HomeMy WebLinkAbout922951 00041.6, NOTICE REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: Columbia Paint & Coatings Co. PO Box 4569 Spokane, WA 99220-0569 RECEIVED 10/212006 at 11 :24 AM RECEIVING # 922951 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 416 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN TO OWNER HEATH BUILDERS LP 2121 MIDWAY ROAD CarroIlton, TX 75006 TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR MOUNTAIN HOME BUILDERS PO BOX 3149 Alpine, WY 83128 FROM: Columbia Paint & Coatings Co. PO Box 4569 Spokane, WA 99220-0569 REGARDING: FOR PROJECT OR WORK LOCATION MOUNTAIN HOME BUILDERS SPEC T36 R119 S10 SE QUARTER SHADOW DANCER SUBDIVISION LOT 16 Alpine, WY 83128 The.undersigned claimant Columbia Paint & Coatings Co., holds a Claim of Uen against the building or improvement commonly known as MOUNTAIN HOME BUILDERS SPEC T36 R119 S10 SE QUARTER project, located at SHADOW DANCER SUBDIVISION LOT 16, Alpine, WY 83128, ,in the County of Uncaln. The amount of the claim is $7,147.12, pius service charges or interest at the rate of 18.00 % per annum. The amount is due from MURRAY PAINTING. Dated 09129/2006 for Columbia Paint & Coatings Co., PO Box 4569, Spokane, WA 99220-0569. By:J4IIÙ ~ Tami Meador, Credit Analyst Phone:(509) 536-1368 Fax:(509) 536-7539 VERIFICATION Dated 09/29/2006 for Columbia Paint & Coatings Co. ,PO Box 4569,Spokane, WA 99220-0569 I declare that I am authorized to file this NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN on behalf of the daimant. I have read the foregoing document and know the contents thereof, the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Wyoming that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Spokane, Washington on 09/29/2006 for COLUMBIA PAINT & COATINGS CO.. U9;¿;¿951. 00041.7 NOTICE REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: Columbia Paint & Coatings Co. PO Box 4569 Spokane, WA 99220-0569 LIEN STATEMENT The undersigned claimant, Columbia Paint & Coatings Co., hereby claims a construction lien as follows: The name and address of the person seeking to enforce the lien is Columbia Paint & Coatings Co., PO Box 4569, Spokane, WA 9922D-0569. The amount claimed to be due and owing Is $7,147.12, plus service charges or interest at the rate of 18.000% per annum. An itemized list setting forth and desaibing materials delivered or work performed is attached hereto. The work performed or materials defivered was - See Exhibit C. The name of the owner or reputed owner, if known, is HEATH BUILDERS LP, 2121 MIDWAY ROAD, Carrollton, TX 75006. The name of the person by whom the claimant was employed, or to whom the claimant furnished the material, is MURRAY PAINTING, PO BOX 10693, Jackson, WY 83002. The date when labor was last performed or services were last rendered is 08/0812006. The legal description of the premises where he materials were furnished or upon which the work was perfonned is commonly known as the MOUNTAIN HOME BUILDERS SPEC T36 R119 S10 SE QUARTER project, located at SHADOW DANCER SUBDIVISION LOT 16, Alpine, WY 83128, in the County of UncoIn. The specific contract information is for our Job/Invoice #18008413. Dated 09/29/2006 for Columbia Paint & Coatings Co., PO Box 4569, Spokane, WA 9922D-0569. By~ ~nJ ~ - Tami Meador, Credit Analyst. Phone: (509) 536-1368 Fax: (509) 536-7539 VERIFICATION I declare that I am authorized to file this LIEN STATEMENT on behalf of the claimant I have read the foregoing dowment and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury under !he laws of !he State of Wyoming !hat !he foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Spokane, WA on 09/29/2006 for COL MBIA PAINT & COATINGS CO. . .~ Tami Meador, CreditAnaJys~ Phone: (509) 536-1368 Fax: (509) 536-7539 :~mml~~~~~ ]~~~951 1 :03 PM t:~::::fg;;~::::~~ :.:i:it:?~t,......j Murray Painting IMtn Home Lot 16 Store Doc # Type A 4611 A 4609 A 4651 A 4652 A 4665 A 4670 A 4671 A 4679 A 4710 A 4726 A 4776 A 5017 A 5414 A 5415 A 5998 A 6010 A 6065 A 6109 A 6177 A 288581 F A 7012 I A 205660 F A 966148 F Total Doc Date Cust # 301.79 03/31/2006 180084 401.11 03/3112006 180084 277 .17 04/06/2006 180084 44.47 04/06/2006 180084 709.25 04/0712006 180084 44.22 04/08/2006 180084 27.02 04/08/2006 180084 206.55 04/1012006 160084 692.92 04/1212006 180084 20.53 04113/2006 180084 21.89 04/19/2006 180084 199.60 05/0312006 180084 128.86 OS/23/2006 180084 25.96 OS/23/2006 180084 764.43 06/19/2006 180084 135.34 06/19/2006 180084 805.30 06/21/2006 180084 754.56 06/23/2006 180084 793.04 06/27/2006 180084 61.52 07/25/2006 180084 603.09 08/0812006 180084 45.80 08/25/2006 180084 82.70 09/25/2006 180084 7,147.12 Page 1 of 1 00041.8 Job 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 09/29/2006 -.. , " :~, -'., j i, :t.;.:.,'. .. ·;,·_·,,~~~1~,i1îfl~.~t··;: :rl(:} ~~·""O 1---. ".' IJ.J.....,~~...;¡~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY NOTARY PUBLIC 000419 ST ATE OF Wø"_N] IS. County of Spokane ] 5S. On 09/2912006 before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared T AMI MEADOR, [ X ] Personally known to me [ ] Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) isfare subscribed to the attached instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey eXea.lted the same in hislher/ their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or their entity upon behalf for which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. sv,nabJre/JiJNlr~(; WENDYFRY CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER [ ] Individual [ ] Subscribing Witness [ ] Corporate Officer(s) [ ] Partner(s) ] Guardian ] Attorney-In-Fact ] Trustee(s) J , [X] Other ~ ifLu/.bV T~ l1wU I- ~. Title or Type of Document LfJ\.¡ ~ Date of Document 09129/2006 Number of Pages: 4