HomeMy WebLinkAbout923050 OOOS2? AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY STATE OF ) )SS ) RECEIVED 10/4/2006 at 11 :12 AM RECEIVING # 923050 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 822 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY COUNTY OF I, CATHERINE T. JACKSON, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon oath depose and say: 1. That Richard D. Jackson and Affiant were husband and wife. 2. That by certain Quit Claim Deed, dated November 3, 2003, and filed with the Lincoln County Clerk on November 14,2003, as recorded in the Public Records of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, Book 541PR, Page 631, conveyed real property to Richard D. Jackson and Catherine T. Jackson, Husband and Wife as tenants by the entireties, the following described real property, to-wit: .' That part of OW Lot 2 (NEY..NW~) and that part of the SEY..NW~ and that part of the SWY.NE~ of Section 5, T30N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 315 of Photostatic Records on Page 48, described as follows: --' COMMENCING at a point on the east line of said GLO Lot 2, Nooo-14'-44"E. 11.78 feet from the southeast comer of said GLO Lot 2; Thence N89°-43'-14''W, 131.45 feet, along a fence line, to a fence post; thence N66°-36' -03"W, 45.11 feet, along said fence line to a fence post; thence SI4°-40'-12"W, 31.71 feet, more or less, along said fence line to the POSmON OF BEGINNING on the thread of Cottonwood Creek; thence coursing said thread as follows: S82°-04'-31"E, 113.25 feet to a position;S700-19'-52"E, 49.26 feet to a position; S34°-39'-31"E, 60.68 feet to a position; SI6°-41 '32"E, 78.05 feet to a position; 845°-07' -5T'E, 87.76 feet to a position; 855°-57' -12''E, 79.32 feet to a position; S35°-23'-15''E, 59.08 feet to a position; S24°-40'-56''E, 44.63 feet to a position; S89°-26'-20"E, 57.18 feet to a position on an east boundary of said 1ract in Book 315 and leave said thread; thence Sooo-35'-21"E, 28.35 feet, along a fence line, to a fence post; thence 887°-59'-1 T'W, 8.37 feet to a fence post; thence 801 °-01 '-45''W, 41.16 feet to the southeast bathey of said tract; thence coursing an existing fence line as follows; SOl °-39' -OO"W, 32.33 feet to a spike set in the top of a fence post; S89°-35'-30''W, 49.54 feet to a bathey; S89°-52'-38"W, 550.95 feet to a point; Nooo-25'-OO''E, 469.75 feet to a point; S89°-46'49"E, 81.39 feet to a fence post; 863°-59' -04"E, 74.48 feet to a fence post; NI4°-40' -12"E, 20.01 feet, more or less, to the POSmON OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 4. 75 acres, more or less; .AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY Catherine T. Jackson Page J of3 r.::::::::::::::~:::::::~ ii:U;'~At:~t:~k~ · ~it~§Imm~~~~(;~ 0': ::..,::.~;.~¡l:;:!;:.¡';?¡i~. :t,ððZ;J tf)9ZJOSO The BASE Bearing for this survey is the south line of the NE~ of Section 5, T30N Rl18W, being N89°-08'-55"W; each "poinf' marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LID AFTON WY PLS 5368" or "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LID BIG PINEY WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; Each "comer" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "fence post " marked by a 6" to 10" diameter wood post; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; each "bathey" marked by a steel T -shaped stake 24" long with a metal cap inscribed "SURVEY POINT DO NO DISTURB RLS 164" and/or "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS 164 SURVEY POINT'; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be tiled in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled "RICHARD D. JACKSON AND CATIffiRINE T. JACKSON AND BLAIR W. IDEN AND CECILE E. IDEN BOUNDARY ADmSTMENT WITIßN GLO LOT 1 (NW~NE~) LOT 2 (NE~NW~) SW~NEv.. SE~NW~ GLO SECTION 5 T30N R118W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, dated 3 June 2003. 3. That by reason of the above-said conveyance, the said Richard D. Jackson and Catherine T. Jackson, became the owners of the said described real property as husband and wife, which by law conveys rights of survivorship; and title thereto vested in them continuously ftom that date of the conveyance as described in the above deed to the date of death of the said Richard D. Jackson, which occurred on July 2,2006, as aforesaid. 4. That by reason of and on the date of death of the said Richard D. Jackson, title to the above-described real property vested absolutely in the Affiant, Catherine T. Jackson. s. A copy of the official Certificate of Death of the said decedent having been certified by a public authority is hereby attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". AFFIANT SAITH NOT FURTHER. DATED this % day of ~ k--- ,2006. (J~ I~ CAHTERINE T. JAC ON SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO J¿ejore me, a Notjry Pr:::~ and for the State and County above-mentioned, on this ~ day of ":k:..e ' . 2006, personally by Catherine T. Jackson. "ASONL~ NO NoIary PImßc, State d New Yœtc No.01H~789 ~y OualIDed in Westchester Cou~ Commission Expires Dee 16, 2Dœ:::( P C I~/I_! mmission Expires: ~ooc- WITNESS my hand and official seal. AFFIDA VJT TERMINATING JOINT TENANCY Cøtherlne T. Jøcboll Page 2 of2 ..... 000824- ..~' ~ ..fJ9Z.30S0 EXHIBIT "A" (;';;;;:f*;~~~¡;l;~i1~ t,"æ~J