HomeMy WebLinkAbout876064 T~I8 INDENTS, mad~ ~ day of September, 2001 by a~ be~n ~e
a co~oration org~cd and existing under ~d by v~e of ~e laws of ~e
State of CECor~a ~ving its princip~ pla~ of bus,ess ~
County of S~ Diego G~OR, and
D~ DE/t~' ~SKE ~ ~GELA DA~ ~KE,
Husbm~d ~nd Wife as Tenants by ~e Em~eties,
whose a~zegs is P.O. Box 954, T~yne, ~ 83127
as Grantee,
That ~e gr~tor, for and in cor~deraflon or ~e $~ of Ten DoIi~'s ($10.00) and o~er good
~d valuable consideration E ~nt~ paid, ~e receipt whereof is hereby ac~owledged, does, by
·ese presents, gr~t, bargain, s~Ii, CONVEY AND W~NT ~to ~e said ~'amee all
certain tract, lot, piece, ~d p~ee!lo~ l~d s/mated in ~e Co~ of L~co~, State of Wyom~g,
and described as follows to-w/t:
Lot 39 of ~e gtar'Valley Ranch Plat 3, L~ln Count~, Wyoming as describ~
on 'fl~e official plat flmreof.
ZN ~T~SS WHE~O~, the C~a?r ": ...... ' '
has causea Eese presents to b:e :si%ea",~ ;~'a;
8~ta of Calffo~a
Co~ of San Di~go
On~s ~C{ ofSe tern ~ '
~- , ~ ' p': .bet, 2001 befo~ me personally appeared ,( ~
-'~ ~ ~x.3 fA~ to me per~onally ~own, who, ~ing by me dui swor
is ~ Vice ~resident ofB~ers ~.~,~ ~ ............ Y n, did say ~at he
........ u~tp,my as ~mstee and ~t sa~d ~t~ellt ~ s~ned
on behalf of said co~orafion bv'au~ority of its Bo~d of Directors and said President
ac~nwIedged said instrument ia ~ the tree act and deed of said co~ora~on.
Given m~der my h~d ~d notarial s~ ~
My Co~issim Expk~