HomeMy WebLinkAbout923141 This.document prepared by (uj ....lu Jò... 11... . ___. _ _~. Name: Firm/Company: Richmond Title Services Address: 2901 N. Dallas Parkway Address 2: Suite 100 City, State, Zip: PIano. TX 75093 Phone: 214-291-8808 GF #: 1038554 .Recording ReqLiested by & When Recorded Return To: UG necordings, Inc. 2925 Country Drive Ste 201 . St. Paul, MN 55117' WARRANTY DEED 3asqðqfp7 -Of KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION OF TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), and' other good and valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Marvin K. Cox, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", does hereby convey and warrant unto Marvin K. Cox and Susan Cox as tenants by the entirety, hereinafter "Grantees", all the right, title, and interest in and to the following lands and property, together with all improvements located thereon, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to- wit: " ! ..::;;:::::':;:;:::;:;:;:' :;::::::~*~~~j;!:; , ., ,', OOOj.9!;' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RECEIVED 1016/2006 at 2:52 PM RECEIVING # 923141 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 192 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Above Thb LfDe Reserved For Official Use Ollly <Ð See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Prior instrument reference: Book 406, Page 02 of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. SUBJECT to all easements, rights-of-way, protective covenants and mineral reservations of record, if any. TO. HA VB AND TO HOLD same unto Grantees, and unto Grantees' heirs and assigns forever, with all appurtenances thereunto belonging. GRANTOR does for Grantor and Grantor's heirs. personal representatives, executors and assigns forever hereby covenant with GRANTEES that Grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises; that the premises are free :trom all encumbrances, unless otherwise noted above; that Grantor has a good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and to forever warrant and defend the title to the said lands against all claims whatever. - W 1II1lII1~ Deed - Page 1 - ---._-- ~--_._- ..;.....-,._... OOOi.9~ 0S2:í141 WITNESS Grantor's hand this the ; Y day of August. 2006. 4/'~¿~ Grantor Marvin K. Cox STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF J~6dl#oo" II" Cox. This instrument was acknowledged before me on August {) t ,2006 by Marvin K. VALERIE KITTRELL - NOTARY PUBUC Countisial& State of unooin . Wyoming My Commlaalon expires April 19,2008 Grantor's.Nam~ Address, phone: ~tU-~ --¿. ¡¿/~ 1úzi~ Notary Public Signature (Jb l-fr.- ~ k;J+r--t \f Printed Name My comnUss;on ""Pm..: flp,y I~. )Qð p- Grantees' Nam~ Address, phone: / cltf !3rø/L ViM SM~) Wy h/~ SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO GRANTEElS - Warranty Deed - Page 2- @1i]1tL: '1 ',','. ~ '.' . :!.C'~:~;:" ,. 000194·, ~141 Exhibit A DIE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND IN LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYÓMlNG, TO-WIT: A PORTION OF DIE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF DIE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, . TOWNSHIP 31 NORTH RANGE 118 WEST OF DIE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON DIE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 32 AT A POINT 330.00 FEET WEST FROM DIE SOUTH ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32, SAID POINT BEING DIE LOCATION OF AN IRON PIPE SURVEY MARKER MONUMENTING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DIE SMOOT CEMETERY TRACT; AND RUNNING THENCE WEST, ALONG SECTION LINE, 985.07 FEET TO A SECOND IRON PIPE SURVEY MARKER; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 08 MINUTES 27 SECONDS WEST, 330.001 FEET; DIENCE EAST 849.64 FEET; DIENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 330.00 FEET; DIENCE EAST 466.53 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO DIE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF DIE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32; DIENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST, ALONG DIE SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE 330.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SURVEY MARKER MONUMENTlNG DIE NORTHEAST CORNER OF DIE SMOOT CEMETERY TRACT; DIENCE WEST 330.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE SURVEY MARKER MONUMENTING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DIE SMOOT CEMETERY TRACT; DIENCE SO lITH 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST, 330.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS AND EXCEPT DIE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN DIE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 32, DIN RI18W, OF DIE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, SAID POINT BEING WEST 330 FEET FROM THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 32; DIENCE WEST 985.07 FEET; DIENCE N 0 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 27 SECONDS W, 330.001 FEET; THENCE EAST, PARALLEL, WITH SAID SOUTH LINE, 986.17 FEET; THENCE S 0 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 57 SECONDS W, 330 FEET TO DIE POINT OF BEGINNING. Commonly known as 124 Brook View Lane Smoot, WY 83126 However, by showing this address no additional coverage is provided. III~~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~I~~~IIIIIIIIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIII\ U33S98967-81RD83 IJARRANT'!' DEED LOAN. 1436597413 US Recordings