HomeMy WebLinkAbout922859 ............a.;....>... ;i;~~m~m~mw~ ".'...........1.·....·· '. o;,·:=;"c:!...;;.,:"::,_._.,,,::-_;·:;: :';,:.., , ....' .·i1.;~·t·.:.·.-· RELEASE œ SATlSFPCl'ICN OF M::RlCAGE 00020B »nl ALL MEN BY 'ltŒSE PRESENl'S, 'Ib:11: a certain A~ Lgðge, ~ted en the 17TH day of MAY recxxds of LINCOLN . 2006 I which was duly X'QCOJ:'dad in t:b! JUNE co...nty, in the Sb1~ of WAYOMING\ the 28TH ãay of ~ (JðA ~D-¡X;- I 2 006 I as Instruœnt lb. 919741 , wh.:i.cll \oI8.S gi. van to sec:::u:re the sum of S 2 ,008 .428 .56 which was 8Xeq1ted by nu..r)MAN RANCH. LLC LIMITE~ LIABILITY COMPANY THE BANK'OF COMMERCE satisfied. IN WI'11£SS WHER&JF, '1bese iu-~d.s are signed end seðJ.ed this 22ND SEPTEMBER , 2~. THE ~OF COMMERCE ~~ RECEIVED 9/28/2006 at 10:20 AM RECEIVING # 922859 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 208 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY en this 17m> dðy of ~PTEMBER I 200~, before rre, tOe ~i.glm, a Notary Public in mD ìor said. State, ~y appeared )1A.ii: V NiL sn~ known 1:0 me 1:0 œ 1i1e pe.œcn( s) wmse æme( s) are subscribed to the Wi ttú.fi ins't:IU181t, Dn:l ec:.kn:Jwledged to De 'that he execu:t:ed the SlIØe. IN WI'INESS WHælÐF, I have heœunto set my hi:Jrd ðn:J affixed my official 5Ieðl the day and year in this cert1.ficate first above written_ ~\\\\\"""'IIIIII )..\\"1 ~\.E JOHN. III~ ~"~v'v.""". IS'O':~ ~ ,":... ....', ~ ~ . .. ~ $ :. ~OTARI'·. ~ : : ~ :: - . . = :, . . - - . . = - . . - - . Þ C·- ~ .. [¡aLl .. ~ ~ ... .... ~ ~.. .. s .,,~ ~ .....~..d\ "!\~ _-'!J"l '41ëOF~~\\\\'" 55' IIIIII""I""'~ of STATE OF J:I)MI) 55 CXUNTY' OF ~UB STATE OF IIWK) cruNlY OF B:N£VIILE in faver of I is fully released end day IJ!jMßJ!£;11~ œry Pub ' the Staœ of IdðOO lesidiJ"g in I AHO FALLS ,Idðh;) Camù.ssion EXpires 6/2/2012 en this 22ND day of SEPTEMBER, 2006, before ne, tTe uoàersigrø1, a. Notary Pub1ic in and for said State, pe.raonal.ly aa-'I"'f!!Id ~ V. NELSO~ kn:H\ to me to the VICE PRESIDENT of the c:orpxaticn that executed the foregoing inst:ruœnt, and adcncwl~ to ma that such cxxporati.cn axec::utad the same. IN WI'l'NFSS ~, I have hereunto set my haM am affixerl my official seal the day and year in 1:his,~~.flCðte first ðbove written. !\\\\\\\~k -JOA'IIIIII~ ~~c:Jj....... .'Ij$OA~ ~ ~ .. .. 'Y ~ ~ ... ... ~ I :. ~OTARJ' ... ~ .: . . -: æ : : ª - . . - % .... PUBLIC ..: f ~ .. .- ~ ~ ... ..- ~ ~ ~ .....~~.d\ ~~ ""III ~1ëOF~:'\\\"" 11111'"11111\"\ COURTESY RECORDING This document II being I.... solely as a courtesy and accommodation to the..... therein. Land Tide co. HI,., expressly disclaims ~V responsibility or Habllìty far the accuracy content thereat. ~ørf&r ~¡MÆ~ . t:ary . c the State of Idaho ~~ in IDAHO FALLS. , Idðho Canniss.1m EKpþ:es 6/? /? 0 1 ?