HomeMy WebLinkAbout922070 ~¡~;¡~;~~m;I~¡[;: 000589 COTIRT OFFlCER~BDEED WHER~AS, 1he Third Judicial District Court of Lincoln County, Wyoming, has .heretofore.and on the 15th day of June, 2006, duly entered.an Order .anthori7Ïn E.and directing KAl~HAMILTON, liS j)ersona1 :Representative of the Estate of STEPHEN GARY HAMILTON, deceased, 10 -execute .and .deliver 11 deed liS 10 certain Ieal -estate, liS l1ercinafter described, llpon the perfoTTmmce of certain conditions by Gr:antee;.and; WHEREAS,.all conditions precedent.set forth.and Ieferred 10 in .said Order of Court have TIOW been fully complied with by Gnm:tee; NOW, KATHIE HAMILTON, liS j)ersonal :Representative of 1he Estate of STEPHEN GARY HAMILTON, Deceased, Gr:antor, for lilld.in consider}]1i on of the.sum ofT:enDollars.and other v.aluable considenrtion in lIand paid, the Ieccipt whereof being .hereby .acknowledged, does, by these presents, gnmt, bargain, sell,.and convey unto: 1he Trust for JessiŒ C. : R}]milton, Teresa T.alley liS T11.LStee;.an lllldivjded one-llalf interest in the following describedIe.al estate1o-wil: A 1Iact of hmd lying in the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 6, T32 N, Rl19 W of the t)ili PM, Wyomin £ IDore pmticnlarly described liS follows: ::Be~nninE1lÍ11point110930feetWest of Northeast Comer of .said Section -6.and proceeding thence West 21530 feet, 1hence S. OD 14 E., 807.00 feet, 1hence S. OD31' E, 464.80 feet, 1hence N. 67D44 E, 224.77 feet, 1hence North 11 86.60 feet 10 the point ofbe~nnin£. ,c _/' ,_/ .! Subject 10 Iestrictions .and I-eservmÏons contRined in 1be U.S. p~tf"nts .and 10 -e.as~m~nts .and rights of WllY of Iecord or .ill :use. I I i I I ' I i ~ JNWITNESS VVBEREOF, the Gnmtor has :executed 1his Deed 1his day of J/Ùçkb f ,2006. RECEIVED BI112DD6 .at4:16 PM RECElVJNG:# 922D7D BOOK: ß32 PAGE: 589 .JEANNE WAGNER l..JNCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER. WY tic$¿ P0Y1~ KAï~HAMILTON j):ersonal :Representative - -_----0-..,_ ._ -- _.~--_._._-,-- -- -.--.-- -~..._- .Deed J'.age 1 of2 D~;¿20~Ø 000590 STATE OF .sOUTH CAROLINA ) ¡Ç)_ _ _ . ) BS. COUNTY OF ~ ) I On :thìs ), f - J.Jay of l'¥«,2 )\0/,2006, before me persoruilly llppearerl KATIllEHAMILTON 10 pcrBonally known, who being by me liuly BWorn, rl.id.say 1hat the foregoing .in.strmnent was signed 1hi.s dare.and llCknow1edged .said.in.strmnent i.s the free .act.and deed of .said P:ersonal JœpreBeD1ative. ~v.en 1II1rler my .fumd .and notmiaI.seal1hi.s i ''1M! ,2006. ( // rJ I day of My CommÜ;slonE~pir-eB: ) / J 7 ( 12- / I :Deed 1'~2 .of2 ¡1¡~;m!!;~1¡;m~~~~ij