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Effective 11/86 Board of Land Commissioners Return to:
ton. ~-2 Oil & Gas Lease Interest Assignme.t State Land & Farm Loan Office
(Revised 4-96) 122 West 25th Street
Filing Fee - $25.00 Non-Refimdable Hersehler Building, 3 West
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0600
'-AU a 0 200
Wyoming Oil & Gas Lease Serial Number 00-00429 Assignment Approv.!:~ Date
ASSIGNOR, with name and address at,
Baseline Minerals, Inc.
1645 Court Place, Suite 422
Denver, CO 80202
being the owner of 100 percent LEASEHOLD
(Type Interest: Leasehold/Operatin!i Rights/Overriding Royalty)
interest in this lease, described in particular if less than the total leasehold as:
Township 22 North, Range 119 West, 6"' p.M
Tract 56 (formerly AIl Section 16)
Lincoln Cotmty, Wyoming
640.00 acres, more or less
For good and valuable consideration, hereby assigns to: **********************************************************************
1) ASSIGNEE, with name and address, at:
Condor Exploration, LLC
7538 South Salida Cou~ .... "~'"~" ~'
Aurora, CO 80016 ~ ~ '~"~'?""~ '~' J?
1~0 percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in pa~icular above. '
2) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
3) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at:
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
4) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: ..
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
5) ASSIGNEE, with name and address at: "
percent interest in the total leasehold, or as described in particular above.
and reserving unto ASSIGNOR, 0.5000% Overriding Royalty Interest '
This assignment is subject to any existing overriding royalties previously reserved. Reservations of overriding interests must be approved by
the Director, and any such approval is subject to the condition that overriding royalties may be canCeled by the Board of Land Commissioners if
it finds that such overriding royalties create a burden on the lease which prevents or Unre;i:~onably interferes with its development.
ASSIGNOR certifies by signature on reverse, that AS§IGNOR is the owner of the interes'~, above herein transferred, and ASSIGNEE(S)
certify(les) by signing on the reverse that this assignment constitutes a binding acceptanc:ilof all the terms, conditions, stipulations, restrictions
and statutes governing the lease described above, and of the Rules of the Board, at Chapte;? 6, Leasing of Subsurface Resources.
This form may be duplicated. ..
If space is needed for additional assignors or assignees submit copies of this form only. ~
page 1 of. 2 of Lease # 00-00429 assignment dale:t November 27, 20..00
SIGNED AS TO TRANSFER AND ACCEPTANCE this 27th day of 14~vember 20 ' 00
A Baseline hfil/~e/~s, Inc Assignee (1)-Condor Exploration, LLC
Title- President ~'~ ~'' :":;
Title - Manager
Attest - Attest -
Assignee (2)-
Title -
Attest -
.: :, .::~?~ v~: .~2D.?:?!i[' . ]~/~]~/r34~/3~---'~, 2000, by 2 ~i'eph W. Thames, President of Baseline Minerals, Inc.
This inst[ume~:~al.¢}~j~dged before me this ,~Z'~ay of '
~h~y Publil ' ':' .. My Commission Expires: :~(' ? -0 g
Th its,instm nen'i: Was.a~pwleqged before this .~Q ~/df¢'' [}~[~i%t~.l~ff.~.f~(2OOO, b,:/NixonLange, Manager of Condor Exploration, LLC.
Assignment Requiremen~-s
Note: A~ss~gS~An~ents are~ot vali~d nnt~il appro_ ved~b¥ t ~e Dir_~ector, State Land ~nd Fann~Loan Office as per State Oil & Gas Lease Tetlni, and approval is so]?l¥ for admi~fistrative ptuposes and should imt be interpreted
~s wa xa lty that any_~y to this assignmen~ holds legal 9r emfitable interest in this lease. Assi~unents which do not meet the reqnh'~t4en s isted below and thoso in the Lease and Rules will be returned anapproved
t. This fornl Innst be completed and st b nitted for any assignment of State Oil & Gas Lease leasehold/merest, tmdivided or di'A~l;:d as to separate tracts, forinations, zones or deposits and for overriding royalty
2. Assigmnents of less thao a 100% leasehold ~terest, do not relieve the assignor of the obligations as a lessee under tbe tehr~:~ of the lease regarding the interest conveyed nnleas tlie State first has in band,
a w~ittm~ agreemeot to be bou,d as lessee for all obligations under the lease for the assigned portion from the assignee. Tl-i:~ requirement should not be construed in any way as a release or recision &the
oblignIions of any sorety bonding pmlies under Ibc reqnirements of the State Oil and Gas Lease, Board Rules or tiffs assigr, r eat. (All lessees are ultimately responsible for the performance nnder the lease,
nod default subjects the entire lease to forfeilnre notjost Ihe interest related to any performance obligation considered to ~:e in default.)
3. A signed m'igiaal and ooe copy of eaob assiglnnent mnst be filed with the Wyoming State Land m~d Farm Loan Offic6.
4. Eac ~ assignment if approved, is recognized by the State as effective as of Ihe date of approval by the Director. Adequate }mad hmst be furnished covering any and all productive zones prior to approval
of aoy assignment of interest in an operating State oil and gas lease, whether wellbores exist on the leased lands or not a,~d in no case.can drilling operations, including to prospectively prodnetive zones
nnder operating leases, begin witbont a bond first being in place. '
5. If there is more than ooe parly in interest to this assignment, tbeu all snch parties in interest mast sign the docnment before assigmnent approval will be given.
6. The appropriate legal description of the conveyed lands interest mast be given.
7. Assignments creating a separate (reissue) lease subject to the roles and regnlations governing all State of Wyoming Oil & ,3.as Lease do not change the terms and conditions of the or g nal lease the lease
mofiversmy date, oor the obligations and anniversary da~e of the lease created therefrom being considered as if it had beer, ~ ;shed on the effective date of the original lease. (See Board Rnles, Clmpter'6,
Section A.) '
8. Cot'po,'ations, limited liability co ~ panics and limited partnersldps Innst be ' '
, qoahfied w~th the Wyoming Secretary of States C!fice, and general partnership papers are required to be filed with the State Land
and From Loan Office prior to, and as a condition of Board app'oval of any assignment.
9. Assignments will not be considered for approval where assignor or any assignee currently has a delinquent (late) royalty c~ ental payment obligation(s) for an), State subsurface resonrce lease.