HomeMy WebLinkAbout923086 89/29/2886 11:23 3878858882 B05V PÞl£ 85/16 );t 00001f) RECEIVED 10/412006 at 4:32 PM RECEIVING # 923086 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 10 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY &1ate tit Wyomin. Space Abav. TIå ÜIe For ReoonInt D.. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Whh FutuAl Advance Claua.) 1. DATE AND PART1EI. Th. d8te of thit Mortgage. œ~ If. .. follow.: and the pantel and """' 8ddAl... I . , \ C) MORTGAGOR: CAllE J. EIII~ 3M3 ..1.... AV!. MIIRW. UT 84IIiO o Refer to the Adclendvrn which II In-chad .net Inoorporautd herein ft)r additional Mortpgcn, ¿:..- (/, V LENDER: TIIE'_ OF ~AII VAUfY Dll6AIIZID AID EXIITM \JIDIR THE UWS OF TIlE STATE OF WfOMITfli 3M W&8HIISTUIt S11I&T po lOX l1li7 AfTIII, W\' 8311D /1-ì ./ Z. MORTGAGE. For good ..,d valuable caneid".tton, the reè.lpt and sufflCi.ncy of which Ie acknowledged, and 10 .acuAl the SecuNd Debt ft\ereefter deflnedl, Mongagor gram. b..-g...., conveyer rnøngaga and werren,. to lender, wi1h the power of .ate, the following ..cribed property; SEE EX1IIØT A ATTACItED IRE TO AIID MAŒ A PART'" Of TM property Is 10C8ted in lIICQLN ICDIIftty\ , sTAR YAlllY Well , Wyomlnll 11127 ,u.-I (Cltvl (ZIp C'*I Together with ell rlghta, ...em-ntt, apput't.nanees, rOYlltie;;., mJnlirlll rigtns, 011 and II_ rights, crops, timber, all diverelon payments or third party pI'iT1enta midi tD crop pi'óducara, and an exllttng and f\ftW'a Improwm.~, 8tructurea, fbct\nl, and AI,.aoemenw that may now, or lit .ny time 11'1 1M future, 1M part of the AI" utat. described ebow (tll referred to a. .Property"'. The term Property allO Indudel, but i. not limited to. any and 811 water w.lIs, water, ditcha, .....rvolnl, ,...rvolr sha and chlm. 10CIIted on 1M reel..... .nd 111 rtp:lll'bn and w_ rillm. UloclatlKl with the Prop«ty, hawaver _Úlblished, at LOT 21 PLAT 7 -..-- ..,...........-- ....-\...~...._- ~ .'-'2001 .....~.IM.....CIItØ,.........~ ,,,t/IDOI (".".. , "f.) . . ·.............._,-'.,......,...,.................~..~..........~--'--'---'-:..:.-~.. .,~',.,,:;.,.., '.,o:...,.~_,....'. ~'~.......''''..._...4..,'''_,,.................._~_:'''.-..:'' .........1~'__...,_.-'~...~, .._......_...-..".*.*._.~.... B9/29/2BB6 11:23 3B7885BBB2 · BJSV PAGE B6/16 ,J)9~~j086 , 00001~ 3. MAXIMUM alLIGATION LIMIT. Tha tcnaJ principal 8Inount of the Seaured Debt fh....fter de1Ined) .cured by thle Mong8ge It Iny one time ahll n01 IX"" . B pOD . This limitatian of amount does not Include InWrut. loan charga, commltmem fees. brokerlge commlallonl,. attørMyt' fees and rnher ch...... VIIIidIy made purtUent to thf, Monge,. end does n01 apply to edv.ncn (or imerett If:orued an ..ch edvHCeS) mede under 1he term. of thl. MOrtgIIge to protect LMtder'. -.curity end to perform Iny of th~ coven.nta cantlinecl In dda Martpge. Future actvanCIII lite comempllted Ind, "uno wl1h OItIer fU1uN obllgaUont, .... QO\nd by this MOf1UIItie even though 10 or Plrt may not yet ba advanced. Nothing In .... Mangage, how.".., .hllll c:onstitute a commllmam 10 mllke,eddhlan.1 01 fu1Uf'e lalna 01 advances in any .wmaunt. Any .uch commhment would nMd to be ~ to in a ..parale wrItIn9, 4. SECURED DOT DEFINED. The ~'rm wSecLnd Debt" 1no1udH, but Ia not &mited tv, the following: A. The promissory note(I), oontrectrl), ,u..¡nyU..) or cnh.... evidence of ct.bt deacñ_d below end In extenllone, . renew,'., modifications Of. subatinnlona. (When merenø/nø rM rJ.bt:l NIow It J. ~ted thllt )"Ou Includø Imn. well .. bortrJ~,.' ".",.. 'M ItJrJteue.. nø" princ/ MI emounta. t:omtnetd.J ,.."oIvIng ItJIIn egrnmfmt's maximum amount, In,.,.., ","s, "an.ble ,,,, ,.""., ",.turlty dle.s, ete.J 111£ P11DM18SOIIY 1I0Ti DATED IIl2IIGIIN THt AIIOUIIT OF t44,ØDO.OD B. All future Idvenoes from Lender to MortgllfOt' or other future oblitetlonl of Morttaaor to Lender und.r .ny pramiasory note, contrlot. guarantY, or other evtdence Of debt .,detln, now Of IXlICuted aftM this Mo",age whethlr Of not 1ft11 Mortgege. specifically referred to in the evkll!nce of debt. C. All obligations Mon'8tDr ow.. to lender, whlotl now e1dllt or ""'V later art.., to the ~ not prohibited by "w, Including, but not limited to, ItabIIItHI. for overdrmJ releting to any depoIh account ag,..ment between Mortgagor and lAnder. . D, All additional sum. adv:ilnced and expen... incUl'l'ecl by ~nder tor insuring, preserving or otherwise prot8C'df1g the Property IInd ib value 'nd ,"y ather .ums advenoecl end ~If¡" lno,,"" by lender under the tertn. of thIa Mortgage, plu. Intarat et the h1ghl$t rite in effect, from time to time, a. provided In the IMdence of Debt. e. Mortgagor's performlm:e under the terms of any'lnatnlment evldanoing a debt by Mortgl'or tv Lender Ind Inv Monlll'. IlCUring, guarantying, or atherwlu relating tv the debt, " more then OM parton "9'" this Mortga.. a. Mortgagor, Neb Mortgagor Ig,... thlt this Mongege will øc:ure .11 future advanca and future abli,ation. de.orJbad above thet .... given tQ or Incurred by any one or more Mottaaocr. or If1Y onl or more Mortallor and othars. Thll MortrIlfe will not .cute env other dHt If lender 111111, with respect to .uch othef debt, to nNlM 'ny required disclD*ure about thl. Mortga,e or If Ltl'ldtr falll to give any required notice af the right 01 ,e.dellloJ;!. 5, PAYMENTS. Mortgagor Igr... ta m.ke III paymen1l on the Secured Dt'bt when due end In accordlnC8 with the terms of the Evld.nce of Debt or this Mortgage. I. ClAIMS AGAINST TITJ.E. Mangegor will pay all talCe., ...earnen1t, ~., encumbrance.. I.... ptlymenb, ground rents, utØttIe., Ind D1her ohef... _*'11 to the PropertY .,ttan due. Lender mllY require MortgaGOr to provtde to Lend.r oopiM of an nadce. that such amounts an: due *Þd the ~Celpta "Idendng MongllgOf'. P'lyment. Mortg.go, will defend title to the Property agalnet any ct.lma 1ftat would imPair the lien of this Mortglge. Mol'tllgor -orees to ...Ign to under, .. requested by Lender, eny riGhts. clalme or defenøl whICh Monlllor may have .gain" parties who IUPply labor or ma,erll" to Improva or mllntaln the PropertY.' '. . "f . I , 7. PRIOR SECURITY INT£RESTS. WIth 'ettrcl to any oth~ mortgage, dMCI at Wit, ..curlty agreement or other lien document that c~ed . prior security m.rest or encumbrlnce on the ProPertY end that ",ay h.ve priority over this Mortgage. MOl1gagor agreel: A. To make all payments when due end to perform or COfnIJly with .11 cownanu. B. To promptly delIVer to L..nder any notlc.. that Mortgagor rec.....:J from the holder. C. Not to make or permit any modlflc8tion or eXt'enaton of, end not to request or accept rmy future advanc.. under any note or ag,..ment ..cured bV, the ather mortgage, deed at tnI8t Dr ..ourlty agreement IIn.... Lender COnMnu In writing. . 8. DUE ON SALI! OR ENCUMBRANCE. Lender ",.y, It Ite optlan, deoler. ttte entire balance of the SKuted Debt to b. immediñtly due McI payable upan the cr.allon of .ny 111m, encumbr.nce, Itenafar. or .ele. or contrlot far .nv 01 ..- on the Property, However, If the Property indùde. Mortgagor'a ralcltne4t, this HC1ion sh.1 be aub ec:t to tha restrictions impoeed by feder81 Jew 112 C.F.A, 15511), as :ilppllc.... For the MItþoses of thIa Hotlon, the tem1 wPropertyw elso Includes any In_at to .. or any plitt of the Property. This COVIn..,t ...... run with the Property end .heR rem'" In effect until the Secured Debt II p.,d In fuR and thI8 Mongage ÎI released. ',......1,;:' ~ f,.. :z 01 BJ ~ .'''3.:2001 ........~....."..CIoH._ ~ Aoco.MII-WV V"IIIOCI3' U:~¡1¡lmmiU ffim~@f·::m f:::I.'::'~~:;::::::~ ,','.' ,1.'.f.",'.1 ,,,''''''''''ra;t;''I~':'-~_''·:' _ ""__'~,' ,,"'- ~_--".- ..' ..."....:.>.:......,. :"...:¡...!,~,;.~-"--L:._'.'-.",:O=""_:... .- . '..~'....,...._..:.. "'~'..~.:!,;~:..:a:~'~ 139/29/213136 11:23 3B7885BBB2 oosv PAGE 137116 :,J9Z:iOS6 {)OOO1.~ e. TRAMSPEft OF AN INTEREST IN THE MORTGAGOR. If Mongagor Is .n entity othertttln I natural person ltuch .. I cØJpOmlon or cm.r orga~l, 1,.nder may demand Immeclate ply""nllf 11) a beneftc:itl intwnt in Montlgar .. sold or ,,.~ferred; (2) 1here It I change In .11her 1he ldenthy or IWmber of mltmbers of I plrt.,.,.hlp or etmlklr tm1Ity; or 131 then: IS e chengeln ownerthlp of more than 25 percent of the vcmng ateck of a OOfPOration or limll. entity. However. Lend. may not demand p..,ment in the 1Ibov. eItu8tIons If h Is prohibited by IlIw . of 1M date of thIe Mortgag.. 10. ENTITY WARRANTIES AND REPIIESENTATIONS. If MonglgOl' I. en .,.thy ather than a netureI per.on (auch I' a oorporrion or other ort8nlZeùonl, Mortpgor mak.. to lttnder the followino wernntiu .nd repte.entûons' whieh shla be continUIng u long II ÛI. Secured Debt remains outstanding: A, Mortgagor ia an entity which II d\IIy organized and valldty .xiWnø in the MortaagOf'. It8ta of incorporation (Of organltation). Mortgagor Is In good standing In ell .t,ut. In whlcfo Mongagar transaca business. Monaavcr hat the pow.r and authorItY to own the Propeny ..,dto carry on it'S bulln... _ now being oortducted and, as Ippllclble.l. qulUtled 10 dO'so in ..ch atlte in which MortglgOf ~retø, 8. Th. execution, d.tivery and perfonnMce 01 thf. Mortgage by Mortglgor and the abUtlûon nldeneed by the Evldenee of Debt are within me power of Mortgagor, have bet" duly IMhorlzed, hne reœNed ell neœaurv govtmmentølepPfoval, Ind will nat violate any prov!.lon of lew, or order of court or governmental agency, C. Oth.r than disclosed In writing Mortgagor has not changed Its neme wIthkI the Iut ten y..... ....d Nil not used any other trlide or 1k:tI1Iou. n.me. Without lender'. prior wrhten content, Mortgqor doee not end wm not u.. any other name IInd will preserve ttt .xlstlng name, "ad. nltl'les and fr1mchl... until the S'O....d Debt is sedaftad. . , ,. PROPERTY CONDITION. AL TlRATIONS AND INSPECTION. MortalgO ' will k.ep ûta Property in good eondhlon anit meke all repairs that .... reasonably nec....ry. Mortpgor win .glve Land. prompt notlc. of any I... Of damage ta tM Property, Mortgagor will keep the Propeny_fr.. of noxious weeda and gr....., Mortpgor will not lnitlatll, join In or connnt to .ny ch.ng. in .ny prlVØt restrlCUve cov.nlnt, zoning ordinlll1ce or other pubUc or private restriction IImftlng or defining the uses which mlY b. made of the Property or any p.rt I)f Ù'I. Propeny, without Lender's prior wrttten con.ent. Mongagor win notify Lender of an demanda, p~dlng.. olaims, ..,d .otIons 10linS! MortGagor or any other owner moe under law or reguledon reprdlng use. ownlnlhip and occupancy of the Propeny, Mortgagor win comply with .11 legal requlrem.ms ."d I'Utricòons, whether public or prtv.te, with respect ta the use of the Propeny. Mongl9Of al.o .gran that the nature of the occuplncy and u.. will ~ot changa without Lender'. prior wrltten CONant. No ponto" of tha Property wlH be removad, damolilhed or mlterillly llltered without lender', prior written consent except that Mongagor hi' the right 10 remove items of personal pro,.nv· compri;ing I pen of the Property that becoml wom or oblOllte. provided that luch peBOMlproperty .. replaced with, other p.,.onal property 8t 1NS't equal in value to the repbll:ed penonal propeny, tr""from any titI. retemløn de-vice, lectII'Ity iI~.rnent 01' other encumbrance. Such r.placament of pe/'8onal propet'tV will be deemed subject to the .lecUlÍt', Int....t created by this Mongqe, Mongagor shill not panhlon or subdivide the PropertV without Lender'. prior writt"n conalnt. lAnder or L."ftr'. agents mlV, at lend.r's option. eMllr the Property at .nv relltonabhl time tor the purpo!Õ. of InSfllcting the Property. Any ln8p~n of the Proparty ahall ~ entirely for Lender', bent fit and Mongagor win in no way rely on lender', InlPectIon, 12. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. " Mongagor flits to perform any of Monpgol'" duties unci" 1hIa Mong~Ba, or Inv ather mongage, d..d of trust. eecurlty Igrøment or ather lien document thllt h.. priority over thI. Monvaøe, Lender may, WÏ1h1Nt notice, perform the dudes or ClUiII _them to be perform.d. Mort!fagor ."otnts Lender II attorney In fac1 to sign Mortgegor'l name or PlY eny amount nec....ry for perfQt'Manca. If anv con.uuctlon on the Proþel1y II discontinued or not carried on In a r..sonabl. manner, Lender may do w"...,.r Is "aces..ry to pro~ Lender'. IICurtty mrat In the Proparty. this may include compl~lnt the c::onatruotlcm. .' . Lender's rlgtn to perform for MortgllGðI' .hllI not Cfta18 ~ :obligation to !*form, and Lender'. failure to perform will not preclude Lender from .xero!llng any of lender'. other righU under tho IftIf or this Mortgage. ArTY amouma plid by Lender for Inau.ring. Pf...rving or atherwtee protecting the Properto¡ end Lender'. ..curIty Interest wil be due on demand and wift bear '!merest from th. da1. of the payment uMlI paid In fun n tM 1nt8M11 rate In effect from ~ to time tcCOrdlno to the tenns of the Evidance of Debt, 13. USIGNMEHT OF LEASES AND RØfTS, Mortgagor ."Ip, ;1I...fIQ/; bargain., conwyt, mortgages and walTlltltS to Lender al additional security an the right, mil .,.d Interwt in the followl".. \'Prot)enyt. A. existing or future ......, subl.un, licen,.., fIU..ntI.. and an" other written or verbll Igreementl for the Ule and occupencv of the Propeny, Jnch.lcØnll but; not limited tIJ, any extension., renewals, mod!flodona or r.plKemenu Ile....). . 8, Rents. I..ues and profha, including but n01 limited to, securil1 depotl1e, minImum IWnt8, perce""" reMII, addhlonal rents, common arel maintenance charges, parking C::"4rg... rill esta. taxes. other a"lloebl. tax.., 'n"..nee premium co~butIons, Hquldlted dllmll9" following clefaùft, cancellation premiums, -loss of rents" Inlurence. gue.t receipts, ~Yenues, royeities, pfo0,eed8, bonUle.., accoun", centrlct rights, gen...el1manglble., and In rights end dlllims which MonpgOl' may ~ ÛI~ in any way peftIIn to or are on .ccount of the UM 01' occupaflC\l of the whol' or any part of the Property (Renta), . In the .'I8nt any Item Hated .. 1.eases Of Rents I, detWn'liNId to be persOftel propet1y, this AMignment will elso be ,...lIfCIed .. . ..curity aoreement, ~ I"..,: 3 '" ./ ~ .,gn, _, .......~......, '" CIooN. MIll ,."" ~ ""JaOn , , ,.' .,....-....... . _·.:_..:;...~.:..I.._'-c_._.. .."'.....,....<..... B9/29/2BB6 11:23 3B7885BBB2 BJSV PAGE 88/16 ,J9Z:i086 00001.~ Monaloor will promptly provld. lender with copies of the Lasa and wII certify th... L.... are trUe end oorrect copin. Th. existing lelles will be provided on .xecution of the Milønment Iftd I' of the future Le.... and ~ ather Informltlon with ,..pect to the.. la.... wiD . providelt in1mediatBIv lifter they .... .xecuted. MortafllOl' IMY ooleet. receive, enJay .nd use the Rents 10 long I' Mortglgor hi not In deflUlt. Mortgagor win not coRect In lIdvenee any Rents due In future Ie... periods, unf_ MDrtgagor fll'S1 obtllÏN Lender'. written conaetIt. Upon defluk, Mort1I.,or win floe," eny RenbI in trust for Lender and MortgegoI' win not commingle VI. ft",,.. with any other fundi, When lMuIer 10 direC'tl, MongagOl' will endol'M .nd delver 8I1V ,.ym..,~ of Ranb from the Propeny to Lendar, Amouna coIlIcned wtß be applied at lender', discretion tD the Secured D.bts, th. coati of mena"ma, pl'OtlOting and p,...rvIn, the Propwty, ri other n.e...." .~.. Mortglfor agr... that this Security lns1rUm~nt is immediately Iff8c1Ive H1w.... Mortgagor end Lender. Thl' Security lnatnlment win remain eft.ow. during an)' I18tUtGry redemption period until the Seoured Debts .1'11 Rtiafied, Unl.., otherwise prohlblt8d or pl'llacrlbed by atM. ,.W, MonpgOl' .... thlt Lender may talca IC1UII pOl....1on of the Prop.rty without ~ nec..1ty of c:ommenclng any IepI action or proceeding. Mongagor 1GfH' that Ictual poa...elan of the Property 18 deemed to occur when Lender noUtiI. Mortgager of M0rti...,'. defeult .nd demand8 that Mortgagor .l1d Mot'tgagor'. tenantl pay all Rena due Of 10 become due dlreøtly to L.nder. Imm.dlateIy after Lender tivel Mortgagor the notlO4t of default, Mortgagor agreel tht either Lender Of ~OTqJagor mav immediately notify the tenant. end demand dwt en fu1ure Rents be plld directly to lender, As long as this A..lgnl1Wnt I. In effect, Mortgagor Wlnwlta end "'l'IIlnntt that no defaul1 eJÚU under the le...., and thl pertIM IUbJect to the Le.... hIVe not vlo"~ '"Y applicable In,' on lea..., Ree"... and I.ndlords end tenenu. Mortgagor, It ita loll COlt IIfId tXþtnIe, win keep, observe and per1orm, 8f1CI rlau1r8 all other pante, to the Le.... to comply with the l..... .nd .nv IPplloële IIw, 11 M~gOl' or any p.rty to the L.... defaults or faill to obMrve eny applicable law, Mortgegor wiD promptly notify lender. If MortGagor neuleots or refUlel to en10rce compUance with tha terms of the L.nl', then Lender may, ~ Le"der'. opden,. enforce comþlllnC8. '" ¡ . .' Mortgagor will not .ublet, modify, eXtend, Ç8f1~, Dr cther:wise .Iter the Le..., or accept the aurrender of the ProPertY covered by the L..... (IoW..S the L.....·I(I r~lral without lender', .:OnHm, Mortgagor will not asaign, compromiH, IUbonfinate Dr encumber the Le.... and Rents withoutl..,d.,'. prior written oonHnt, Lender doea not a..ume or become liable for tha Property's malntenenc., d.preclatlon, or other loa... or damlgn whln Lender actt to m.n.ge, protect or p1eSIrve the Property, except for losses .nd dlm.ges due II) Lender', grol. netlllenoe or Inttndo"aI toru, Otherwise, Mongegor wII índamnlfy Lender .nd hold Lender harm.... for ai' Ibbllty, lOll or damage that Lander mev incur when Lender opta tc) exercise any of Its remedies ag1Ilnst .ny PIr'tY øÞ11gM1d under the Leue., 14. CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DEVElOPMENTS. If the Proøertv Include. I' unit In a condomû1lum or e planned unit development, Mortgagor wlH perform all of Mortgegor'. dude. under the cavenanb, by-laws, or regulations of the condominium or øllJnned unit d.v.!oØment, . ' 15, DEFAULT, Mortgagor will be In daftuft If any of the following ocour: A, Any party obHgated an the Secured Debt fail. to man payment when due; . B. A br.ach of any term or covlnam In this Monaage, any prior mortg.ge or eny OOfl5trUCtlon Io.n agrøment. ..curity .greement Of any other dacutnent evidencing, guarantying, .ecurlng or otherwise rell'ttng to the Secured DeÞt; , , : C, 'The mlllldng or furnishing of any wrbel or wrinen representation, statement ,or warrentv to lender that I. 'elae or Incorrect in any m.terlel re.~t by Mortglgor or ~y parton 'or entity abligaUtd on the Secured C.bt; Q. The de.m, dissolution, or Insolvency of, IJIpolntment of a receIVer for, or IPpllçl'tten of any debtor relief law to, Mong.llor or any per.on or entlty.obllga1td on the, ~wred' Debt: . E. A good f.lth beltef by landlr .t eny time that Lender I, InHaunt with r.eptCt to any paf'llon or entity oÞhglted on the Secured Debt or tM't the pro.pact of any peyment is impaired or the value of me Property Is Impllred; F, A m.teriel adverse change In Mortgagor', buslneu Inctudlng ownership, m..,egement, ..,d finlncial conditions, which lender In Its opinion belie,," impairs the value of the Propltrty or repeyment of the secured Debt; or G. AIry lean ,procøds ar. ul4Hl for . ,urpoee that will contrIbuu to txcesslve erosion of highfy erodible land or to the conversion of wetlands to produee an .gricultural cOmmodity, IS further '!CPIefned In 7 C.F.R. p.n 1940, Subpe" G, exhibit M. . 'S. REMmIH ON DEfAULT. In lome Inat.nee., f..11 Ind N18 law will require Lender 10 provide Mongagor with notice of 'the right to cure, mediation notIcea or other notlo.. .nd mey eetållah time aGhectult. for foreclwuR .~_. Subject to theeellmltatlons, If MY, Londor may aceeler.. the Secu!'lld Debt entl forectose this Mortgage In a manner provided by law jf this Mortgegor Is In default. ' I At the option of L.nder, all or .ny pan of the agnltld M ...d oh.~" IIIccrued tnt.rut and principal .hlH become Immediately due end PIY.bie, afcer giving notice if reqUired by 18W. upon the occunMlce of . de1'ault or enYtlm. thereaftar. In addition, Lender shall be entitled to III the remedll' provkhtd bV law, the Evi.nce of Debt, other eviden".. of debt, thla Mortgag. end any re~ documenu ¡ndud"" without rlfT'lltMlon, ttw pow., to ~.. the PropertY, AI remediet .,. distinct, cumul.tlve end not excluelVe, and'1he \.endor I. .mltled to all remedl.. provided" law or equity, whether axpre..1y at forth Of not, The. .cceptance by Lender of! .ñy lum In peyment or ,.-1 payment on tho BeCUNd Debt .ftlr the balence 18 due or " acÔè¡lMatod or after faì!edcqúl'II proceedinGS are flied Ihen not con.muœ a wllwr Df Lender's ritht to l'llquire tun end complete cunt of .nv eiclstlnt de'-uh. Bv not exerolslng any remedy on Mortgagor'. defeult, Linder does not waive \.e"dltr's right to labr corilfdar the event I def.un If It contInu.. or happ.", Igaln- , \\ /. . ~4o'.J ~ .11n,JllCII ~""""",.$&.~.MII '-AGCo-IIS-Wv 11111tD03 r ~~~m~m~~~m~~~~j , , ~::::*:~j:~:¡;:;~ I..... '\.1;,1 I" ,~ C'\'::1:;::;r;:¡]) ~+ ,',",','.\ !,!,1,1. '~. , : 1 ' I.'.;. ~;'. ._.-.-.,................_........................'.,.~....-....~--=-'--'-'--',.- ........~......... '-''-_ ,,·___,~~----...c·,.........._~__"---_ ~-'-'--"_.-'-...............'-.-'-,.------'--. ....--.. 89/29/2886 11:23 3878858882 BOSV PAGE 89/16 ;,J9Z3086 000014 17.!XPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS: AnORNEYS' FI!!S: COLLECTION COlTS, Except when prohibited by law. MOI'tIIgor III'" to p.y .1 of t.endø'. eXþenHS If Mortgagor breech" ,ny covenltlt In IhIs ~ong.... Mortpgar will also PlY on ~Ind. all ~f Lender', expenH5 Inaumtd In collecting, inaurlnll, pretefVIng or proteoang 1htt Property or In any Inventones, auditS, .mspectlona or other examlnl1lon by Lender in ,..pect tD the Property, MOI'tgetOl' .area to ~ III OOfœ and expen.es Inl:Urred by Lender In enforcing or prowedn' lend.,.. rlghU ..-I remedies under this MOrtgllD8, I~cludlng.. but not limited to, attoI'MYS' fee.. court c~, end other Ie.... expenø.. OnOl the 'IOUred Debt a. fully end fmalv paid, Lender Igree. to rele... thl. Mortglltfl Ind Mortglgør .... to pey for ltIy recordation costs, AR such amount. are due on demand and wtI beer Interest "om the tfme of the ativance lit the highest ra" In etf8ct from tIm4I to tlm., I' pro'lided In die Evtdence of Oebt .nd It ~Itt.d by lew. . 1'. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS auBSTANCES. As used ii1this HCtion, (1) wEnvironmemlll Law- I'Man& wl1hout limitation, the Comprehen8M' Envi1'onmenul Ae.pÇlnae, ÇompenMtton ..d Uablllty Act ICERCLA. 42 U.S.C~ 9801 et. .eq,), III other f_ral, state .f1It l~call.wI. regullltlons.ordlnll1ce., ooun orde,., dome,. lIeheNl opinions or 1"~tlVe letters ooncernlng d1t pubic hell1h, safety, welfare, envrronmen1 or . harardous aulmlnoe; and (2) wHaurdOUl Subftancew means any toxic, ~IOICtlv. or hazardous mat.riM, WI81e, pollutant ør comamlnant which ha. chlracterllltlct which render the substõllnce dangerou. or poten1lll1y dan18rou. to the pubUc helllttl, safety. welfare or envirohment. The term Inol\ld.., wlthOU1 IIml1l11on, MlY auba1tncéS deftntit .. Whl2erdous material," w~ aubmnces, W "h.zardouI WMteW or -huardou. swsuncew LInder Inv,Envlronmentalu.w. MðrtgagOf represents. walT1lMl and ~ree. tha', except as previously discJo.ed and acknowledged In wrlUng: A. No HezlI'dous Subatance ha. been, Is, or will be located, ,..ansponecl. mlnufactur8d, treated, rllfined. or handled by any person on. under or .bout m. Property, e~' in the ordlnwv ~ of bu.... .nd In strict compliança with an applicable EnvironmenulLaw, ' , , B, Monaegor hel not and win not cau.., contribute to, or perm~ the releu. of any Hazardous Substence on the Property.' , C. Mortgagor wiD Immediately notify Lender It m a rei.... or ".œned rele.. of HcardoUl SW¡tttnOt occurs on, unMr or abaut m. Property or mlgr.'.. or ttnmn, to mill". from n88rby property; or 121 UIere Is a vlolltlon of any Envtronmln1lll lAw concemWtg the ProPlrty, In suoh an ltVent, Mortgagor win bite en neoeøery remedlel action In accordltlol with Environmental Law. ' ; , D, Mortpgor h_ no knowledte of or rea.on to beAeve there Is MI.,. pendtng or ttIreeten.d Investigation, cqlm. or proceeding of any kind relating to 11) II1Y Ha!ardo~. Bubmnce located on, under or about the Property; or 12) any vlolltion by Mortgagor or any tenMlt of any ErwlronmentalLew, Monpgor win ImrnediMely notify Lender In writing al soon as Mortglgor hIS renon 10 belie" there Is any· such pending ør mreatened Investigrion, claim, or proceeding. In luch an event, Lenclw ha. tM right; but not the obligttiGn, to pentokNIte In any such pt'OC*Idlng IncludIng th8 tight to receive cop...,.f eny ctocumenU relating to 1:lCh pt'ooeedIngs. E. Mongegor and every tenant havI been, .te and thalt' remain In full compttance with any IIPplio.... Environmental Law. F. There are no underground Itora"e tanka, priva.. dumps or o~n wells located on or under the Property and f'O such tank, dump or Wilt will b. added unless Lender first connntl In wrhlng. G. Mons.gor will regulartv Inspect thl Property, monitor the Ictivltles and operatton. an thl Property, end con11rm that all permits, 1!c.-IWes or approvals required by' any applicable Environmental Law Ire obU1ned and compr..d with. H, Morwagor wm perml1, or c.ule .nv teMnt to parmlt. Lender or Lender', ,gent tc anter ItId Inspect the Property and' review .. record. at any reasoneble time to determine 11) the Ixll'blnce., loolrt1on and natUre of any Hazardous Subatenc. on, under or about the Prop.rty; 121 the axittence, Ioc.tlon, ne1UrC, and magnitude of MlY HallrdoUl Substance ma' "Ia been ...I....d on, under or aboUt thit PropertYi Of' 13) wtwther or not Mortgagor and anv tenant .rl In complience with 81)pllcable Environmental Lew. I. Upon Lender'. requa' Ind at any time, Mortga,'or .greac, at Mortgagor's expense. to .nglgl a qu.nfled enylronm.n~ engineer to prepare an environmentlÌl8Ud1t of lI1e Property and to .ubmtt the reeutta of such audit to lender. The choto. of the envtronmentate"gineer Who win perfetrm such 8UcI1t Is subject to Lender~a epproval, J. Lender ha. the right. but not the obllGlltlon, W perform any Of Monvagør's obllglldonl under thia section a1 Monu8Ior'. expense, ' . . , !C. A.. consequence of any bfwach of IIPY representlltlon, waml1tV or promise made in thit section. 111 Mortgagor wm "'demnify .nd hold Lender end Lender'. aUcceltOrs or as.ipn~ harmltll frOm and ~alnst alllos...! claims, dem.nd.. Ilabllttl... dam.ges, _ cleanup, reapvnae.nd r.medlatlon ccsts, penaltle. and .)[peN... InCluding without IImltltlon 811 costs of rmgitÍon and attorneyS' ,,,,, which Lender .nd lAnder's sucçeMOfl or u8lgnl m8V sust8in¡ end (21 It under', dllCI'8tiOfl, Lender may reCeaee thle Mortga._ _ncI In ratum MortglgOf will provtde l.nder with collate...' of at least equal v..... to the PropertY secuf.d by this Mortg.ge wlttMtut prejudice to any of lInder', rights under this Mortoap- L. NotWithstandIng any of the langu.ge conteined In' thla Mortg.g. to the contrtry. the term. of thl, Netlon .hall survive any loreololure or satisf.ctIon of this Mortgage ret.rd.... of any POlllt- of title to Lender or Iny disposition by Lender of Iny or an of the Property, Anv claima and de'"," to the contrlry ant hereby wllved. 1.. CONDEMNATION. Mortg8aor wll give Lender prompt no1lce c1 MY .1ct1on, real or threatened. by private or public en1ttlat to purçhue or ÞIt. any or .11 of the Property. Including .ny a..emenu, through condemnation, eminent domain, or Iny ather meana, Mortgagor furttl.r agrees to nottfy L.nder of anv pruceedinQ~ Instítuted for the .SÙIbII.hment of any sewer. water. oon.......tlon, ditch. dr.inage, or other dltltrict r.la1Ing UJ or binding upon the Property or MlY PI" of It. Mortgagor .uthor¡Zn Lender w Intervene In Monpgar's name In any of the above described actions or claim. .nd to collect end teoeiva In .uma resulting from me aotlon or cl.ïm, Mortgagor anlgn. to lender the procøcb of any .werd or delm for d.,agee oonnected with " condemnation or other teklrlg of all or .nv part of the PropertY. Such pracMda shill be considered peyrne"U and wll be tpp. lied as proVl.·ded In-.tha.. Monva\ÿ. This IPignrnent of proceed". IlUbjac:t to tha terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trUst, IICUmy Igree"""t or other I dooumtrlt. . ' , .; ("..-5ø/" , I .' . ~ .tm, ~I _.....,......Inc..it. aoø. "'" ,,_ AQCO.Ø!SfaW'( tIt~' ''''':.-.._~.. ,': ~ ...' ....~-...".......... ---~'---_... ..--.... 99/29/2996 11:23 __~_'-'u':"'~_··__-'-'._c.."'w-:"""",,""", -'-"....,...."....,.;..' , '.t "-..,.._...~..... 3978859992 , : BOSV PAGE 18/16 ,.J9Z.~J086 00001.5 , , ZOo INSURANCE. MOrtpllor agree. to maintain insurance as follows: A. MortG89ot tit.. keep the Property Intuftd aoaln.t Iou by fir.. theft _ œhar hanrck 8ftd risIc. re88OMb1y ...øcleted with tha Properw due to Its tYpe Ind location. Othe' hazards end risks may Include. for IIQmpIe. cCMlrage .gainst 10$. due to floods or flooding. this Insurance ,haH be maintained In the amCNnU end for the periods thet L.ndet requirea. What Lender requl.... ,."..,ent to the preoecl1n, two .entenen é8n ohMøe elutlnO tha term of the SecUNel Debt. The InlUfInCl carrier provldlnl the inau~ thaH be chosen by Monv-vor subjee1: to LIndtr'. IPproval, which shd n~ be unreasonably whhheId. If Monv8fO' .... to m.mu.ïn dM coven,. delcriwd above, Lender may. at LMlder'. option. obtain CGYeragt to pr~ Lender', righb In'the Property according to the term, of this MonOlOt, ' ' AI lnauren~ polloi.. and Nnewels ahell be accep,.ble to Lender and aha" Include. .tanclllfd "m0rtg8ge clause- and, where apt)llc.ble, -lender loss payee ...., W Mongagor Ihl ImrMdi8tely notify Lender of cancellation or termlnetlon of tM Jr.-urance. Lender Ihall hllVll thè right to hold the poIlciee ."d renewlla. If Lender I1Iqulre.. Mortgaior shalt Immedlate!v give to Lender all ..celpts of paid premium. ..d renewal noticø. Upon los,. ~artgagor IheU Olve Irnmecll8te notice to the Inlurance carrier arlel Lender, Lend,r may makl proof of 1o,. If n01 made Immecftatoly by Mortgagor. Unle.a Lender and Martglgor otherwi.. agree In writing, Inlurance prooeedl ,hili be applied ta ....torItIon or replÏr of the Propem demaged if the FØWrdon ,or ...pair " tc?nomlcally feaible and Lend.,'. security I, not Ie....,ed, If the ...t1OrtIÚon or repair II not 80cmòmlcally feulbl. or Lenitet', security would be I....ned. the Inaurance proottcts "'.11 be applied to the Secured Debt. wheil1er Of' not then due, with ...,y IÇCcell paid to Mongagor, If Mortg89or ablndons the Propeny. OF don n01 Ma".,er within 30 d..,. a notic. from Lender that thl Insurance c8ITIer hIS offlred to ..nit _ c'-Im, tMn Lender may coIIKt 1he insurance proœedt. Lender may use tha proceed. to repair cr r~ore the Property or to PlY the Se~J'ed Debt whether or nat then due. Thea 3O-dey plrlod will begin ViMn the ¡'o1ice is given. Unless lender and Mongagor otherwise agree In wl'Ïtinf. eny IfIPliaation of proceeds to principII .hall not Ixtend or po.tpone thl due date of .ctteduled p-vments Dr Ql\ange the 8mOUnt of "'e payment.. If the Property is acquired by Lender. Mort;agor', rtgtlt to any instnnoe poIIck'. Ind proceeds resulting from dtimage to the Property before the Icqul8ltJon thall )as, to Len~e' '0 the extent of the Secured D.bt Immedlat.lv "taro the acquitition. " . B. Mortgagor..... tD meintein Comprehenelvl gener llllllbllltV Insurance neming Lender IS In HditIonel ineured In en _mount _coepuble to L.nder. Inlurlng 1!,llnstcfaim, frisinJJ from any accfdent or ooourrence in or on the Propeny. C:, Mortgagor agree. to maintain rentlllas' or business II'rterruþtlon lnIuranctt, u ...quired by lender, in en amount equal to at leest coverqe o~ one ye..... dtbt service, end ",qui...d ..crow account -depo,1ts (11 agreed to .eplretely in writing). under a fönn:of polloy aacep~bl8 to Lender. 21. NO ESCROW FOR TAXES AND IfSUMNCE. Unless otherwl.e provided In I ...,.nta egr"/M"t, Mortgagor will not be required to pay to lend... fUl'icls for taxa and Inaurance In ..crow. 22. FINANCIAL REPo-.TS AND ADDmoNAL DOCUMENTS. Mortgagor Will provide to Lend.r upon requllt. any financial IUI~ ar Informatio" Lender may deem nee....,." Mortþgor werrants that :1111 flnancl8Jltlternents and Information Mortgagor provides to lend" II'. or will be. acowate, ~ and con,pIete. ~go, .g..... to 11gn, deliver, and file .. lender may nuonably request any additionel documenu or cet1lfi.,81IonI that Lend" may can.idll' necessery to perfect, continue, ."d pre.erve Mona.r·, obligations under this Mortgell8 Ind Lander's len st.tus on the Property, If Mortglgor fail, to do so. Lender mey II"" deliver, and file such dOC:lJmantl or certiflc:1Ite. In Mortgagor', nerne and Mortoagor herlby Irrevocebly appoln1s lender or Lend,r'~ _gent al attomey In fact to do the thing. necealry to comply with thla aec:t!on. , , 23. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAl UAlIUTY~ CO..sIGNER'~ SUCCESsORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND. All duties und. ÛlII Mortg-ue ant joint and Individual. If Mortgagor aign. this Mortgage but does not liun U. EVIdence of Debt MonvafOl' doee 10 only to monge.. Mortgegor'. inteTest in the Property to Mcure PlVfTllnt ofrht Secured Debt and Morttlgor does not .gree to be personally IIl.ble on the Securtd Debt, Mongagor a9f"S th.t l.ertrfer and any party to thia Mortgage mlY extend. modify or mike any chan"ln the terins.'of this Mortgage: or the Evldenoe of Dlbt wlthou~ Mortgagor'. con""t. Such I ohange will nat relene Mongevor from the term. of this Mongqe. The dudu and benefits of this Monvag. ahell bind and benefit the succasors end tssl9"' of Mortgagor.nd;L8nder. If this Mongege ..cura a guar.my between Lender and MortgIIgor 1M doe. lOt dlreotly secure the obliGetion which It lluanlntied. MortgaGor loree. to wei'le eny rlghuthat :may prevent Lllftder from bringing any IICtlon or çlalm again" Mono_gor Dr any pertY IndebÞd u"der the"obligatian incIudlno. but not limited to, arnHleflcltncy Dr on..ction law.. ~ .'.1, :mcn......-...-,.....tk.ø-4.MtI ""A~.wv .f1112GC11 ~ / ¡: 'r r".,. 6 of BJ , ! .,... '". , . ' ~::::;:!i~~:::::;;: .". :..:t~,~-.·2;,~ '! ~~ .......~~~,M ;..~;_ " ,. --- ._.~ . . . ~ ......... .. .. ...... . .....,;"'--"-"-'-'--,---~..~.'-"-'-,...-.,-_. .-...., -..,.....,........ 89/29/2BB6 11:23 387885BBB2 81SV {}9ZJ086 PAæ 11/16 00001~ 24. APPLICABLE LAW¡ 'EVERAIIUTV; IN1'I!ftPRETATION. TN, Manvel' III governed by 1'" I~ of 1M juriaclction In which Len.r .. Ioe~d, axcept to tM extarrt otherw.. required by Þ law, of 1M urt8cIotIon wherw me rrop.ny Is loc'1ed. ThIs Mong.... Ia comptet.,nd fully ÎIrtIIgrated. This MottOioll m.v not b4i amended or madifiecl by 0f'8I .OrMfMnt. Any Mottan or cI.... in 11\1$ Monpae, ItIIChmtnta, or any ~ rwIatecI to 1he Stctnd Debt u..t oonfIIcta with applicable lew will not: b, e1ftëtlve, unleM 11\.. law nprnslV or impliedly permhs the Verle1iOM by WI'itœn .areemlc", If IIItY Mo1Ion or 01.... of 1hia MOI1V-a' c.nnot be ..,forcec lCoordInt to iU WnnS. 1he1 ..cttcm or cia.. wII be .evered ..,d wll n01 effect the enfotceablllty of 1i1, rernaind. of tHs Mo.,.. WhIMv. UIed, the ~r Ihllll include the plural .nd the pIu.... Ú1t III""".,. The c.ptiont .nd hMdinlll of the ..cniona of thit MortQaØe are for oonvenlence onty and ate not 10 be ueecI to ht.rpret or define the terrM (,f this Mortgage. TIme " 01 the __ In this Mortelage. _ 26. NOTICE. Unless otherwlte tequINd by law, IIIIV notic. shall be given by d.Hv.ma It or by m.lAno It by first cI.. mall III 1h1 appraprtltl pany'. MId..., on þlIfe , of this Mortpge, or to any mor ,ddre.. cluigneted In writing. Notice 10 one mortgagor wiD be deemed 10 be noIIot 10 "I mang.gors, 28. WAlVlftS. Exçept to the e)tteM prohibited by law, Monolgor walvu III"IV right regerdlng 1M mel'lhelHng of 1'- and a.sllt. and ,II homestead exemption rIøht8 relattng 10 the Property. 27. U.C,C. PROVISIONS. If checked, the followinG "'1 appllçabla to. but do nC,t rmlt. tHe MO/1þga: o C_dructiøn lOIIn. This Mortgqe MOuntC an obli9ation incurred 'or the oonltYUC1lon 01 an Improvement on the Propeny. ' . , ., , o Fbmn~. Mortgllp grantS. to lender . .wnw Interet1 ín 11" goocIa thll1 MortG-aor own. ncrw or '" the future end 11\11 .re or will become-fixture. I'IIbtwd to ~ Próperty, o Crops: T"""; U......: RenD, ...... -.4 PNfitI. Mortgagor g",n1S 10 Lender a lecurity in~rnt in .n crop., ttmber Ind minerale located on the Property I' weN a. all rentII. Inun, IIßd proflta 01 them inclUdIng, but not limitéd to. III Con.ervatlon "aerve Program lCAP! end PlI'f'T1ent In Kind CPI") plYfM~ MKI simI., fDV81'""'lmaI )IOgrem. CeI of wh çh.MII .180 be inck.lded In the term wPropertywl. o .,...... Property. Monpgor granll to Lender . HCurity interest 'n all perlonal property located on or connec:ted wIth d1e Property. Thla .ecurity interest Includ.. .11, farm productr., inventary, equipment, Iccoun1', documlnll, instruments, chattel p.par, ..neralln~gIbI.., .nd, .il ather hem. of penOn.. property Mortø-aor awn. nOW or In tha future and Þ1 are used or IØaful in the oanstNctton, own....hlp, opMll'don. mM1lgement. ør malntlnanoe of 1he PropeJ1y. The term ~pe"'o"'l property" specifically excludes thlt propertY deecrlbed .. "hOt,tMhold goodaw lecured In connection wÎd! . ·conawnerP lean .. thOle term ; are defined in applicable feeler. ,.gula1IOftI governing unfair and decep1tv. oredlt precnlcts, " o FlIng Ae fWMnclnl S1a1MMnt. Mal1Vavor agree' end acknowledges milt this Martglõe al.o .ufflcea .. . flnlnclng ~nt Ind lIS $Uoh, may be fll.d af record .. . financing ItItem~ for ptI1IOSU of Ar1IcIe 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, A carbon, photographic, Image Dr otMr reproduodon 011h1. Monple is sufllclen1 II . flnllf1c1nglUtement. ' 28, O~ TERMS. If cheoked, the folloWIng IN."licable tothll,Mortgege: o line of er.1Iit. The Sec..ec:I Debt' fnèludes e rltVoMng Iin. of credit prtJ\flalØn. AlthDUlh the SecUNd Debt may be reduced to . zero btl..ce, this Mortg.ge wiH remeln In effect umll re"...d. . a s.pem. AÞ9,",eM, The MOrtgagor hIS executed'o, win execU[t a 'IIJI8r1lt8 ...Ignment of...... ~d Nnta. If the ..parate anignmln1 ot Ie.... Ind ren1l " propecty eøeuted and reoorcIed, then the MP..... UIIgnment wm supersede thi. Securl1y Irwrrument" -Asaivnment of le.... end Annaw ..ctIon. o A.......' Term.. ; . '\ , . .t,., , . ~ .111:1,1001 ..._..,..........,St.CIaui..... FMMAGCo.A!If.WY 1'1I/2l103 ~ '''''' 7 (If -J ·-··-·...,.""~·....."."s,,""""'.......',...·....~.-.....~..:~,.. "_""'_''': _.c..L ...-,.~_...:....'"-, ......_ . ..._-.,_..,.., ..'_..~__,_....,¿"'"-"-'.....-z..;,!..o.."""..;..;..!.:.:._:.;... .·..i..-'r.:L..."".....,~.·;...;.o:,:· 89/29/2886 11:23 3878858882 BOSV PÞŒ.. 12/16 ::)92:J086 00001.~ SIGNATURES: By .gning below. MortIlItOOf tgtee$ to 1he 1ermt .,d OOVin.",. contained In this Montage and In any .uaçhme"... Martg-vor ... tlC:tnowle~ receipt of t copy of 11114 MortsI-øe on 1M date ltlted Hove on P.,e 1, o Ac:tu.. tuthority Wet gl'lfIted to 1he partin lignin, below by ,..utIon tløntd .,e! eI.ted J -:J q - V (p -~ - ..~ (D_I llIpftnt ID.., I......".¡ 100'-1 I......... Dd o Ref., to the Addendum which Ia etmched and Incorporated hemin for addldonll Mortgagors, II;Mturu .nd lOItnowledgm..".. ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ; L I. I' f\ STATE Or,l*J..., ~ . COUNTY OF ~Olf\ 1) Thia inatrum....t wa edchOwledged before m. thl. 2JTM ~ of .....BL 2ØIII by My commlaton expires: } ... NOTARY PUBLIC JODY HILL 1558 No Woodland Park Dr #410 Layton Utah 84041 My Commission Expires , February 4, 2009 STATE OF UTAH 51 A T& OF , COUHTY OF Thtt InltrUmflnt wat Icknowltdg.d before me this by } a. dey of ...... . .... (fltM(Jl1I I,......... ......... .. IntItyI on behlllf of Ut. ~alnea. or ,rttity. .'.... ".. .of . My commission expires: IN.My ""*' ~ .,..,. lOOt e...a:as ~ ,"",II. a.... MIlt FOIl'!' ~WY 1/1'0I2DII3 ,,.,. , tJf II ;~~~m~m~{~<, ~c.........._._..... __""_"" ._.~__. ~..'" 89/29/2886 11:23 5EP-2B-2f1B6 15=31 --="'-=......:=.;..,-,-_.,,,.,,...'",,.~,.. . ....~ '.n..,.. ...x........................, 3878858882 B05V R..LIFtŒ TI11-E PH) E90nI , ontarNø; ¡010tSlQ)91~" LEGAL DI'.SClù.r'nON ~lt CA' . ,···..J.o~·~~·.~...~,.!...I.___""""'f.1.:F. '~'·_·'""U:"..!'::l!~"Ej:~..:t:..o:1'r~·n''''':;' '''',.,..'t:·........~..·I";õ·..:..·...·.' PAGE 13/16 "J1lfl 8T7 ~ p, 02 000018 n92308b I Lot 1f of Star v-ie, RødlPI. 7. LiaMla Coaly, 1",...... "crihcI OD Ole ' oØiåll plat filed ~ Aa.... 4, 1f11 u ......... "0. ø~ of die ncorck vfø.. Uacola Cowaaty qenc. , , i : , " J