HomeMy WebLinkAbout922921 '7 {p ,-I I,'· ,...I .........................¥..-.........."--,............--........-......,..-........ -...,',~- ,......."'...-..,...'., ~. '.' ,,,~,,.:- ·,.,co '....;, 00033 ," FILE No. LTI#!II3I1 INSTRUMENT NO. W AIIRANTY DEED ICNOWN AIL PEKSONS BY 'I'lŒSE PlŒSl:NTS, that DONALD It. CAFFAIJ.. awl JUDY W. CAFFAU., TlWSTEI:S at die CaffaII LiviD& TJ'IIIIt dated Febnaary,16, 1104, 1711 Wst 375 South, St.Gecqe, UT 14790, Gnmtar(.), bad iA cooaidcraÞœ ofTEN DOILARS ($10.00) ad odIar good ad vWab1c cøoaidcratiœ, iA baud Pw. receipt of wbich iI hr:mJy aåœowIcdgcd, hcn:by CONVEY AND WARRANT to PNK INVESTMENTS.lLC aD Idabo I..iJabed UabJIIty Cempaay, 150 ~ Drift. Tlaayae, WY 13117, as SO% 0WDCl, IIId COWBOY STATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, . Wy-w.c Cerpendoa, PO Box 740, TJlayae, WY 13117, as 50"'" owuc:r, togetbc:r as tcmDtB iu. COIIIIDOD, GI8Dtcc('), ad tbeir IUCCCIIOD IIId UIIÎgDS, the followiDg dcscrihed real propcny,lÏlIWe in the County ofÜDcohl, Slate of Wyoming. hcn:by waiving ad ~ all righIs UDder aDd by vir1ue of the homestead CXClDptiOD laws of the Slate ofWyomiDg. to wit: SEE A1TACHED. IncludiDg aDd togc:Iha- with all ad 1IiDgular""""""'" hcrMitmn..n"l. appurtcDIDccs, ad improVc:mcut8 tbcrCOI1 or tbcn:uut.o n.,1"'!ging DATFD: September 11, 2Ø6 d& ALD JL CAFFALL, UviII& Trut dated FebnIary 16, 18G4 CaffaIIlliiD& P - ~ I.. ' I\-~ s L (ol û^ ll' 0... , , 1'/1111 t\C. t.. ð 1), \I. C a.-.A. "- T ~~OF ) c / r )II: II COUNTY OF r II ''''-~'-'L ~ fJ../'-..fc- . OJIThil2>Ç"daYOf ~ iu. die )'all' 2006, bcIDœ me, a Notuy PubJj¡: in aDd fDr IIIIid S1aIc, pc:nœa1ly appcmId DONALD It. CAFFAIL IIIId JUDY W. CAFFALL, kDowD or idcatifiod to me to be \he pc:noD wboIe _ iIlIIbIcribcd to die within ÌDIIIUDII:at u 1nIIItceI of \he CaffaII UWac Trust dateIJ Fcbrury 16, 1114, ad ackDowlcdgcd to me that 11aey œccutcd \he same as IIUCh TrIIIItcc. TIßS SPACE FOR COUNTY RECORDERS USE ONLY RECEIVED 9/2912006 at 3:40 PM RECEIVING # 922921 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 337 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,,' ,'1.¥"'''''''''''' '" D. "¡'" '''' .". "" ',0-... ~ /'" ,I L~ ....... I.,. ~ / ,;<- " ð ~ ...., _, . ", ,,-:. .,<: , " .. 'f, .~ "'" .~., _ i"_ \: . '('J'.~ . '-' "... M . ',. -: .... ~., ~ 11' _ . ~ .~ " ~...: ~-I' ~ ~ ~-: S . L a ._... ... . ~ ~......." ~ -:t- ~ 0 .'1-\:;;;:) ~ ... Jilt . . 'V .. " . - -" . rT -.....J \ -:::.. Q 'ef- 0 .'; ," t ~".~ .....:...~:~",.:~ ~, ~ n ' --:.,~ d ~ " {/fJJ. '-.1 'I 1- NoIUyPuh1M:of~(JWl b" ð-- RaidiDgat~ ,'~ L.fir Q C- o-noi....ïnn Expires: Þ . It.. ~ t }_ 'l () (j (" JOHN l. PERRY . A NoTARY PUBLIC IN A 1 O:~~NCE OF BRITISH ~gtfl~¡ ~E N ST., SMITHERS, BC VOl 2NO IdaJu¡ Tide . Truat, IDe. 400 Mcmaria1 Drive, PO BOX 50367, Idaho Falla, ill 83402 Føø8IDmD _._7 :"~.:ì:;:iN::::::~ .·~':.: ":':i~'~_~ i:;~~¡jilli¡llii¡: ·......::o.'~..¡..............-, 09~~9~1. .. ... . -- ............ -..... _UoIoOW -...- -.......... -....- --- ...~uua --- ....-.... ¡¡;~;§~m;l~t\: IIDICIIDTZCIIr - CAItDL J. ~ ~c '1'o-vitr-- That part of tJae SWW of Bectlem 35, T3~., JU1'II, Macoa County, 1IyaIù.ø.Í, beiDg p¡u;t o~ tJao.e trac:bo or :r:ecord in the Office of the Clarlt of LiJICD1n OouDty iI1 800It 13~ of Phøtolltat- Ie Recorda em p&gtJ 577 ADd in IIooIt 3D' of PhotoatAtlc Recorda em page 111,. de801"1Þe4 iUI rollOWll: »-.uuI.I.IIW at Û. .outàw...t conua:r: of eaJ-d SWW, found .. de- ecrlbecI in t1W; CoxDer Jteaord filed iI1 Aid OUlce; ~ .00"-&"-2&"B, "1.'2 f_t, aloag the ~ 11.- of II&id SIßC, to a epiJœ, ~ ..'--52'-U"B. 2617.5' feet., to a poiI1t oa the· eaat 1iDe of II&id ., ~ 500·-12'-15"11, HI.40 f_t, &laag eai.d ...t 1 iDe , to t.be equtbea8t COrDer of aaid BWK, foUDe! .. deecrlbed 1~ that CoxDe:r: &eooxd filed iI1 &aid Office; . tbeDce .a'"-5"-16·., 26&7.11 feet, alaag tbe 80UÛ liae of ..u .,., to tile CIDØD or .........r...>; B*XJIIPJUlSDG _ &zaa of 51..5& -=ea, ~ or 1_; SUBo11!Cr to ....~ÌJ of .1gbt aDd or ~, SUbj.ct to aD .illl-.... far ·the Ba8t aide Caaal, aD irrig..tiou c:aaal of record iI1 eaid Office in JIook3i5 of Photo8tatic R.e- corda on pilge 11' ; . the JIASB IIBU.IJIG for thie IRlrVey i.IJ the _t liDe of the ~ of SectioB 35, T3Ii11, U1!IW, beiag .00"""-2"B, eaCh 'lIpiJœ' -.%ked by . 3/" % 12~ ~. ePü:e; e&ch "poiDt" re.tenmœd by blo (2) S/l~ X 2." steel :r:einførciJIg ~ with 2" a1-!"'- cap iDac:ribed "SOIl~ SCIIBIIBBL LTD JUG PDIBr 1IY PLS 53"·, ·with ~. detöùla¡ . . .... -...... .. ... .., ...,. rJlihc .......... ~ ........1iaIoiIIIr rJldoe IUIWyOI" ....-._....',,'; ',~ I .'. .~i"+~.......;.. 000338