HomeMy WebLinkAbout922477 v " '''~'''',L','-''.<''· , .,,',.; 60627 (04) RECORDING REQUE$TED BY: Lender Name and Address REC~'VED 9/15/2006 at 10:53 AM RECEIVING # 922477 BOOK: 633 PAGE: 790 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000790 AND WHEN RECORDED IIAIL TO: PARTIAL RELEASE AND MORTGAGE MODIFICATION AGREEMENT Loan #106060814870000 THIS AGREEMENT made and executed this th day of August 2006, by and between Lany D. DUl1nagøn and Kara L. DunßJtvn. Husband and Wife, herein referred to as the "Mortgagors" and Citibank Federal Savings Bank its successors and assigns, herein refemxl to as the "Mortgagee"; WITNESSEm: That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. IDENTIFIÇATION OF MORTGAGE. This agreement refers to the Mortgage executed by the Mortgagors to CitiBank Federal Savings Bank securing a promissory note in the principal amount of $ 122,200.00 plus interest (the "Note"), dated, June 242006, and r;ecorded on July 7 2006, in Book 625 Page 771, in the Recorder's Office of Lincoln County. State of Wyoming. 2. CURRENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The real estate which is currently subject to the terms of the Mortgage is more particularly described as follows: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING, HEREBY WAIVING AND RELEASING ALL RIGHTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, TO-WIT: LOT 19 IN STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT ONE (1) AS PLATIED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. TAX ID #: 3519-241~1..()61..()() BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROM ROY L. DEITINGER AND ELLEN L. DETIINGER. HUSBAND AND WIFE AS SET FORTIlIN DEED BOOK 418. PAGE 676 AND RECORDED ON 10/111998, LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDS. THE SOURCE DEED AS STATED ABOVE IS THE LAST RECORD OF VESTING FILED FOR TIllS PROPERTY. THERE HAVE BEEN NO VESTING CHANGES SINCE THE DATE OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SOURCE. 3. PARTIAL RELEASE. The Mortgagee does hereby release and relieve &om the lien of the Mortgage the following described parcel of real estate: WT 19 i~j:t;·W~·:I:'.'.':; i'·f:·N :t:~·j'l':·:·;: ~:1;~~~·:·~·;,·:' ~~m~;~~~I~;~t ....--.....,.. , ., ,., ...'.-.~,.. '. û92~477 000791. Loan ##105082316641000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County in said State, hereby certify that Larry D. Dunna~an , whose name is signed to the foregoing Agreement. and who is known to me, or produced Driver t s License as identification, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the Agreement. he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. . G~ven under m hand and official seal this 13thœy of lNtfff¡¡JlPfJ?' September, 2006 KAREN 1. WYLIE· NOTARV PUBUO (',ounty of ê State .of üncoln ~ Wyoming ~"O~~~=~~~~~~0:~j~~ STATE OF WYOMING k-d'¡~ NOTARY PUBUC My Commission Expires: I D ( S- /2-00 i COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County in said State, hereby certify that Kara L. Dunnagan . whose name.is signed to the foregoing Agreement. and who is known to me, or produced Driver t sLicense as identification, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the Agreement. he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and official seal this..l.11:.lPay of September ~006. KAREN T. WYLIE· NOTARY PUBUO Count'! of ~ 8ta1e ,at Uncoln ~ Wyommg My Commission [)I.pires ~--~~.-;................-~ ,~ ~.~- NOTARY PUBUC My Commission Expires: {Or ç (2D 0 I / "-~.____~. u_ ~____._, ,___ ~j~:}2;¿Lt77 000792 MODIFIED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The Mortgagors and the Mortgagee hereby agree that the legal description of the real estate subject to the terms of the Mortgage after the release is as follows: ~ THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING, HEREBY WAIVING AND RELEASING ALL RIGHTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, TO-WIT: WT 13 IN STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT ONE (I) AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. TAX ID#: 3519-241-01-061-00 BY FEE SIMPLE DEED FROM ROY L. DE1TINGER AND ELLEN L. DE1TINGER, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK 418, PAGE 676 AND RECORDED ON 10/1/1998, LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDS. THE SOURCE DEED AS STATED ABOVE IS THE LAST RECORD OF VESTING FILED FOR TIllS PROPERTY. THERE HAVE BEEN NO VESTING CHANGES SINCE THE DATE OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED SOURCE. 4. NO NOVATION. This Agreement is executed solely for the purpose of modifying the legal description of the property subject to the tenus of the Mortgage, and is not a novation. Except as hereinabove provided, all of the remaining terms, provision and conditions of the Mortgage shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall not affect or impair any right of remedy of the Mortgage under the tenns of the Mortgage, the Note or any other agreement, instrument or document executed by the Mortgagors to the Mortgagee. BENEFITS. All of the term. and provisions of this Agreement Ihall be binding upon and shall inure of the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective hein, executon, administraton, penonal representatives, luceeøon and aøigDl. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals on the date first above written. MORTGAGEE Citibank Federal Savings Bank By and through its Attorney in Fact, CitiMortgage, Inc., POA recorded 10/9/98 419, Page 267 ocument 853903 \ ~".·"PV.""] :::::~;!::!¡;:::~¡::~~: 'j' I,·t".'.~t¡til.li· \ i:::::::::::~::::::~:1:: .i:-»~~~.~ i:::::9.~§Z~~::) '''.I.'.~.' ".','lit ,.:-:t~:"l·»}~·:i:'! -..-----..~.'-~----,"',.. - ---'-_._-'-'~""""---.'''-'',,,, .....-.-,.,...',.,'.- .. \J~j2~4:~ 000793 ACKNOWLEDGMENT - STATE OF ...\...OuJQ.. COUNTY OF Çb\~ Before me. the undersigned Notal)' Public. in.and for the County and State. personally appeared ~(J\~ ~1V'f r,whose named as a ~ \CL ~~~ntfor C 'r+ ~~ is signed to the forego' greement, and who is known to me. acknowledged that being info f the contents of said Agreement, he. in his capacity as such officer and with full authority. executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said Lender. Given under my band and official seal this ;;f5 day of A.u.:3}Å~ .200~. "I!" . " \' . to, ..' f" t 'Iro l- '.,1 .;.~~ r,·.!M.....·.....'i.- ., " ~. (j~¡"" ':. î'ilJfJ' / ... "';". ..~ ~ . . .' ,.~).}}.,\<., .'').'. ....! :. N t......'Publ· .;1{~{~~¡~)t) O"-J IC : ,:'-:..-,.....<'.;-~..s' .... ":¡-¡-H·)()~.· ~::. My Commission Expires·"1 3 I D~'~, ), :............} 1\.::-, ..7 ' ,,~.:~'i~;'1 :':, i'l :11- \ \\ .; -;..." - ,'.f"·-_,,I'II . ...i". ,\," ¡ ",' "-'-:-"~'\':, 1//. ü.\\· . . .... ; -',', P£NN£ k''lU'" ," :':c ·1/,UlII . i':'::":\~'SSlOÌ1 Number 11.' . . .. . . . My C ISSlon fxies ' .~~,.,.' . .,.... /