HomeMy WebLinkAbout922880 · · . .~ .,. ~ . 't-',:,;. .. , , ~i , .~' : " WARRANTY DEED 000255 ).,:,;h-.' ';" t"~~'V.k>"~~ .'. . .: '. '~,;~':~.~' ~ , . .:).: t '1'BI~~JID"loV1tE aade this 17t-h day of July · 1t 86 ,. i,y . ~';'æn DA~ID M. NELSON and CONNIE NELSON. husband -..-. .. !';;~.'~>~,:}¡j.,~-~~... . . . -- . "'".,~"..,..!:t?~~...- . and wife,' Of.Ltftoô1í\ County, ',Wyoming ,Grantor, and RICKY LEE & NANCY JO WHITMORE huSb~~;ii~~fe and JO'S~P~ ~VIN 6. 'DEBBY SUE LOWHAM, husband and wife ' ..._~ ····_':i~ _ . . TENANTS IN C.o~~'}~1::",'. , of the County~ Of~:'~i' LIJfÇOlJi G...._,··, "'{ .' s t'å te 0 f WYOMING r {for and in consideration of the sum of , . ;~. '~ Tea Dollar. '. (tl0.00) and other good and valuable considerations, . ...~::~~ . the receipt· o'J~Iâ':~.t..' hereby aCknowledged, has grantèd, If:· ...... ·..~)..1:t.:.. . ; bargained, 11014, ., 'eyed and ·varrarit;ed, and by these presen~~ - ---- ---c-:~~-:;l1; , ~ doe. 9fant, báq~~(::.ell, convey and' warrant Unto the---Si\id . .,.. ,.~~::;.~, , I RICKY LEE & NANCY:':JÒ"W-FrMORE and JOSEPH KEVIN & DEBBY SUE LOWHAM, j - ----- ~.- \,"'«hi.,~~iij~i.r., administrators, successors, and assiglls ----- . ,:, ::.¡t;.;",,;, : . . forever, tbat~certâ'in parcel of land situate in Lincoln County, /~¡¡~},;;j;i¡;i;" ' -.' State of Wyœiftli}aore particularly'described as follows, to-wit: ",;:;', ~:~. ' N~NW\, SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH,. RANGE 116 WEST OF THE. 6th P.M. T H:. p reservations, restric- and rights-of-way of '. RECEIVED 9/2912006 at 9:40 AM RECEIVING # 922880 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 255 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ . . ~~~~~:~im:~:!;1m~ ',.':~; ¡[:;!l?/>h" . "¡f'~¡: *"';,. ;,. .'. " \U~;¿288QI'1~':. ~¡~f;·;~~:,~':· ";:::ΡI~mi¡~ ., 000256 ;.~' :i : <'ti':J;~~:~ £xc' - reaervinq unto Grantors, their succc:::- sor.·~~"'.!gna, a perpetual right of way and eaa~~~~A¡lel to and ''';;1';~~'''~ ) feet in w.iclti~.pd distant from the and ' , boundary line of the aforesaid pro~ty,;,. sa~d easement being reserved for the purpose of roads' and· ,utilities, together with the right to construct~improve, maintain and use the same without liability for damages, if any; and further excepting and reserving an easement and right of way for-road and acce..purpos~s sixty (60) feet in width over an existing';oad,,·the '·center line of said easement being the .d.d41e' of ·:the existing road, together with the right to',enter'uPoD. the above described easement lands and maiÐt.in, iapr9ve, grade, level, fill, drain, pave, build, repair and ~eÞuild a road together with such bridg_',,..,qulverts, 'ramps and cuts as may be necessary, on, OV.t3'~ across the above described easement lands. : .:.,"~~>" '{; ... ...;:~,~>~.." . '-)¡~i- :}~"r~~~: - IN Grantor has executed this instrument the day and ;~t·.bove 'W}'itten. ~7H,kL D~~:~:~LSON ~./ CONNIE NELSO~ , , THE STATE OF wy~r" _ ::;1,: as;, CO~~~I/,~,F LINCOLN,:;;':.)'., ,'. .,..... 1'\ () J¡'I;¿ ,..,~·-'__~i:.. ;:: _ .. .,\ "~7... iTA .I'Ì"tf ~'" .' '.' t·..· 'f,-:A., _ft,;-, ~ _. . , .. .:.,::V ~""M;fO~"9,~ i'nstrwnent was acknowledged before me by . ,.' '1,\ 01 All 'r'" \'1'4: ;':;t"";4ip(~,,: , o DAŸ~~f.ì.; ,~;;c,··,.. ";CONNIE· NELSON, this ~ day of JULY S '~~B¡,b~~ll.b..j.:.i;: ..'~ . . /19 86 ..' ";~',;~'"!IIr~i¡¥;,!:, " " . , tr ~ .,~, ·:-4.'~'''::~~''I,,j· . Dl../,J é'?,~~~~t;,~¡_· 'and official seal. a./?J.~ NOV~UBLIC My t . ¡., ,- . .' , , ,. '. -¡--