HomeMy WebLinkAbout922690 t!?~!m;~r :~::?mø:T'- 000520 ;i? QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Byron E. Hoopes, Mary T. Hoopes, Byron Errol Hoopes, Mary Lou Hoopes Harmon, Laurel Warren Hoopes, Carolya Sue Hoopes Phillipps, nka Carolya Sue Hoopes Bolinder, Sally Anita Hoopes Matesen, Richard Clarence Hoopes, Reynold T. Hoopes, Randal Victor Hoopes, Melody Byrene Hoopes Harris, nka Melody Byrene Hoopes Yurasek and Celeste Luella Hoopes Jacobson Grantors, of Lincoln County Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, Grantors Byron E. Hoopes · & Mary T. Hoopes do hereby expressly release and convey their life esta,e interest and all Grantors do hereby CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS an undivided one tenth (1/10) interest each, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common with full right of survivorship to Byron Errol Hoopes, Mary Lou Hoopes Harmon, Laurel Warren Hoopes, Carolya Sue Hoopes Bolinder, Sally Anita Hoopes Matesen, Richard Clarence Hoopes, Reynold T. Hoopes, Randal Victor Hoopes, Melody Byrene Hoopes Yurasek and Celeste Luella Hoopes Jacobson, whose address is P.O. Box 1006, Afton, Wyoming 83110, including any and all interest the Grantors Byron E. Hoopes and MaryT. Hoopes have as to a life estate as reserved in that certain Warranty Deed dated January 30, 1996 recorded February 8, 1996 in Book 380 pr page 9 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk relating to the following described property , to-wit: Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 4 of the Fairview Townsite, according to that Plat recorded in the County Clerks Office of Lincoln County, Wyoming, March 9, 1989, as Plat No. 293. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, exceptions, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand this iø!!!day of September, 2006 ~ f!'#ø.~f Byron E. Hoopes RECEIVED 9/2212006 at 10:53 AM RECEIVING # 922690 BOOK: 634 PAGE: 520 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WV 09~2690 000521 THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above andJpregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Byron E. Hoopes this ~ay of September, 2006. L LANCAST . NOTARY PUBLIC County 0' . Stale of UncoIn Wyoming My CommIssion Expires May 3, 2010 I seal. J3~ Notary Public WITNESS my hand this 1i!!!aay of September, 2006 ~~ ~ 267~"/ M ry T oopes . . THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above c;,n¡¿0regOing instrument was acknowledged before me by Mary T. Hoopes this -day of September, 2006. m hand and official seal. L lANCASTEA - NOTARY PUBUC ~ :0'.= "Y"""--_......""o l~ WITNESS my hand this L6... day of September, 2006 ~- Ç~¡/~ By n Errol Hoopes THE STATE OF Il4-a..h ) )ss. COUNTY OF (h11 r ~ rd, ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Byron Errol Hoopes this --.lJrLday of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. j:m.;:ij~~;:::;;¡~: ~g¡J.:"':':.:~::; ¡~.:! "¡j!il~mmIi;i8fJ 09J~'~§o ~~!:If~~mmm: 000522 No"r~ Pulallc JENNIFER LARCHIBEQUE :asH H MORaAH VALLEY DR MORGAN. UT .4080 M~ Camml..lon E.pl,.. HOVEMSER 11..1001 STATEOFUrAH /!; '. t$; p..,,;æcD ~ flyLR..z'!', · J ember, 2006 THE STATE OF~ COUNTY OF ~ ) )ss. ) / The above and foregOin¡ instrument was acknowledged before me by Mary Lqu' Hoopes Harmon this -Lday of September, 2006. ~. ..... ,'\ ~;c"WI~NESS my hand and official seal. ~ ' ':1 , ... . . t-~4. ~ Notary Public WITNESS my hand this ,) ~/ day of September, 2006 ~ urel Warren Hoopes THE STATE OF ('-J.fe..h ) )ss. COUNTY OF lÎ1or3"'/'I ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Laurel Warren Hoopes this ~day of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. N "t.r' Pulallc JE'INIFER L ARCHIBEQUE -'S?1 H MOl\GAK VALLEY DR . . MOROAN. UT ..080 MyComml..lonExplr.. No~ry~PUbJt'c ~ ~ (J u.~n.,~t.-u) NOV¡:,.SSR 1. zoal STATE OF UTAH WITNESS my hand this 13~day of September, 2006 ;¡ . Carolya Sue Hoopes BoJinder THE STATE OF /!trzi-A ) )ss. COUNTY OF Æ()J-Icof" ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Carolya Sue Hoopes Phillipps, nka Carolya Sue Hoopes Bolinder this I 3 ~ay of September, 2006. 09~~690 000523: WITNESS my hand and official seal. NO£¿¥- WITNESS my hand t~is ~ d of September, 2006 ~ THE STATE OF (J ~()_~ ) )ss. ) COUNTY OF mllf'jný\ The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Sally Anita Hoopes Matesen this floW day of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NotarJ Public JENNIFER LARCHIBEQUE 3171M MORGAN VALLEY DR MORCA~. UT 8.050 :.Ay Con-ml..lon Eaplr.. fCOVIiMBãR 1¡}GDI STAT! OF UTAH N;trYpjbii~ ~()-U4~W.) - _.-"'-';" WITNESS my hand this ~ day of September, 2006 ~~-0~Å ~ Richard Clarence Hoopes THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foreeoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Richard Clarence Hoopes this day of September, 2006. seal. JARED B. GLEUE· NOTARY PœlIC COUNTY Of &\ STATE OF LINCOLN _ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 24. 2008 ¿¡µ¿ /;, JJL. tary Public WITNESS my hand this (6 ~day of September, 2006 ~4J:~ Reyn T. Hoopes THE STATE OF (Á /.nh ) )ss. ) COUNTY OF (nðY'jn.Y"I t~~¡~~!~;;;¡~¡~~il: 09~!¡~~O :j]i~¡~;I 000524 The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Reynold T. Hoopes this !hW day of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I NoutP~bt~ ~ (]~y~~~~/ ..~ _.-..-.r. WITNESS my ~ ~1";fay of September, 2_006 Randal Victor Hoopes THE STATE OF (1.J..I9..J.. ) )ss. COUNTY OF 0înrj n n ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Randal Victor Hoopes this (b~ day of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NO~AtP77btA) ~ OAA'1.~'lÆ~} --< WITNESS my hand this ILjI!J day of September, 006 -; n.. k'a.. rris, nka Melody Byrene Hoopes u~~ì}~ THESTATEOF~ ) II I n Ii )ss. COUNTY OF üLVJl..JC....I ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Melody Byrene Hoopes Harris, nka Melody Byrene Hoopes Yurasek this Æ&y of September, 2006. WITNESS m h official seal. .Notary Public - State of Ne¥ County of Clark SHARON L KENNEMER My Appoi1tment ExpIres No: 2460-1 SepIømber 23, 2009 WITNESS my hand this ~day of September, 2006 0'~d-~ ~~~ ~te Luella Hoopes Jacobson - . U / 092Z690 000525 THE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) )ss. ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Celeste Luella Hoopes Jacobson this ~ay of September, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. L LANCASTER· NOTARY PUBLIC County of . State of Lincoln Wyoming My CommIssIOn expires May 3, 2010 J~~ Notary Public ~...........,... ·1 . .'. ~I I ..'......' < í. I,' " ;:~;~:~ *;;:;~~~~!i~ ~~ ['::::::*::C::~:::::~: .,.,,·t·.·,~:-:';I ".;', '~'~'.~..'.' :.!