HomeMy WebLinkAbout923064 -,', ..............~.........,~,.........-,~.....,.....::~~..~....:;.~'-'"... ~., "'-'.'. '-...C....:.......~ .... .........................:...., Oct 02 06 11:36& SSL TO ALPINE AFFIDA VI'" STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS, COUNTY OJ' LINCOLN ) . ._- ··.·.·_·:<,;·.·!.J;,1Io!'J~··.·.lr'O:'·...¡,~i·il.H''''.,.,~'-'''.,·..',.·..._.' '. ':':';"~';'~ ;'.' ",f ,. -', ...' ~:, . .~'.;.~:I"l" . 13076549319 p.3 OOOS5~'t RECEIVED 10/4/2006 at 12:22 PM RECEIVING # 923064 BOOK: 635 PAGE: 851 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW, Cynthia A. Engelstad. TIUStce, of the AEngeIstad Living Tmst ,dated 1 Febmary 1999, whose address is P.O. Box 12321 Jackson. yoming, 83002, being duly swom on oath according to law, does hereby make the following ems offacts and affirms: 1. That the Cynthia A. EnøeJstad Living Trost, dated 1 Fe 1999 is the owner of the land described UDder the Certificate of Surveyor 011 pJat titled, "'ALPINE VIlLAOE SUBDIVISION NO.1 PLAT 2 AMENDED 7m 0 IDENTICAL WITH LOT 23 ALPINE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION NO.1 PLAT 2 AMDENDED Wl1H1N W~~ SECTION 19 T37N R 11 BW UNCOLN COUNTY, OMINO", dated ] I July 2006, as revised. 2. That the \IIIdersigœd has re~ said plat. 3. That the undersigped bas read and understands the . . ODS of the Ccrtfficate of ~l1C1' thereon and the implications thereof: 4. That this affidavit is signal in the stead of ad has the e1fect as if the original mylar of Sllid plat had been signed. DÀTBD this ~ day of œe;~6~ 2006. ~ r,~oing ÏDâtLwnc.4 was aclCDowI.«Jged befOR: me by o~, . A. Bngclstad on this2day Witness my baud aDd official seal ~~OjÀY7 My CommIseion ExpIres Commission Expiæs: 7~ Z?iI :::;f:~:::,*::~~;;: ::!:~;3:::"