HomeMy WebLinkAbout922616 <~~:¡::*~:~~:;;:::' . :'J';';':"':':':':':": i:::,:.'t:"~I:I:I:.:,f ~;"j:I:~;',......,., ../~:;~¡¡~'; . _. ~:i'~::':~" j¡¡l;¡ . '" .. ,..rjd!;'!;~::,: .' : f. " ,....",.::]. .. ~iR~·~t¡;!~,,"[:¡¡;,8.:i,. ':I.,.¡.,Î~1f¡~,J\ ::!~i '.. :~~(.~ , .~: . " ~. .::.1 ..... . :''.-.,:: SEP-14-06 16:Z3 FROM-Land Tltl. Company 301-133-6186 T-31Z P.00Z/003 F-336 cl 60768 Name: Address: Donn H. Wooden 102 Highway 89 Alpine, WY 83128 RECEIVED 9/20/2006 at 10:45 AM RECEIVING # 922616 BOOK: 634 PAGE: 252 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: .&..J RELEASE OF:MORTGAGE /) TillS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate ~rtgage executed by DONN H. WOODEN and PATSY M. WOODEN, husband and wife as Mortgagors to FAMILEE THRIFTWAY, INC. a 'VYQrning Corporarion, as Mortgagees Dated August 15, 2003) a.nd recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Uncoln County, State of Wyorpmg, on, August 20, 2003 in Book 531 of Page 544 thereof, and for the sum of $200,000.00, hàs been fully ·satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled and disc~arged. -' ¡ day of September, 2006. \ ~E THRIFTWAY, INC., . Wyoming ~~on STATEO.F~ c-- ) 55. COUNTY '. .' . On this /.:> ~'Y of ~~,. d-/O re me, :ie und"",igned, . Notary Public, in and for said State, personalJy appeared #~ :.-t...kno and/or identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evil ce, to be the of FAl\4ILEE THRIFTWAV, INC., a Wyoming ,orporarion, whose name( is/are subscribed to the \ witlùn instrument and acknowledged to me that !Ie/she/they executed the same. # ~ ø ~IAL ~EAl.: My commission expires {:Ij ! . _ DORmA WEBB NOTABY PUBUC Notary PubJic: COUNTY OF . STATE OF I.INCOLN· WYOMING m I II Fe a 2.2010 lAnd Title Company Pile NQßlberl 60768 Releftso ofMortp¡c -100 Past 1 on I SEP-14-0B IB:23 FROM-Land Tltl. Company l 307-133-BI8B T-312 P.003/003 F-33B . ': ooq26a ., 092~616 EXHIBIT "A" That part of me Northeast quarter of the Southwest quaner (NW IA SW 1/4) of Section 29, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to redescnòe that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk ofµncoln County in Book 94 of Photostatic Records on page 368, described as fonows; . Beginning at a place marked by a 5/8" steel reinforcing rod with aluminum cap inscribed '"NELSON ENGR PF/LSS78", North 62° 46' ~t 128.6 feetftom a monument inscribed «2371+92.00 100 LT' on the northerly right-of-way line of State mghway 89, North 58° 54' East, 2052.30 feet trom the southwest comer of Lot 5 of said· Section 29; thence North 26° 48' West, 128.0 feet along the East line of that tract óf land now belonging to Wardell Jenkins to a point; thence North 57° 31; East, 198.25 feet to a point to the West line of that tract of record in . I the said Office in Book 131 of Photostatic Records on page 232; thence South 37° 52' East, 146.80 feet along the said West line to a point wi~hin the bounds of said State Highway 89; thence South 62° 21; West, 225.4 feet to the point of beginning; I ~ '!I L:md Title Con1pany FUt: Humber; 60768 hleue ofMOI1&ap - Tnd Pasc 1 of1