HomeMy WebLinkAbout87607802015094 "~ ~' "' L!;~',~C~'' ~,' ¢' '"'~l !N- ,,'.-. :' "(: .... ~ ~ a Wyoming Corporation~ DOLLARS ($~0.00) ~d other val~abl~ con~id~rm{on, ~n h~d p~M, r~ip~ of wMch ~s h~mby acknowledge, CONV~YS AN~) ~A~NTS ~o DEB~ SCOTT, ~ant~, of P.O. Box 3023, ~pine~ Wyo~8 ~12~5023' and h~r hd~s and a~s~gns, th~ following desodbed r~ ~st~t~ ~kuat~d in ~pin~, Coumy of L~ncol~ S~ate of Wyon~ng, mor~ p~0ul~y d~dbed follows: Th~ prop~y at ~::~ Parkway Drive, {d~n~d as Loi 505 of th~ Pa~is Park Add,don ~o ~ Town of '~pin~, L~n~ln Coumy, Wyo~g, ~ord~ng ~o Plat No. 255- A, filed Ma~ch 13, 2001?~as Instrument No. 872094 ~n ~he O~ of tb~ Lm~o~n County Together ~ ~1 ~:nprov~m~nt~ ~d appu~n~nces th~r~n. rights-of-way of record. Subj~ also ~o the .~ollo~ng restdcdons: ~ran~ sha~ not: street', (1) plao~ any p~S~m~ prop~y on ~h~ ~ont po~on of ~he lot facin~ ~he (2) M~ow m~y inop~'~ab~ mo[or vehicle ~o sk on the prope~ for any p~dod ~o,g~ ~han th~y (30)days; and ~ (3) impede ~n ~y 'ma~er ~y ~jao~m prop~y o~r(~)' ingress or egre~ and f~om thor prope~y to ~he public ~r~ by w~y or,he co--on ddwway. ~ H~r~by r~asing and wM,.rig ~I d~h~s under and by v~u~ of th~ homestead exemption laws of~h~ Stat~ of Wyon~ng WARRANTY DEED WYO~[ENG VIEW, LNC. Io DEBB1E SCOTT Page I of 2 Aul~; ~3 O1 08:19a Luthi ~ Vo~lles WITNESS my hand this i.;.~,,}.q day of August, 2001. WYOMING yIEW, INC, ) ' )ss. On tbs ~day of Au :ust, 2001, the fore oin in~ me by L~DA A " g g mment w~ ac~owlea e · ~LER~,':P~S~ENT of ~OM~ um~ ...... g d before ac~owledg~ t~t she fignod th~;:; imtmment for the Corporation pursuant to authority granted by the Corporation's BOard of Di~",e~ctors Witness my hand and offic:~}l My Con~ission expires: WARRANTY DEED WYOII~- qG VEgW, llqC. to DEBBIE SCOTT Page 2 of 2