HomeMy WebLinkAbout923121 ~llifr.>:,;-'·;,-·, ·;¡··í·"'~¡,h~.'~'¡" 1',· m~:.:;:~j~::f;:')..¡F': ; 11.1 '....... ....,_........,.,.,'"-.........._,.L../-''-, 0·. . ..'-'_,......,.""'-' .--'-,..:..--.......:...._....__._____._----"-.......:..b. ..'--.-. ) ", "'7 ("-1 ..J I I ............._fL.....'.. ....'...""".........."'_·..·.·c·..-,..,,·....:...'..·_ ., ,-,···n,".!.." 000098 RECEIVED 10/6/2006 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 923121 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 98 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED GLENN G. BAXLEY AND MAllY BONO BAXLEY, TRUSTEES OF THE BONOfBAXLEY LlVJNG TRUST dated November 16, 2001, ¡raŒŒS ofLiDcoln County, State of Wyoming, fur consideration ofTenaud OOIl00's ($10.00) m1 other rood aud valuable consideratiOJl in baud, reœipt wbemJf is hc:rcby aclatowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO GLENN G. BAXLEY grantees, whose address is .343 PTNF. AVF. C'A-RLSBAD, CA 92008 the following describedJeal estate, &imate in Lincoln CouDI:y m1 State of Wyoming, herd:Iy releasing IDd waiving all rights UDder and by virtue of. the homestead excmptioD laws of the state UI wit: NE~NW~SEW, SCCÓODa, T34N RlI8Wofthe6thP.M., LiŒoJnCounty, Wyoming. Plus A ponion of the SEWNEW IDd the N*8E~ of Section 8, 134N RlIBW of the 6th P.M., LiDcoJn County, Wyom.iDg, being ~ partK:uJarly described as follows: BegiJ:míDg at the Bl.M type IDOJJ1JIDtDt JDaItiDg the Baker EngiDeers PEII.S 698, 2000 Jocaúon for the IOUthwcst comer of said SE~NEW; Ibe:nœ N 1·00'43' E, a1¡q the west liœ of said SEWNEW, 1329.34 feet to tilt BLM type JDOIIIDDCDt marldng the DDr1bwest c:omer of said SEWNEW¡ 1beDce S 89·07'59" E, aJon¡ the DOrthIiDe ohaid SEWNEW, 1254.61 feet to the rebar mamng the DOrtheast comer of Lost Creek: JlA.....tv.tt~ SUbdivision; IbcDce N 89·37'52" W, along the DOIth liDe of said subdivision, 1154.14 feet to the rebar maåiDg the DOrthwest corœt of said IUbdivision; Ibcoce S 0·}6'38" W, aloog the west lioe of Did subdivision, 1981.29 feet to the iron pipe mart:iq a point in 1be IICJUth liœ of said N1hSRW ¡ tbence N 89·39'13" W, alODg said aouIh tiDe, 760.93 feet to an iron pipe; tbcnce N 1w04'06. Eo 662.98 feet to I pipe madiDg I poa in the north lioe of said N~SEW; thence S 89·39'31· E, 634.53 feet, to the poiDt of beginDing. SUBJECT, however, to all reservatioDS, restrictioDs, protective covenants, c:xceptiom, eascmcpts and rights-of-way of reconi, in sight. or in use. wmœss _ ..... ... d ð TN ..,. of !ti;.L.. , 2006. , .~. .4''''~'''.'''''''''''''.'''''',' " -.'.1...-";..-::.:.:.::....:..:..::.:.:,.-" ~." .:...-'-'-~ .",-'_-.L..,_~,,_ """:"";..L;:'l..'¡'-_ ..-<,:', . ,..-.-........-......-..,....., , .... """""~",.;.J'i"", ,., 'c-" .. , ",'-.'. ,:.,_. , 000099 {J9Z3121. Actnowlcdgcmcm IItaCbrd to Warnnr.y Deed from GIcœ. G. BaxJey and Muy Ø(D) BaxJcy, Truatccs of tbc BoooIBaxIcy UviD¡ Trust to Gbm G. Baxley. .....of û.A¡ f,m :.. ) Iij'" :"=:';~=~0-1 ~ . )sa. f /'W Notary PubIc - CaIIomIa f County of S/'\.-to.. U I ~ ) ~ San DIego Cowdv _ MvConvn'--'Jan 10.-1 The foregoiD¡ iostrumcot was actDowJc:dged before me -uJam'-ì.-DIXJe1 mu- - _ _&=t .;)-iJ ~ day of JLl n. <-. . 2006. WÏ1Dcu my haod IDd officia1l1:al. ~ -I-~j~ My Cnmmi..wu P.xpires: .J" II. I 0 "Jz;v 9 , ~f ,)'~'L'+ ~ 4 e..-e... ' )Is. ~of ) 'Ib;, forcroiDa iDstrI_~.... ~ before me by Mary Booo BaxJey this /5,..<. dayof _,"'A).¿j ,2006. WitDeu my hand and . leal.. Jon FOrglonsOIstJ1ctof CO'Umbla~ -. '7i l~ ~~~:::~n expires 12-14-2009 / Notary Public My Commiaion Expúa: '. \.. ¡~illi~~¡~~~iW ~?~~~œ ~-~~.............", ...M"-·...~..<o:..:a..._·~<-=~'-'-..:."'"=..~..,. .'......·:M"-'J.'...., ......_..I.ÐI..........·. '", ·L.!d.-·.:'~·' ~Jr~~~o,"·.'¡.:i1Lh""',.,·.¡.-:";,. :;..",". '.-'" _./ ....>-.. NEl/4NWl/4SEl/4 Plus A portion of the SEl/4NEl/4 and the Nl/2SEl/4 of Section 8, T34N, Rl18W, of the 6th P oM, LincoJn County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNIN"G at the B.LM.. type Monument marking the Baker Engfu.eer5 FE/LS 698, 2000 location for the Southwest Comer of said SEl/4NEl/4; thence Nl °OQ'43"E, along the West line of said SEl/!lNEl/4; 1,,329.34 feet to the BLM. type Monument marlång the Northwest Comer of said SEl/4l'JEl/4; thence S89°0/59"E, along the North li:ne of said SEl/4'NE1/4; 1,254.61 feet to the Rebar marking the Nor"J1.east corner of Lost Cræk RaI1chettes Subdivision; thence NB9°3/52"W, along the North line of said Subdivision, 1;154.14 feet to the Rebu marking the Northwest comer of said Subdivision; thence Soo16'38'W, along the West line of said Subdivision, 1,98129 fëei: to the Iron Pipe marking a point in the South line of said Nl/25El/4; thence N89°39'13'W, along said South line, 760.93 feet to an Iron Pipe; thence N1°Q4'D6"E 662.98 feet to a Pipe marlång a point m the North line of said Nl/2SEl/4; thence 589°39'31'Œ 63453 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Together with and includiJ"lg all improvements thereon and all a.ppurtenances a.iid hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, ea5P..menœ, reservations, and rights-of- way of sight and/ or record. .- E X¡-lf/)fJ '/11' E'··~ j <., " I!."'" . ;,' ", !;~. !. It,!¡' .,..,. .....~..~..J...';..,'"..., 000100 H9~31Zí /'