet,
S75"42'5S·E 129.13 feet and S42"11'51·'E48.08 feet; thence SO·W 1.693.49 feet to an Aluminum
Ca'p on an Iron Pipe marking a point In the South line of said NE1f4; thence N8S"41'43'W, along said
South line, 835.24 feet, to the Point of Be9innlng~conta¡ning 35.000 Acres of land. .
To~qr{A~:'vY1TH: The 60 f~et·wi~e. Ease91ent, ,as referred to in the Easement recorded in Book
493Pß~ 9;r;',~age 386, with said Office.. :':;:,....' .:.
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TOGEfH~R WITH and SUBJECT TO: the ,3'0 'f~et ~i.de,~ight-ôf-Way Easement, as refer(~d to in ihe
. Affidavit Certificate of Owner. recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 738, with said Office,
TOGEl,'HER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Access Road and Utility..Rigb.t-
of-Way Easement, being 15 feet Southerfy and 45 feet Northerly of the following described line:
BEGINNING at à Point in the West lineaf the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 7, said Point of Beginning
being 738.29 feet NO"42'47"E, along said West line from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the
UoydJ3,.¡Ì~.ªke.r PElLS 698, 1998 location for the Southwest Corner of said SW1/4SE1/4; thence
N82"34'Ö'~~'297.57 feet: thence S89D06'20ME 98.76 feet; thence S78D09'4S"E 122.63 feet; thence
S74°09'29"È157.44 feet; thence S66D33'22"É 911.56 feet; thence S50"12'50"E 248.47 feet; thence
S57DQ4111"e 198.96 feet; thence SS7°33'1Ø"f;,.37;·.24..f~et. .
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TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 40 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, along a partion of the
East line ofJhe above described Lot, the Center Line being more particularly described as tollows:
BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point in the North line ofthå
NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 18, said Point of Beginning being 238.10 feet SB9"44'44"E, along said North
line, from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PElLS 698, 199B location for1he
Northw~sl Comer of said NE1/4NE1/4; thence SooOO'OO"E 1,151.06 feet; thence N8go37'01'W
194;74·fe~1:~p..·.~ point in the East line of the above described Lot.
" .'
TOGETME~ WITH and SUBJECT TO: An BO.feet wide access Easement, along Willow Creek,
through Wilfòw Creek Ranch. " "
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: AIl Easements, Exœptions, R£seNations, Restrictions.
Rights-~f-W.3ý' and Improvements of sight and or record. .
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