HomeMy WebLinkAbout923004 ----- .. ·-·_··__·m._""_ c '...""..=~.!~~.~.':..,_ T-417 P.00S/DI4 ill F-sSOOOG45; SEP-22-06 14:56 FROM-Land Tltl, Company 301-133-&186 Name: Addrtss: l1Œ VENUs TRUST c/o Shcny S. Mmitt P.O. Box J06 Afton, WY 83110 1 RECEIVED 10/3/2006 at 11 :03 AM RECEIVING # 923004 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 645 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY File No.: 60142 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: WARRANTY DEED: (Individual Form) THE VENUS TRUST, SHERRY S, MERRITT, TrUstt'C as shown in that c:main Resignation ofTnmc:c and Notice ofRcs~lon and Appointment of Trustee, dated Februaxy 13,2006 and recorded as R.cc:civing No. 916015 and in Book 612 P.R., Page 403, in the records ofLinc:oIn CoWlty, Wyomil}g 71 ..../ GRANTOR(S) ofLincol ) County, State of Wyoming, CONVEY(S1, AND WARRANr(S) to mE VENUS TRUST, dated the 17· day of P"prilI991, SHERRY S. MER.RJTr, TNSt~~; GRANTEE(S), whose address is: P.O.. Box 550, Aiton, WY 83110; for the sum ofTen Dollars and other ¡oed:md valuablc consideratío~ the following desc:nòc:d œa.I c:staa:, situate in Lincoln COUDty, State nfWyomil'lg, hereby releasing iUld W1I.Ì\ inS all rights under and by vinue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: ¡¿! 1q See "Exhibit A" attached hereto Subject to reservations and reStrictions coulaiued in the United Stad Patent atld to casementS and rights-of,WII.}' of record or in use. I T ogethcr with all ÌD1provemel\ts and appum:uances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said granlor(s) this 2 (P day of sCPœm~, 1006, STATE OF WYOMING ) ) 55. COUNTy OF LINCOLN) , On this ~ day of September, 2006, before me tbe ~¡nr.d, a NotaJjt Public. in and for said tate, pmonally appeared SHERRY s. MER.RI11·, kno~ to me. to be the Trustee of TIŒ VENUS TRUST, and the Trustee who subscrlb¢<I the 5aiò Trust name: to the foregoing ¡nmum~nt, acknowledged to me that she C ;c:çlltc:d the same in ~aid Trust name:, and that said Trust executed rhe s~. WITNEss MY HAND AND Of'FIC~EAI.' Notmy P""I;o, Q ~ n. · ()D~ My commission exp~~ Flit N~ll\I)r" 60Hl LAnd "riuol'omp:v,), w""""1)' Docd - (lnclivi~":AI' Ppþ I of, , , RYL A. JONES NOTARY PUBUC CJ-!E . State of Co..ny of WyomIng LIncoln My Commission Expires Feb, 4, 2009 ~j]J~~~m¡j¡ f:¡?~}f;0'~':::; . t ,1, -, ,~,·t.;1 ' 'I" '.'. T~<;:·;·;':'.!T~~~,; .'¡'; "-a.:'~'."--" SEP-ZZ-06 1(:56 J;;:i:::::::~~!~:::;: 1':':':~"""Y "t , FROM-Land Tltl, CDmpany 30T-733-6186 T-41T , EXlDBlT "A" I Two p:a:œ s oIlaad 8ÏIUIœd ia dill Ncidhc:øt Quar1çr r1f1hc Narthsst Q.wœ,. (NE4'\1Æ4) of Sectiœ 79, TIm, RUIW eft!¡¡; 6,), P,M., 1cx::au:d inLiDmID County, Wyomit,g; Þid land beiq qçribcd lIS iòllows;. I l'arceI #1 . . BcsianiagûzpoÌ1II.347.90 i:ctS 0"04~ Band 310.00 met S51"39' wlrrocn tbcNønbcast Comer ofSccticm29; dJeøce SSl'39'W S 66"49' E N 51"56'40" E 10; 38"2)' W 301.70 fix:t, tfaeacq 232.20 -. tbenr.c 200.00 _ Mcwe or ¡cas. Ibcm:c 229.110 filer to 1hc: POB, , PIn:uI #2 BI:ði..ing U a poÏnI. 940,00 k S 0"04' E fhmi the NOIÜIssr COI'IICI" c!r Sc:ctioa 29; ÚIaIu N 6(;-451' W N 58"S6'40" E S 00"04' E ZP6.7V rccc. Ihçqcç ; 317.00 ii:à man CI" .IosI to tile _ SlXtion IiDf. ÛlllŒe 280,00 ti:UmCRICl"1asstotlle POB. , L..", Tllk ('u,nl""'Y lJadcrwritl:r. C:ammonwuhh IAI1C1 Otic. ~1\SQr.tntt Campa)' Co"'!'Ú",\"D' ~..bcd~l< A F"1b N......... MlH2 lad Ti"" COMJ>Mr Wammy Deed - (laði<oi411!1) p.3of'~ P'f" 2 ~f2 P.OD6/DI4 F-583 OOOG4C Ü923UO~t