HomeMy WebLinkAbout923106 IT';~'T7'r~m". ;'>';i·",II!1·t!~{I",,! i ;\,;;~*f·~::m:j:~;' :~ This document prepared by Name: David M. Amolds The Pittsburg & Midway Finn/Company: Coal Mining Co. 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207 City, State, Zip: Englewood, CO 80112 Phone: (303) 930-4040 After recording return to: Grantees Address: ~:::::~::.),:~::::~ ':':I~':t>-:~, ":1" ) ) ) " f00054 RECEIVED 10/512006 at 3:35 PM RECEIVING # 923106 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 54 . JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ) -Above This Line Reserved For Official Use Only- SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Corporation) For ten dollars (SIO.OO), and other valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation, 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207, Englewood, CO 80112, ("Grantor"), hereby conveys to Melvin L. Bowling and Paula M. Bowling, as joint tenants, having an address of 1418 7th West Ave., Kemmerer, WY 83101 ("Grantees"), the surface only of the following described real estate, together with all improvements located thereon, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,: A parcel of land within an unplatted portion of the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming and being part of Tracts 38 H, I, J, K, and Tract 39 and within the W ~ of Section 36 all of the resurvey ofT. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows; ,,- Commencing at the comer number 1 of Tract 39 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming where is found as standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence S 00005'38''W, 2635.96 feet to comer number 2 of said Tract 39 where is found as standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence N 66°29'47"W, 1009.43 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Said point being a point on the east right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 30 and being monumented by a 2" diameter aluminum cap on a 5/8" rebar with the cap being stamped 'CCI, PELS 5465,2006' with other appropriate markings (said monument herein after referred to as 'a 2" CCI cap') set this survey. Thence S89°46'35"E, 1398.17 feet to a point on a spiral curve to the right of the west right of way boundary of the Oregon Short Line Railroad as described as parcel 2 of that particular transfer of land to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company by QCD as recorded in book 131 PR on page 306 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office (said parcel herein after being referred to as OSLRR Parcel 2). Said point being monumented by a 2" CCI cap set this survey; Thence 20.78 feet along the arc of said spiral curve to the right of said west railroad right of way boundary of said OSLRR Parcel 2 to the TS of said spiral curve where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survey. Said spiral curve to the right SWD Parcel KD-5 9/19/2006 Page 1 09~310b 000(55 having a central angle of 0°12'54" and a chord of 20.78 feet which bears S27°05'38"W; Thence S28°13'09''W, 299.65 feet to the ST of a spiral curve to the left of the west right of way boundary of said OSLRR Parcel 2. Said point being monumented by a 2" CCI cap set this survey; Thence 436.97 feet along the arc of said spiral curve to the left of said west railroad right of way boundary of said OSLRR Parcel 2 to the CS of said spiral curve where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survey. Said spiral curve to the left having a central angle of 4°13'01" and a chord of 436.87 feet which bears S25°0T 40''W; Thence 1342.02 feet along the arc of a curve to the left of said west railroad right of way boundary of said OSLRR Parcel 2 to the intersection of said west railroad right of way and the east or north right of way boundary of u.s. Highway 30 where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survey. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 25°03 '22", a radius of 3068.79 feet and a chord of 1331.35 feet which bears SlO029'28''W. The following five (5) courses being along said east or north highway right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 30. Thence N47°14'35''W, 160.00 feet to the PC of a curve to the right. Said point being monumented by a 2" CCI cap set this survey; Thence 470.90 feet along the arc of a curve to the right to a jog in the highway right of way boundary where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survèy. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 12°27'18", a radius of2166.26 feet and a chord of 469.98 feet which bears N41 °00'56''W; Thence S55°12'43''W, 24.99 feet along the jog in said highway right of way to a point on a curve to the right. Said point falling within a wooden comer post of the highway right of way fence. Thence 1567.84 feet along the arc of a curve to the right of said highway right of way boundary to the PT of said curve where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survey. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 40°59'42", a radius of 2191.25 feet and a chord of 1534.61 feet which bears NI4°1T26''W; Thence N6°12'25''E, 56.85 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 38.3 acres more or less. Together with an Access Road and Utility Easement over Parcel KD-6 as shown on the Record of Survey Receiving Number 922290 of the Lincoln County Clerk and Recorders Office and described as follows: An easement for ingress and egress through unplatted portion of the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming and being part of Tract 39 and within the NW % of Section 36 all of the resurvey ofT. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, SWD Parcel KD-5 9/1 ~;;1::It!MU Page 2 ~~~l!æ; F-::~-imil~m~Pi:::~ ~-.:;~·:':'N':·;'-:': ·.:;;;:::Nt:'·'Nt;~ ~illWJ) '1lFi;.;,;r;1i"f;';"<' ;!¡ T ; 'YO i!;: ;I,! ¡.¡? ,~;!j a9~31.06 00005~ Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said easement being 100.0 feet wide and being 100.0 feet offset east and parallel to the following described east right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 30. The boundary lines of said easement extending to or truncating at the north and south boundary lines of a parcel of land shown as Parcel KD 6 on the Record of Survey Receiving Number 922290 of the Lincoln County Clerk and Recorders Office. Said survey line also being the east boundary line of said Parcel KD 6 and being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the comer number 1 of Tract 39 of the resurvey ofT. 21 N., R. 116 W. of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming where is found as standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence S 00005'3S''W, 2635.96 feet to comer number 2 of said Tract 39 where is found as standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence N 66°29'47"W, 1009.43 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description and the southwest comer of said Parcel KD 6. Said point being a point on the east right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 30 and being monumented by a 2" diameter aluminum cap on a 5/8" rebar with the cap being stamped 'CCI, PELS 5465,2006' with other appropriate markings (said monument herein after referred to as 'a 2" CCI cap') set this survey. Thence N6°12'25''E, 1010.77 feet along said east highway right of way boundary to the point of terminus. Said point being the northwest comer of said Parcel KD 6 point where is found a 2" CCI cap set this survey; Said easement being 1010.77 feet in length along its west boundary line more or less. SUBJECT to all easements, rights-of-way, and all other interests of record, if any. GRANTOR warrants title to the property against any person claiming by, through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Dated thisJ.;¡.,.,Æ daYOf~2006. THE PITTSBURG & MIDWAY COAL MINING CO. if, STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. SWD Parcel KD-5 9/19/2006 Page 3 / ¿¡S;;:31.06 .000057 COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by -!y-dith p. Kna~, as Vice President for The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., this dc;Lt"lfIay of ~tf ll.ffl~ 2006. My commission expires: (9 7/ó(/1 é]otJ9 I / r Witness my hand and official seal. SWD Parcel KD-5 9/ 19~~:1:m~:~¡i~¡~~j!¡{: Page 4 _~:am~~lli: