HomeMy WebLinkAbout922231 ·...,.."'-,..,..., .... . ,. ""~ L.·"......~ ""," ., 000068 WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT THE 1JNDERSIGNED LIEN CLAIMANT, pursuant 10 Title 29, chapters 1 .and 2 of the Wyoming Statutes, is :filing this Wyomin.g Lien Statement at the Office of the County Clerk for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as a claim .and lien on property .and for matters described .and referred 10 .herein as follows: (1) The lien Claimant seeking 10 fDÍorce this lien is Triple A Builders, liC, P.O. Box 5035, Eína, Wyoming 83118. (2) The amount of the claim for this lien that is due .and owning 10 the Lien Claimant is Twenty Thousand Seven Hundred Twelve Dollars ($20,712.00) plus .any .accrued interest. (3) The names.and address of the persons a£aln~ whose property this lien is .filed are Paul Stark and Donna J. Stark, POBox3018, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, as owners of the property located at 716 Trail Ridge Drive, Alpine, Wyoming legally described as L014 of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. (4) The itemized list of materials .and work performed is attached hereto as Exhibit A. (5) Thename of the persons.against whom the lien claim is made is See No.3 above. (6) The last rlatelien c1a1m::mtperformed labor was on or about June 12,2006. (7) The legal description of the premises where the work was performed is as .shown in the .attached Warr.anty Deed marked as Exhibit B. (8) The contract under which the work was performed is attached as Exhibit C. DATED this 6th day of September, 2006. RECEIVED 91712006 at 9:32 AM RECEIVING:# 922231 BOOK: 633 PAGE: 68 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY .BY: TRIPLE A JUrrLDERS, LLC .BY: LUTHI & VOYLES,LLC, attorneys for Triple A Builders, LLC -.. --_._~ BY: ¡lJ- .- Jf M.KE VOYLES ~:::i*:*~*¡:!:~: ~~:~;~:!:~:.:;~ ~:: ~~!¡~~~if~!îm~¡~~ ~~i~~~~m~m;J1~m~ ~'-~"'."',-" -__-.., .'..____...._.~_.~_~_. ._,.~_" . ·...ft···_·_,_,..,......~.~· ,-....,..---..... . -,..................--...".,-.-,."~_.~.,.., --'.....- .-.,- . 1'»·("·)·-)'·......·...: .,~ ~....¡r ,>..., "'. 1"41 ~ V ~ i 000069 STATE OF WYOMING I COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SSe ) 1, M. KEVIN VOYLES, acting as attorney for.and on beha1f of Triple A Builders,liC, being first duly Bwom .according 10 law, depose and state: that I am the affiant in the above -entitled .action; that I have read the above Wyoming Lien Statement by me subscribed; that 1 lmowthe contents thereof;.and that I verily believe the statements therein contained are true. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN 10 before me by M.~vin Voyles this 6th day of September, 2006. ~~~ CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 {1lÙ0b-¡((]aW NOTARY PUBLIC My Commi~~ion expires: ~ - 3lY0£1 " ,- I ,'- . Ir tfllll.'~-.JiJ·.¡ ····,1 U9~1'~¡¡"''''''f~ OOOOt'ìO .(0 1:) :0 ~ ~ N ""'- LO EXHIBIT A III 0 0 t") 0 0 10 .G) co 10 I'- 3:J) as .... 1/) .G) (,) >- ( ) 0 ....J ~ ....J m .0 t") tD N IJ) ~ :0 ell) N tD (0 In J/) "... 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Iff:·:::·-'·-' .... ;¿.- i··"~ :, ~~..}i. .' _ 'l 1, ¡U ..J ~ 11J.W# '-4"'" , ,~j~~~~tä .. Recorded.at :the request of, lIDd..afrer r~arding retmn to: RECEIVf;D LINCOLN COUNTY CURK Ol¡ SfP 23 PH 3: II jEÞ.NNE WAGNER ·VFMMfRER. \ft'(Q.MING .MerrillL. Wcipt ..shadow D.ancer Estates 699 ClOVCTCT~tDrive Mumiy, UT Ml23 9D3D15 ß. ~ ~;_9ß~&h'.' .': 01J..8 .(' J .spECIAL WARRANTY DEED .ff THIS BPECIAL WARRANTY DEED is made effective the.,2L .day of 5éhEJII~~/l. 2004 hyBHAbOW DANCERESTATES,li Wyoming coIpoTlitÍon w.hose.address is dD 699 Clbvcn:rest Drive, Murray, U1lÙJ Mill, the "'GRANTOR.," m Javor ofJ>AI1L BTARKAND DONNA~. BTARK, husband lIDd wife, wbose.address is 11 o East Bpcar1ishLane, Jupiter,FL33477,:the .'GRANTEE." 35 Far .mu1 in r.n"oirl"""tinn of:the B1IJIl ofTEN AND NOll 00 DOLLARs ($10.00) .mu1 other good.and v.aluablc .cn""ic!tT"tion in i1and paid, the rt:ccipt whereof is .hereby .acknow.Jcdged, Grantor .do~ l1creby grant, .bargain, .convey lIDd w.amwt unto GrJiIltce, .against.aU daimi11g by, through Dr .under Gnmtorn,4Ù1 tlliIt .certain ÍTJlCt, 'lot, piece, lIDd ]>JITccl of land (the ·'Property") situated in the County of Lincoln, State of WYoming, lIDd .described.as follows: .Lot4 £If Bhadow D.anœr Estates .subdivision, .Lincoln County, Wyoming.as llcscribcd on :the Df:ficiJù plat tht:rcoí TOGETHER WITH .any lIDd.all.im.PTo~, t:aSf:IDents (in.cluding ea"f"TT1"'I1ts :set.farth in:the Bubdivision plat.mid.a.c.ccss ea""""'...,ts .across the Tr.aiJ .Ridge Bubdivision .thaí is .adja.ccnt to the Property), t=........."15, .hereditaments .and .appW1:=l"""e.s thereunto belODßÙ1g Dr in .anywise .appertaining, lIDdllIlY reversion, reminder, rents, .issue, .and profits :thereof; BllBJEcr TO:· (1) reserv.ati.ons, r"CStrictions, m.atteŒ, rights Df WliY lIDd ea"..m..nts Df rr.conl, Df.sight Dr vision Dr .muse; (2) without limiting the gcnenility of:the foregoing. :the tcnns .and .conditions Df: (.a).a.&Ie lIDd Development Agreemt:nt hetween Gnmtor .and Bpurlo.ck J>mpcrties, LLC, (b) matters (including, without .limitation, plat w.am.ings lIDd """~f"TT1"'I1ts) set .farth .m :the Bubdivision plat lIDd (c) restrictive cov1IDaI1t.s rcconled .against the Subdivision; lIDd (3) :the £llJT-cnt year's real propf:l1y 1B.Xcs .and AJ:~p.c:an'P.f\t,s;.JUld ' 1.;-· \ , RF.T EA SING AND WAIVING.Jill rights .1II1£kr .and by virtue Df:the .homes1cad :excmptìonlaw.s of:the.state DfWyoming. ,;~,,¡,,::< 0000 6 EXHIBIT.B . . ":;~; ~;: ~~~~~ ;1~¡'N !~;f;~llifi,~~r(¿~} :;;j:::'kir.:m:~~:;:: !:::::::m:ir:~:;;t:::~ ~~,', ,..-...-....,.,., .. - ..-.'.-.._-~'--', --." .,.. , , ; -..I, '." .J." .ft'..Þ." "G i)JJI.,¡ff.ttlf..tù.L 0903075 ·''¡'i L C Dl19 JT WITNESS its.hand .effective the:<l ilily Df ffl'ffl'/ðG.( 2004. EHADOW -DANCER ESTATES ~¿ø~ President ..By: BTATE OF JlTtf¡f COUNTY OF fA-1T J.;t (~) ).ss. f/ The .foregoing .special WLlrrLlnty.Dud w.as .acknowledged before me this .:l / ilily Df.J£flEKA£L 2004 by.Marill Wcight,.as tbe president of,.and on behalf of, . Ehadow -Dancer Estates,.A Wyaming ~OIJ>or.ation. WITNESS my.hand.and official .seal. My Cœnmission.Expir-es: 7 -~- c::2c~d¥ ]UffiD\6625.œ I $pedQI WDmmryDeed ûmsisûq of1\vo (2) Page 2 . t::š~ bllit'··) <;:j '~;:;d fJ)?~Jmf;~ff~~1{I~~ 000077 ~. ( c· .' --'-~....~ , . .., ' ,....-.,,'.'" ~ -, , , I , I , I ! i ' n9~;¿231. 0000','8 Triple A B1111iiers I.LC New Home Contract EXIllBIT C 1. Contr.act P2rtie5 Now comes SvenJohnson, Manager, ofTrip1e A Builders TIC (hereto referred to as Contractor) æ1d, Paul and Donna Stark (hereto referred to as Client), .hereby ..agree to build.a house on property Joeated.at Shadow Dancer :Estates and legally described.as Shadow DBDCer Estates. Lot 4 , Lincoln County,Wyom1nE· .n. Contract Documents The íenns of this contract :include.all the docnrnent!õ: .spec1f1~aUy listed beJow, .and constitute the entire 1erms of the .agreement between the parries. The íenns of this contract.shall prevail over .any conflicting provisions in the docnm~nt!õ: incorporated by :reference. 1. Architectural Plans.and Drawings., Buddmrst Lodge, Sater Group, dated Sq>tember 9.2004 with mnnber of pages proWied by P.aul.and Dònna Stark.and modified by She1ter Architecture is .hereby IDcOIpOrated roto 1bis docnm~nt. 2. Spe..c1f1c-~t1on!õ: dated ] 0-9-04 with 2 :number ofpBges.is hereby incorporated into this docnm~nt 3. Schedule of Allowance Items dated ] 0-9-04 with 9 :number of pages..is hereby.incorporated .into this do~nment. 4. dated with :number of pages .is hereby incorporated rota this document. m Building J»Jans ContrBctor.agrees to construct the home in :accordance wnh the plans. inclm1i11.£ 5peCiiication!õ:.and drawings; supplied by1he buyer .and.incorporated by:reference mo ~IL Contract DoCJl1'1J£nts. The Cn'r1trnctor 1lSSU1De.S DO :respom:1b11i1y or liab11i1y for defects in the ð~~ign of engineering in 1hese plans. The Client represents to the Contractor 1hat the client.is "the IDle owner for "the plans or .has the Jegalright10 use the plans. The Client.agreesto 1nd~mnTfÿ and.hold the Contractor l1ann1ess for BIlY copyright action which may De.asserted.as .a:resuh of the use of the plans. The Client wmrants 1hat the plansæ-eJ1dequate and 1hat the Contractor can rely on them. The Client will De liable for BIlY damages (:311-'1 by defects .in the pJans, lnc1ndinf;, but 1 Tn it1 a l!õ: ~). ¡¡¡'~II" ·lIiß ti :~:!k:i'tlt':;:::::: C:t~df~1lliID~!:!J¡i ¥ ~~m;¡;:::8*m~,~ :~:;:~: :':~~:~;~¡t:~~k~ 1m]il~~~ - ..." "--." ...,--,~~.....,.~ ~,----._~...~.-~' ,'....- -,.... ".. ,;iÌ.j¡"J.""þ,rjo '.""ð l..hJ~ ¡(... ,,¡;., '._'Ll, 000079 Dot limited to, additional-ml'ttffls1 costs, aðditiona11abor Co.sts, pro:nú:a overhf"J'ln Jmd -Profit. I . IV.. Completion Time ~ all co.nðition~ are .satisfied.and weather permits. the work to be perfo:rmeð lmder this contract.shall be substantia lly completed no .1ater than 220 days .after -the work commences. The work shall commence within 10 days .after the permits Decessmyto start work have been issued, the Client.has supplied the Contractor with written notice öf 1irumcing as described .in paragraph V_ Financing, Jmd the Client .shall have :supplied the Contractor with the correct .statP.1T\~nt of the recorded legal íitle o.f 1he pro.perty.and the Client's.interest.in the j1I"operty. Any time lost bYIeaSOn of changes to. the contract or changes.in plans by the Client, other .actors of the r.lient, strIK·es, weather condition~ DOt reasonably mIt.icipated, or .any other condition Do.t within the Contmctors control shall be Bdded to the .8J>P.Cified time for completion. For BIlY delays, which.are not the Contractors responsibility, the contract pñce .shall.incre.ase by any IDcreJise in the Contractors costs C1Il1~.d by the delay, but.inDO event to -exceed 3% of the contract price without written consent o.f the client. A claim for BIl.increase m time:for the performance o.fthe ~ Dr BIlIDcrease .in the co.ntract cost .sball be made within 7 days.afterthe Contractor.first:recognizes "the condition giving rise to. the claim. v. Contntd Price The Client Bgree:S to pay .a total o.f$ 323398 dollars to. Triple A Builders LLC for construction of the .house, Jmd the Contractor Bgree:S to provide all labor, materials, equipment,too.ls, .and o.ther .services nec~~ny 10 construct the .house. Upon the signing o.fíhis ~ 1he buyer Jtgrees 10 pay $ 16.000 do.llars, .appIOyimately 5 % o.ftotal contract price. to the Contrnctor.as.a~. The Client Bgree:S to.make the::final payment within 7 Days o.f the Clienf's final inspection.and .acceptance of the property. The Client is DOtentitle,d to possession until !after ::fina1 payment. I , Disbur~m~nt o.fthe contract funds will be made Dna monthly basis upon presentation o.f work completed, .as per"* cost breakdown. eo:irt:mct statements will be presented to the Client ODor abouttbe30tb of each month. Additional billing statements may .be presented.at o.ther times during the month for -matfflß 1~ or .subcontractor payments BDd will be subject 10 .all the pIOvisions o.f regular monthly statements .as set forth.in this contract. Contract budget.items.as.inco1]>OD!1ed by reference.into paragraph II ConJrJlCt Documents may be redistributed.as appro.priate throughout the budget with the written approval of .any o.f the buyers.and 1hat ~igrtl'ttvre will be binding upon.all of the Clients 2 1nitials ~) '~ fr· . ...~./ J'" .-'," r' , ,/ .¿.. ... / -----.---- _m..___ ....,_._____._.. _., . ,,---.-.,.,' '"' .,.- .'.---.--.,.,..¥.,.....,.. ,~ ." ;.. , . ~., ,.,... '1J.:..JI~¡(.;,,~;"i.J1L 000080 The Client will make payment to the Contractor within 7 days of Liate of .st~tP.1Tlent for nnpalð costs æ1d expenses as .stated in the most Iecent Ïtemi7.ed st~teTT\P.11ÍS. At the option of the Client æ1d With or without DOtice, the Client may have the .construction IDs¡Jected by.K. J. Morris of She1ter Design or .any other person so .desigru1teð by the Client .hereinafter referred to liS ""inspector"". Client.shall not be obligated 10 .make any payment pursuant to lUly payment scheihde under this contract 1II1less the lnspector .has approved the .contractor's work. Approval.sha11 be definf".n .as the work having been performed within reasonable standards of the industry. VI. AIlowJlDce Items Dpon.sÏßnÏng this co.ntract,the Client.shallbe given the .selection guide that is 1ncorporated by:reference into paragraph. n. Contr£lCt Documents to 1Jelp the Client.select .allowance items, :materials, .and colors íhat will be ~uired ðnring the construction process. .Exterior .selections must be made within 60 days of.signing íhis .contract. Jnterior .selections must be:made within 120 days of sizninz this contract. I , I vn..Late PJlyments Payments DOt made within 7 days of ~at1n1\ of stHt~nt .shall.incur rlaily.interest.at the:rnte of .05%, iliñly,llom the day the payment is due. If the Client.fuils to pay the Contractor within 7 days of the Liate the payment is due, 1hrOughDO jåu]t of the Contractor, Triple A Builders LLC may .stop work æ1d.keep the job IDle until such time liS payments 1hat Bre due.are paid. If the Co.ntractar cl100ses DOt 10 .stop work after a payment delay, 1his is DOt 10 be .construed liS a waiver of.its rights 10 .stop work if future payments me delayed. If the Client anISeS.any delay in the payment oflUlymoney or IDstallment owed 10 the Contractor,1:ben Client.shall be liable to the Contractor for lUly direct rlamßßes Contractor .suffers.as a result of íhat delay. Any delay In payment will operate liS lUl extension of the completion Liate. If.any payment is rlelayed by Client for more than ten (10) C'.ß lenrlHT days, Co.ntractormay, at1ñs option. deem that de1ay to be prevention by Client of performßn~e of the .contTHct by ~ provided,.however, that Contractor has 'Safimf".dall cnnrlitin1lS precedent pursuant 10 ~ctor. Whether the dispute is in ~good faith' .and whether either party is -entitled to rlßTnaßes.shall be determined by .arbitration liS .incorporated by reference into paragrnphXV_ Disputes. VIll. Permits 2Dd Burvey.s .Tbe Client.s1uill obtain m1d iilm1s" all DeJ"P.ssary surveys describing the physical . characteristics of the property, the location of all utilities, .and the location of all ¡ -easements to the bl1i1rlinz íhat me .neœssmy10 .allowthe Contracto.rlo .complete the project. If 1¡rlðitinnß 1 e.asemf'!nt!; me.necessaÍy to .complete the work, the buyer .shall obtain those t:aSfflTIents promptly. 3 lnitials ~~ ) ~ ¥ ,:::*::::::i~~%:;: ".I I ·I·"I!.ir.¡·¡·¡, \.I"!.;t..!.!;.!;.Y~..I-J"¡ f~~:t~i:~:i:I;:¡ii~¡ f~¡,.:.t:!o-:b:·!I! :' '~!~i;;~~m~t1~mm~ï~j . ..-.. --- ----- --". ~.. ~J'. 1,· po· Þ ~ ,:1. '). ~¡(....(z....~ . 000081. A soil report has been provided by Ne1sonEngineering 1U1Lhhe Contrnctor has inéH~Rte.d 1ha.t such r-eport is adequate for construction. The Contractor.sba1l obtain bn1ldin£ pt'T'T1it~> 1icenses, bl1i]din£.inspections.and lIl'Prov.a1s ~~~~ . Jf 11 covenant or .architectural review cnmmitt~ requires the BppToval of plans.and .specifications, the buyer .shall be responsible :for obt;:¡ini~ these Bpprovals and paying:for .any fees connected with them. .IX. Change Orden¡ The Client may order changes in the work: within the terms of this contract, but only by prior written order and Bgreement with the Contractor1ha.t.states the changes 10 the contract, the amount of .any .additional cost, and the aðrlitional number of days 10 be Bdded 10 the contract completion date. Any of the buyers .niay mgn the change order .and that sigJ1At11re will be binding upon Jill : of the Clients. [The Clients hereby Bgree 10 .nuùœ Jill requests:for change orders 10 the Contractor,.and DOt 110 .issue .instructions 10, or otherwise ::negotiate:for aðrlitiorull or changed work !.specifications with the Contractors employees or .subcontractors. I I [ .x. Insunlnce 2Dd Risk Management Contractor .agrees lom~1nt;:¡in 11 policy ofli;:¡h11ity .:insumnce:at.his -expense. Owner .agrees 10 cany 11.standard course of construction policy 10 the :full insurable va1ue of the .house. This policy shall be written on.an appropriate "Jill risk" form inc11]di~ but DOt limited 10 g1ass breakage, theft, fue .and v;:¡nd;:¡li!m1, This insurance must cover .all bnildi~ -m!'lt~;:¡I~ and appliances, w.hether installed or DOL The Contrnctor.sba1l be included.as .an additional insured .and -fi1tT1i~hf"-d a copy of this policy. The Owner .shall be responsible for payment of the policy and.any derluctible. Contractor .also .agrees 10 be responsible .for per.sonal injwy or property d;:¡m~e liS Contrnctor. Contrnctor shall :at Jill rimes Trulint;:¡in, and shall require.any .subcontractor 10 -m;:¡int;:¡in, worker's .compensation inS.lJTanL"..e .as required by Jaw. Contractor.sball indemnTfy .and .boJd Owner h;:¡nnless ::fi'om.any .and.all ~uries 10 workers, subcontractors, .suppliers and others who come 10 the work .site or otherwise work: on the project :at the request or invitation of Contractor, or who are otherwise under the supervision or control of Contractor. 4 1niti!'ll~ (~) \ ~ , J / \j' ¡U. :>. .~. ~ .I> <, ·"'P ¡ . oJ ,..... t<dt .1.t \.À A. 000082 XI. Acceu to the Property The Client .sha11.have.access 10 the property BDd the right to ñ1spect the work in the presence of the Contractors employees or representatives. If the Client enters the :property rlming the course of construction without the ~on of the Contractors o~tin£; -num3ger or !:Inthor17.ed represent3tive.he does.so m his own .risk, .and the Client hereby releases the Contractor.and does hereby 110Id the Contractor :barm1essftomany an all claims for injury or n3m3ge tohislherperson or property, .and to the person or property of .any person .accompanying1he Client. XIL Inspection, Acceptance, Fin2I P.yment JUld Possession At the :final inspection, the Client will give the Contractor 11 s\ßnerl.and dated list that identifies any.alleged deficiencies in the quality of the work or materials. The Contractor .shall correct.any items on the buyer~ s list that.are, in the good :faith jllrlgrn~nt of the Contractor, deficient in the quality of the worlumd/or:materials .according 10 the standards of construction in the Mea in which the house is buili. Triple A Buïlders.shall coITeCt those Liefects within 11 reasonable period of time. ! ¡ After the defects.have been couecterl.according 10 the .standards of construction In which the.house is built, the Client .sha1l5ÍgIla certificate of .acceptance acknowledging that the defects on the Client's list .have been corrected .according 10 the standards ofíhis contract. Wyoming law requires lill11o.me C(l11trnr.t.s 10 contain the following: NOTICE TO OWNER FAILURE OF THIS PRIME CONTRACTORORSUBCONTRACTORTOPAYTBOSE PERSONS.sUPPLYING MATERIALS OR.sER.VJCES TO COMPLETE THIS CONTRACT CAN .RESULT IN THE FILING OF.A MECHANIC'S LIEN ON THE PROPERTY WHICH 15 THE SUBJECT OFTBIS CONTRACT PURSUANT TO W.s..29-.2-101 TBROUGB29-.2-110 (W..s.29-.2- 101 THROUGB29-~111) WBEN PAYING FOR LABOR AND MATERlALSYOU.MAY .ASK :THIS PRIME CONTRACJ'OR OR SUBCONTRACTOR FOR "'.LIEN W..AIVERS" FROM.ALL ,PERSONS SUPPLYING .MATERIALS OR.sER.VICES FOR T.HE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS 'CONTRACT. FAILURE TO.sECURE LIEN WAIVERS MAYJŒSULT IN YOUR PAYING FOR :LABOR.AND MATERIALS TWICE I ~ sball not be 1iabIe fur JIll)' monies due, not IDcwred by him or fur JUly liens i attñh1)table to :reasons DOt connected with the construction. Contractor does ~ to pay !.all valid hills .attñbuted 10 .his construction.and b{111rlinr; of the :premises. Contractor , :further ~ 10 .keep the 11bove :prescribed premises :free :from BIlY liens .attributed to construction. .Provided, however~ that jf Contractor Da.s satisfied lill conditions preced~nt .required by Inspector for disbu¡:,.c;:ement of progress payments, then BllY failure of Owner 10 pay a bill which results.in 11 lien or claim, .shall notTeSUh In Jiabilityto the Contractor. :5 lnitials C?) ~~ ~. }:I¡~I~r: . ----'----,--,.-..----.. . .. .~",.._.,,_..~_..-, ,. ..~~~_. --,- "-'-'~ .----'~-,,' ,.1 ~ '(...I, "~~.. ~ >iI>' .' :1, lJJJI..¡¡(".."r.......~ . 000083 xm. W~ties All wmrnnties.are limit~ to the implied wammti~ of.habitah11ity .and worlorumlike construction.and.are limitf".4:J to 11 period of one year ::fÌ'om the date of occupancy. This limited wmnmty is the only express wammty provided by Triple A Builders ILC\ XIV. Disputes In the event that JlDY dispute regarding the terms, conèlition~ covenßnt~, .interpretJ:ltion or fDÍorcement of this document, or JlDY part thereof: shall be determined by :mediation, 1hrongh JAMS unless the parties .agree 10 .3DOther provider within 45 nays of termination by e.ither party íha.t lJnassisted resoJution can DOt be.l1ad. lnthe event that mediation:fails 10 resolve the matter, resolution.shall be detP.m11nffi by binding .arbitntion. Both parties, by execution of this agreement, Bgree 10 be bound by MY .arbitration award or decision made. Any.such .arbitration .may be initiat~ by either party to this document through the .America.nArb.itmtion Association .and .its rules then .in effect. Each party ñall bear its own attorney'.. fee. xv. The GovemingLaw and .Assignment This Contmct will be construed,.inœrpretet1, 1IDd 1Ipjilied .according to the Jaw oftbe State of Wyoming. î1ñs contract .shall DOt be BSSigned without the written consent of Bll ]JaT1ies. XVI. Contr.aet Cancellation Yo~ the Owner,:may GaDCel1bis T:ran!mction at .any time prior 10 ,-nidnißht of the 1hird bnsiness day.afterthe d.ate of the Transaction. XVII. EffediveDJlteand Signature This ¡;ontmct .shall become effective on the date it jg signf".d by both parties. of Trip1e A Builders ILC 7ô - ~ - ð~ Date /PHÞV Date /{)/~hf I 6 Tn1t1a 1~ C(s) it1~ ;/fr/ ..