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RECEIVED 10/5/2006 at 3:51 PM
RECEIVING # 923108
BOOK: 636 PAGE: 61
TInS INDENTURE, made the 21sttJayof July
, 2006 by and between the '
AFS AT-I, Iuc.,
a corporation orpnizc:d and existing UDder and by virtue of the Jaws of the
State of Wuhiugton and having its principal place of business in the
County of Whatcoa the GRANTOR, and
1700 E. Lakeside Drive #24, Gi1bert AZ
whose addrca is 85234
as Grantee,
*i n JCDIIý,1 eti on; ~Oflil i/l 031; ,&daanQe
That the grantor, for IDd in coosidcration of the sum of Ten DoIJan¡ ($IO,()() and other gooCl
and valuable coosidcration in baud paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does, by
these preøcnts, graIJt, bargain, sell, CONVEY AND WARRANT unto the said Grantee all that
certain tract, lot, piece, and pan:el of land situated in the County of LiDcoln, State of Wyoming,
IDd dclcribed as follows to-wit:
See atached Exhibit A.
SUBJECT, however, to all nxrvatiOlll, restrictions, protective coVCDaDts,
exceptions, ..~~ and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grautor has caused these presents to be signed by its duly
authorized oftker, the day IDd year first above wriaen.
Charlotte A. Archer, President
State of Wasbiugton )
1.\, )ss
County of~)
On Ibis 21sM July , 2006, befon: me pcrsoually appeared Charlotte A.
Archer to me persooally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the President
of AFS AT-I, Inc. and that said ÍDSt1'uIDcIIt was signcd on behalf of said corporation by
authority of its Board of DiĆctors and said President acknowledged said ÌDStl'UJDen[ to be the
free act and deed of said corporation.
Given UDder my baud and noWial seal this 21 day of July , 2006.
My Commission Expires
Bernadette Ba1liday, Notary
6-11-1010 for Washington
JUNE 22. 2010
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Description: Luthi 85 Acres
A portion of the Luthi property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 88PR, on Page 113, with the Office of the
Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the S1/2 of
Section 21, and the W1/2SWl/4 of Section 22, all within
T3SN, R119W, of the 6~ P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
metes and bounds being more particularly described as
BEGINNING at the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1967 location
for Northeast Corner of Section 28 of said T3SN, R119W;
thence N88°S3'28"W, along the North line of said Section
28, 3,244.62 feet to the Baker Engineers PEILS 698, 1992
location for the Southwest Closing Corner, with the East
line of Section 10 of TSS, R46E, of the Boise Meridian,
Caribou County, Idaho, of said Section 21; thence
NOoS4'2S"E, along said East line, 60.00 feet; thence
S88°S3'28"E, parallel with said North line, 1,178.78 feet;
thence Nl°31'19"E, parallel with the West line of the SE1/4
of said Section 21, 747.8~~ a Point in the South line of
the Scaffide property, as referred to in the Deed recorded
in Book S74PR, on Page 465, with said Office;
thence S89°03'02"E, along the South line of said Scaffide
property, 1,492.51 feet to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence NOoOS'14"E, along the East line of said Scaffide
property, 662.88 feet to the Dean Luthi property, as
referred to in the Deed recorded in Book S82PR, on Page
600, with said Office; thence S89°10'SO"E, along the South
line of said Dean Luthi property, 571.69 feet to a Point in
the West line of said SW1/4; thence S89°12'09"E, continuing
along said South line, 1,310.91 feet to· Point in the West
line of the El/2SWl/4 of said Section 22; thence
SOoS1'34"W, along said West line, 778.17 feet to the North
corner of the Schenk property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 507PR, on Page 891, with said Office;
thence Southwesterly, along the Westerly line of said
Schenk property, the following: S39°34'42"W 215.79 feet;
S56°15'31"W 636.42 feet; S47°16'46"W 143.55 feet, and
S14°02'50"W 71.52 feet to a Point in the North line of the
NWl/4 of Section 27; thence N89°24'4S"W, along said North
line, 529.92 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing
86.63± Acres of land.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The Easements and
Rights-of-Way of Record, as follows: In Book 106PR, on Page
308, in Book 107PR, on Page 468, and in Book 600, on Page
247, all with said Office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions,
Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements
of sight and or record.
To be Contiguous with the Shenk property referred to and
recorded in Book S07PR, on Page 891, with said Office.