HomeMy WebLinkAbout923044 ··.·.:.1:...-'·".1"...·., , ,·.·.·.~:.:.:t·.~.~··1 . .'J..:~..:~~U:n.: :''''''""L~;!'l~ ",.',~ '~':·i·,·,·j·P. ,', ','I ", .-. ,':.....' ,', . ,:, .'~f,ò".:.,..,., ¡',', 000B09 file No.: 60751 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: RECEIVED 10/4/2006 at 11 :02 AM RECEIVING # 923044 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 809 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY N..e: KCIIIIdh R. Miller A......: P.O. Box 1113 Thayne, WY 83127 WARRANTY DEED (IDdividual form) PHILUP V. SMITH GRANTOR of Jvbltfle County. S'* of '1,/'( . CONVEY(S) AND WARRANT(S) to IŒNNETH R. MILLER..t CLARICE MIIl..ER. busbad 8Dd wife. .. teoants by the ~~ GRANTEES, whose addn:sa is P.O, Box 1113, Thayne, WY 13127 for the sum. of Ten DoI1ln and other good aød V8luablc c:oœidcration, 1M fo1Jowios cbcribcd n:aI estIIte. Ii1um in Liacohl CouIIty, State ofWyomins, hereby releuiDa and nviDg all rigbIB under _ by virtue oftbe lIomntnd ExemptiOD Laws of the State, tu-wit Lot (Scvcuty) 70 in Stu' Valley Ranch Pllt Sevœ (J) . pbItted ad œcorded in the Official. ~ of Lincoln county, Wyoming. Subject to ~ .dioas IUd restriçtiou cootaiDc:d ÎD. the United States Patent and to easements IIDd ri~f-way of record or ÎD. use. Together with aU ~ mI appurtc:amca tha1:oa. Tn ID. No. 3S),83010200400 Zl!¥&ù . Smith / 9 day ot September- 2006. STATEO,. Wtj(JJ'Y\ ;~1 COUNTY OF sk~/~ '!;f' The foreaoina ÏDa1rumcnt was dDow.1cdpd before me this J ~ ofSepblmber, 2006 by PHILLIP v. SMJ1H the siøncr of the witbiD iDsIrumcut. who duly IICbowlcdøt:d to me that be executed tbe SIIIDC. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFIQAL SEAl. ~~ My c:ommiøiOl1 expires Ô tJ '1 "~f01Sl !.1M Tille ~ w..,DMt-~ ,.. I af! ~:~:':~?i;:;¡~Y":1 ' : :fj~f:~~~;~ilill::;: ~ ;!. " "