HomeMy WebLinkAbout923264 ..'ÌI , '.' d....· '-~:::"~"'.' . ··,··~··'.\?tM~~~¡¡~: " ". d'WX"i'~"'" . ';r'it¡¡1j , '/;', ·,···,·.·'·.S:;:gl~:t:I.;' '):):- .:J:¡:::~:!~~t <...:..........:..:?::~I,.,;. ·:.·¡·:··};~l¡~j¡~~~f¡~~¡¡[1':, '. ..(:., . 4 '."," .'. .i.t~.~;~J.t.~~ ~.:.¡, .' ,. '. .,' ... :·::::~"l'~I::* :'.i~. , . I "" . ., " ~·"'·:':""·lllltt;"~ II.j :-. ,,!;¡¡¡¡!~ '.¡:.. ...~..¡ ..... ..,: .' ~ : <;:;. . ~.. .~. . '"''':'. " ' ,·;·,~2¡, ....., W,..... RECEIVED 10/11/2006 at 5:05 PM RECEIVING # 923264 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 587 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wY. . .... ..... ...... LIDe F.. ...... o.aa MORTGAGE (With Pwure Advm:c CIauIe) 1. D&TB AND P.un1ES. Tbc date of IhiI Monp¡e (Security 1DIùumcat) ia J.IH!%.JM.................................... IUd tile putica. IIaeir IIIdnueI IUd tax Idl.ntlfli'.fliœ IIUIDbera, if required, arc aa follow.: MORTGAGOR: DIIIU ~ A MAIIIIEIIWIIIWt AI HÐlIOlE AID SEPARATE I'IIOf'EIITY 21241A11 REIII OlIVE .AIIU, IV IIoU4 o If cbecbd, rdar to die attIcbDd "~'III iDcorpontcd hacin. for MlIllioaaJ Mortp¡on, tbcir IÍ¡III1ureI IUd Kbow\IIdpJIaJII. LBNDER: _OF.IACUIII HOU IIRIMIZID All ~ IIIDEI TIlE LA" Of TIE ITATE IIf WYIJIII ¡ .. w. IIIIIWIWAY ,.0._ 1IIIID JACDIIII. WY UIIII2 1. CONVEYANCE. for JOOd aDd valuable t:OIIIidcndœ. die IIICICÍpI aDd ~ of wbil:h ia ICbowJedpl, IUd ro ICICUR die Secund DellI (dI:fiIIaI below) aDd Mortpp'. )ICIixmuœ 1IIIdc:r IhiI Sec:w:iIy IDatrua.It, Mortwor pull, bupiua. &:oøvcyI.1IIOdppI1IId WIØIIIII to LcaScr. wilhpower of _, die fo1lowiaadac:ribed)ll'Opaty: LaT 115 Of ITAltVAllEY IIQCHPLAT 11,-=U I:DIIITY. WY..... AI DEICIIIBED _1IffI:IAI. PLAT TIIUEIIF. ~ /' ( { " ì <¡ Tbo JIIOPIIdY ia Joc:ued In ...... ............... ..........J.III.ÇM..... ... ... .................... at .1.tOIMQtMltI\IMII...... ...... ......... ...... (c-,) ............ .................... .......... .................. .... ............... .J1M.YHWMtt... .............. WYOIDÌDI ........ .UJU-........ ~ (cay) (ZIP Code) TopIber 1rida 111 ripII, ........... ~. royllltla. JIÜaI:nI dPta. oil IUd au dPta. 111 water aud rIpuiaD ri¡Iua. dirda, IIId waœr IIoct aDd 111 aiadu& aDd fIøuœ impmvc:mc:au, 1á'IXUra. ðxtureã, aDd rc:pI_. !hat III&Y DOW. or at q IÙIIc In the iIIuœ, be (lilt of die Jal ararc described above (111 n:fand ro aa "Property.). 3. MAXIMUM OBUGA110N LIMIT. Tbe rural piDcip.llIIIIDIDK ICaIRd by IhiI Security IDIInImeat at any ODe time IbIllIlOt CICeCId S IIIIYMJIQ....................:..................... . 'IbiI limitatiaD of IIDOUIII docI IIOt iaclllde iørcreat aDd other _ aDd dwpa ftIidJy IIIIIde pIIIIIUt to 1Ida Security IuIIrumaL Abo. dûI 1imitaJ:\oø cIoea IIOt apply ro IdYIDCeI IIIIde 1IIIdc:r tile tcrmI of IhiI SecuriIJ Iu1rumeat to protect LaIder'. IeCIIIi1y IIId ro perform any of tile COVCllaDtl COII1aÏIICd in dùa Security IutrumaL 4. SECUUD DDI' AND J1111JJŒ ADVANCEs. The term "SccuRd Debt" it dcfiaaI aa folio..: A. DcIIt iDcurred 1IIIdc:r the tenu of aD ~ 1IOte(.). c:œIná(.), JIIIBIIIY(') or other evidcacc of debt deac:ribcd Wow IUd aD Ibc:ir ~, -.all. mntllfir.ootiollll or ..._hd..... (Whm nþ1Wll1liq . dØu I¥IDw It " ",uatId 1Irø)1lØll ~ bøu IIIdt (II~' 1IØIIIG. 111M __, Wnut rruu. lIIIIIIIrltyiltua. øc.J ~ 1m 111144 DATED ŒTIIIØI '- _ II TIlE AIIOIIIT Of ......... WY-.. ~ ~T _-. PItUIc:. FHA 01'1 VA UMI Ol..__~........-... /I~.1_1I F_III-MTIHwY 11111114 1lL~ .' / 000588 B. AI fuàn IdYucea 1iom Leader to Mortpaor or otha futuR obIipdaaa of Monppr to Leodcr WIder lIlY promiuory DOte CIIIåKI, 11IUaIIt1, or oilier CYIdace of debt eucur.ed by Mortpaor iD favor of Leuder executed after Ibis SecuriIy ~ wbI:IIIcr or. !lilt Ibis Security IIIItrumcøt ÏI ~"lIy ~-....4. If more tban we ICI'IOI11ΡD11bis SecuriIy ~ cKb Mortp¡or ... 1bIt Ibis SocurIty J.uumc:a1 will IOCUIe all future IdvRlll:el IDd future obIiprioal dIat Ill! JÍYCII to or iDcumd by lIlY ODe or IIIOI'C Moøpp, or any oœ or more Mortp&or IDd otben. All fuIurc adYauc:a and odIcr tuIure nhI¡priroD' IlII ICCW'Cd by Ibis SecuriIy IDIInImeu CVCII dIou&h all or put may !lilt yet be Idvuad. All fuIun MYaIICCI and oIber future obIipIiœs IlI!ICCW'Cd u if made: 011 !be date of Ibis SecurIty IDI&rIImcaL NodIiD& m daIa Security IJuanaaca¡ IbaIl œaItIIuœ . mmmi_ 10 mab: additiooaJ or future 10am or ldvancea.iD lIlY 1ØIIII.IIá. Ñl¥1UI:h ..........1- must be qreed to ill a ICpUIte wridq. C. All obIipt oøa Mon¡qor owes to J..m.kr, whIdt may later 1riIe, 10 the eXk:Qt IIDt prohibited by law, iDI:ludJu¡, but IIDt 1imitaI1o. liabilities for Oyadraftl Je\adøa 10 any dcpom Ia:OUII1 a¡n:aDaIt between Mort¡qor IDd Leodcr. D. An additIœaI MIll ldvaQI:GI aad cxpellla ÌIICIII1Cd by LaIder for ÜIIuriD¡, praerviaa or oIbcnriIe proIecIiD¡ die Property aad ill Vllue and any oIber SUDII Idvaoccd and upemea ÚII:IImd by Leuder UDder the tcnIII of Ibis Security 1DIcrumeø. 1biI SecurIty IaIttumaat wiD IIDt ICCUlC lIlY otber debt if LaIder fails to Jive lIlY required DDdœ of die ri¡bI of raçÍlliœl. 5. PAYMENT8. Mortpaor ap:cIdIat aU paYIIICIIII UDder the Secured DellI riI be paid wIleD due IDd in ~ with the tcrma of die Secured DellI and Ibis Security 1DItrume:at. ,. PIUOIl SECURrIT .IN'I'EIIEfJTS. With JqUd 10 lilY otber mortpp, deed of tnIIt. ICCIIriIy &pcemaII or other Iim cIocumeaI tbø I1ftIIfed a prior ICK:IIrity iDIerat or ~ 011 !be Property, Mon¡IIOl &¡ReI: A. To illite aU JIIYmeaII wbeD due IIId 10 perform or comply with aU COYeaaDtI. B. To pnapdy deliver 10 LCDdcr lIlY IIOtÏI;a !bit Mortpp øccivea 1iom die balder. C. Not 10 allow lIlY Ø)"d1fhdoa or eXfeDlioa Of, IlOl' 10 requalany future IdvRlll:el uader lIlY DOte or qRICIDCØ ICÇIIJ1:d by the Uaø doc:IImcar wiIbouI Lader'. prior writtca COIIIeIIL ,. ClAIMS AGA.INST 'ITJ1.E. Monpp will PRY aU lOa, ..-......., U-, CIIICUIIIbruca, Ieue paymeaaa, JIOIIIId reaÞ, udIitieI, and odIer c:baqa œI8dø¡ to die Property wbca due. Leuder may require Mortpaor to provide to LeIIdcr copiea of aU DOIkca dIat IUc:h amDUIIù Ill! due aad the IQ CjpU evldc:ø:ùl¡ Mortp¡or'. paymaJl. Mortp¡or wiD delead lide 10 tile Property IpÌIIIt lIlY c:.IIJma that would impair die Iiea of Ibis Security IDltnllDalt. Monp¡or lIRa to IIIip 10 Leøder, u RIqIICIIed by Leader, any ri¡bra. cJaima or defcuca Monp¡or may baYe apiDIt JIIItIÌeI who lUppIy labor or materials 10 maiDtaiD or ÍIIIpI'oYc the Propeøy. L DUE ON SALII: OR BNCUMIIRANCE. Leuder may. It Ira opdoD, dedare ilia eotirc bIIanee of !be Secund DellI to be --......y due aad payablll1lpOD die ~ of, or &:aIIIncI .. the creatiaa of, &II)' Iiea. 1IICIIIDbruce, IrlDlfer or uJe of die Property. Thia d¡ht is IUbject 10 the nIItrIcdoIIa impoICd by fedenllaw (12 C.P.R. ~l). u appUcù\e. Thia COYellllllIbalI lUll willa ... Property aad IbalIlaIIIia iA effel;t \IIIÛ\ ... Secured DellI. paj4 ill idIlIId Ibis Security IDIuumaIt ÍI re1eued. t. PltOPERTY CONDl"nON, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. M«tp&or wiD 1œep!be Property In ¡ood cooditioD IDd DIÙ1I all repaIn daat IlII ~ aeœuary. Martp¡or IbaIlIlOt COIIIIIIÍI or allow lIlY _fe, iIapUnuem, or dererioratioa of 1bc Property. Monp¡or. will keep !be Property free of IIœIouI wecdllDd puICI. Mortp,or apca daat the II&IUIC of die oc:c:upIDCy IIId ue wW DOt IUbltaadaUy c:hup wilbout Leodcr'. prior writtea COIIIaII. Mortp&or wW IIDt pc:nuit auy cbauae in lIlY ÜCCIIIe, Rllrk:tive QOYaIIIII or CIUeIIII:III wiIbout Leuder'. prior wrlaa1 &:œIIaIt. Mortpøor will DOtify Leodcr of all daaaDdI, )IIOCDIItiøp. daima GIll Ill:daDlIpÏIIIt Mort¡qor, IDd of auy Iou or damaae 10 !be Property. Leader or Leader'. ..... may, It Leader'. optiaa. CIIter tba Property It any n:uœ.bJc lime fur Ibe ]IIII'pOIe of iaapecâø¡ !be Propelt)'. Leader I11III ¡ive Mortpp IIDIice It tba time of or before aa ¡~ apec:ifyio¡ a l'allœlable purpoIe lOr die ~ ÑI¥ ~ of die Property IbaII be IIIIiIåy fur LaIder'. bcœfit aad Mort¡qor will Ia JIO way Idy 011 LaIder'. iaIpoctioa. II. Â11l'IIOIIrrY TO PEUOIIM. If Mortpp faiIa to perbm auy duty or l1li)' of die COYCIIIIItI CòIIIaiaaI ia Ibis SccuriaJ IDIInImaat, LaIder may.1riIbøut 1Dke, pa10rm or _ Cbrm 10 be perfœmaL Mortp¡or appoÌIIII Leuder u Ittomey In fact to lip Mortp¡or'. IIIIDI or PRY lIlY IIJIOUDt JIa:CIIUy lOr porfuJmaøcc. LaIder'. ri&bt 10 perfi>ma for Mortp¡or IbaIl DOt aaIe .. obIiptiœ to pcriJna, aad Lc:adc:r'. fIiIuæ 10 perform wilIu pndude LaIder from elCrl:ÍlÍDlany of Leader'. odIer ri&\ù IDler die law or rhiI Security 1Jutruaad. If auy IXIIIIInIcdoa em die Property is disc""';"..." or DOt c:arried OIlm a IaIOIIabIIt -, Leader may tate aU IIepI DIICCIIIIy to ~ Leader'. IOI:IIriIy Jøtaat iA die Propeny, iDcJudiu& ~of 1bc CCIIIIInIcCiœ. 11. ASsIGNMENT or LUIII!'S AND DNTS. Mortpp irrevocably JDIIIII, harpå¡a. coovey., IIIOI'tppIIDd WUIIIIII 10 LaIder u ~ IIICIIrity aU !be ript, Iide IDd ÌIIta'CIt ia GIll 10 auy IIId all eútiøa or fwure Ieuca. IUbIcua, IDd Illy otber writteu or verbal ......... for the ... and oc:c:upIDCy of lIlY poniDIa of the Property, ÎI:II:1udin¡ auy q....ÎODI. raaewaII, -~ or "'~ of ¢ ........ (aU JefernId 10 u "Lcua·) and lalli, Iuuca IDd profill (aU œfernd 10 .. "RaIla·). Mortp¡or will JIIÐIIIPd.y provide Leader with Irue II1II correct copiea of aU eútiøa IDd fIInft ~. Mortpaor may coIlec:t, receive, eqjoy aad ... the Raù 10 Jaua u Mon¡ap is DOt ia default UDder die terms of dùa Security hIattumc:at. Mort&aIor ..... .... dùa ~ . ï-tI.~y effu:ti.ve bctweeø die putja 10 dùa Sccuri1y Iaatnøuau. Mortpp ~ daat daIa ~ is e&ctive u 10 Ibbd JIIItIÌeI wIICII LaIder taIa:a RIfiaDative IàioA pracribed by law. IDd Ibat daIa ....¡po- wiD taIIIia iA ctra:t duriÐa l1li)' ndcmptiœ period 8IItiI 1be Sc:and Debt ÏI utÏItied. Mortpaor .... Ibat J..codc:c may tab ICIUJ p""~.I^'I of !be property wiIbour the IIIIIœUåy of "'- .... I'll JcpIIICtioa IDd Ibat ICtIIaI poIIP"V1oe iI dealJallo occur wIICII Lc:adc:r, or .. qeat. DOdfIea Monp¡or of defauk and cIcmaDda Ibat any teIIIIIt pay aU future Raú dinedy to Leader. Oa ra:eiYia¡ JIOtiœ of de6u1t, Mortp¡or wiD CIIdone IDd deliver 10 Leoder auy paymat of Rata ia Mortp¡or'. P"IIv-..... and wiD RCCivelllY RaIl ia IIIIIt for I..ada IDd will DOt ~n.¡ e the Reura with Illy odIer tImda. AJ1y IIII01IIIaI coDa:IaI will be appUed .. provided m dùa Sc:aIråy IDIttumœt. Mortpp warrautI that 110 default exiatlllllder the Lcua or lIlY appIk:abk IaadIordIteaaDr law. Mortp¡or aJao lIRa 10 maiaIaia IDd require lIlY teIIIIIt to comply wilh die terms of the Lcua IDd W"'~bIe law. ø """.2 of 4J 000589 11. LEABEIIOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED VNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Monp¡or agn:a to comply with the proYÌIiCIII of my Icuc if 1Iaia Security iDIInIaJaJI ÍI œ a 1cucba1d. If tile Property \uc1udea a wm in a mndnnoi..¡'.. or a plaaøallIIIit devcJopaeat. Monp¡or will perform all of Mortp¡or'. duda 1JDde¡- &be COVCIIUIII, by-laWl, or IqUlatioaa of tile ...-Itvni..h.... 01' pIaDDIId IlDitclcvclopmem. 1J. DEFAULT, MoItpJor will be in default if my party obIipted œ tile Sa:ured Debr DiJII to maD P&YDIeIIt wbCD due. Mortaa&or will be in deIAuJ.t if a bI-=h occun 1JDde¡- die termI of 1Iaia Security IDIIrumc:m or any 0Ibe¡- cIocumaIt eucwed for tbc JIIIlPOIC of CRIIIÌII&, ICCUria& or pIIUItJioa tbc ScaIRId Debt. A JOOd &ida beUef by Leader IbRr Leader at aD)' time Is iDtcc:urc with 1apect to aayperlOl1 01' catII:y obüprcd œ die Sc:cura1 DdIt or !bat the proIpeCt of any pa)'lllalt or die v. of tbc PIupaty ÍI impaiza!1baJI aIIo COIIIÛbItC m CVCIIC of default. , 14. RDßDIIS ON DEFAULT, In IOIDe ÛIIfaDI:cI, faku1 aad IIate law will nquire Leader 10 provide Mortp¡or with DDIi&:e of die d&bt to cure 01' otbcr IIIIdcea aad ilia)' estabIiIh time IICbedIaIa b fom:Io.urc acdoaa. Subject to IbeIe 1imitadoal, if aD)', Leader may IœcIcrate tile Secured DdIt and forecloIe thiI Security IDatrumaJt ia alllallœC provided by law if Monp¡oc Ìlindcfault. At die opdoa of Leader, all 01' my put of die apecd .. aad cbarJCI, Ka1IOd ÍDta'eIt and prio¡:ip.IlbaIJ bec:omc irmuedlatrly due aad payal¥, dc:r liviD¡ DOticc if m¡uiraJ by law, IIpOIldle occ:um:ucc of a default or anytime tbeœaftcr. In addiIion. Leader RbaU be eadded to all tbc remaIia provided by law, tbc &ami of tbc Sa:ured Debt,.1bÍI Security Iuatrumeat and q n:1ated """'..... iDcIudiaa. wiIbøut In..in'inD. tbc powa to IdJ tbc Property. AU ~ica arc diItiDct, c:umulative aad DOl exduaivc. aad tile Leader ÌI eaûdaI to aU remedia provided at law or oquity, wbcIber or DOl upn:aa\y let imh. 'Ibe ~ by Leader of my IIIID in payJlllllt or partial pIIyJIIIIIt œ tile Sa:ured Debt after tbc balance ÏI due or ÌI ac:œJcraIaI 01' attcr incJoIurr: JIIOCIIIIIItiup arc filed IIbaI1 DOl COIIIdWtc a waiver of Lcuder'. ri¡ht to leq1lÎl'C COIIIpIde CIDe of any exiatia¡ default. By DOl eun:iaiDa my RIDOcIy 011 Monp¡or'. defiIult, Leadcr doca IlOl waive Leuder'. ri¡ht to later COIIIider Ibc cveor a default if It IXDII:ÙIUeI or bappcaI qaiD. 15. EXPENSES; ADVANCES ON COVENANTS; ATI'ORNEYS' FEES; COLLEC'l10N COSTS. Exœpt wbeD probibired by law, Mortpaoc a¡reca 10 pay aU of Lcadc:r'. apeIIIeI if Monp¡or bIacbcJ my COVCDIIII in dUJ Security 1DJtrumcat. Wortpaor wiD aIIo pay OD damaød lID)' IIIIOUIIt ÌŒ1II1'ed by Leader for ÌIIIIIIiD&. ÍDIJICQiDI, JlftlUVÌDI or OIherwile JIIOICICIÏIII ... Property I11III Leader'. ~ ÙIteØIt. TbeIe apeIIIeI will bear iatcn:at from Ibc date of'" paYDlellt IUII.iI pakI in ftdI at ... hi¡bCIt ØerCIt rate iø. dra:t .. provided in die &ami of die Sa:ured Debt. MonpaOl' ...- to pay all COlIS and expcIIICI ÍIICUI1'ed by Leadcr iø. coUec:tID¡, adiDn:iD¡ or pI'OfeCIÜI& Leader'. ri¡hÞ and RIIICdica 1JDde¡- IbiI S«urity 1nIInmcur. 1bJJ UIIOUIII may iø.cIude, but Ia DOl 1imircd to, I'CUODablc attonIcyI' feci, court COllI, and 0Ibe¡- Iep1 apeIIIeI. ThilIIII01IIII doca DOt iDc1ude 8UOnIcy.' ... for a IIlari&d aapIoyee of the Leadcr. ThiI Security IDJrrumcm IbaJI I'CIDaiD iø. effect UIIIÜ RIaaed. Monp¡or... to pay for aD)' m:GrdadoII COllI of IUda rdeuc. 16. ENVIIIONMENTAL lAWS AND II4Z.\RDOVS SVIISTANCES. AlIIIed in dUJ IeCIÎoD, (1) BDYiroameuraI Law 1DeIDI, wùbout limibQoa. Ibc Comprebeasive Baviroamœta1 Rcapome. Cnq,p-u'" aad Liahi1ity Act (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9601 et acq.), and all odIIIIr federal, IIate and JocaI laWl, re¡u\atioaa, ordÎIIIIICea, court orden, attomcy geacraI opluioaa or ÍIItapC'IIdvc Jetten IXIIII:cI'DÏDI tbc pubtic bcaItb, aafety, welfare, CIIVÚOIIDIaIt or a buanIoua 1UbItance; aad (2) Huudoua Subltance IIICIIII my tœk:, ndioacûvc or buanIoua 1IIa1Crial, W&Itc, poDutant or .........n..'" wbid¡ baa c:hancIcriItia wbiI:h nadcr !be llllllaaar.c dupnIus or poIIaâJly duIproua to &be pubtic bcaItb, aafety, welfare or aaviroamcnt. The Iem1 ÎIII:bIdeI, widIout lirninritocl. my ..-....., defiaal u "hazardoua material,' "tœk: 1UbItauccs," "Iw.ardoua wllfe" or "hawdoua 1IIbIWx:e" IIIIdcr any ·Bavlroamaata1 Law. Mortpp 1qIftiMIIII, WammD IIIIIIqroa1hat: A. BIœpI.. pnvIouaIy diIc10Ied ad KbJow1edpd in wriIiD¡ to Leader, 110 Hazudoua SubIranoc II or will be located, Itared or rckuad OD or in Ibc Property. Tbia ratridlœ doaI DOl apply 10 IDIaI.I quaDIitiea of Hazardoua Subataø:ca IIw aR ¡aaa1\y I'ICOJIÚlCd 10 be IpprOprÌatc fOr tbc IIOIDIal DIe aad IIUImt....._ of tbc Propc:rty. B. BIœpt.. prevÌOUliy CÜIcIoIed aad 1ICtDOw1cdpd in wriIiøa 10 Leader, Monwor ad CVI:l'f tcDaDI have been, arc, aad IhaI1 JIIIIIÙ1 iø. full rnntpIiuœ with any appUcabJc Baviroami:maJ Law. C. WortaaIor RbaU ÏImnMi.~y DDIify Leader if a reJcue or Ihraaaacd nIt:ue of a Hw.n:Ioua SubIwIœ 0CCUø on, IIIIdcr or abour Ibc PJopeny or 111m II a vioWiOII of any Baviroaax:uaI1 Law COJX:cmiD& die Property. ID IIICb an CVCIIC, Mort¡qor IhaI1Ia1œ alllIIICCIIUy naedia1 aaiœ in acx:ordaocc wiIb my Baviroamcøai Law. D. Monp¡or IhaI1lntrnMi.te\y aodfy Leader iø. wriIiD¡ U IOOD aa Mortpaor baa reuoa to beliew tbere Is any peø iøa or Ibrcatc:DId iuVCIIiptiœ, c:IaJm, or procecdÌDI œ1atiu& to 1be Jdcuc or thrcaIcaed rc\cuc of my HazanIoua SubItance or die vioiadaø of any I!avIrc:mmaraI Law. . 17. CONDI:MNA11ON. Monp¡or will live Leadcr prompc DOCiœ of aD)' JICDdiDI 01' dueatc:ocd Iáioa, by private or pubiic eaûIica to purçbuc 01' IaIœ my or aU of tile Property IIuouIh lY>rWIrooo...... emiœat domain, or any ocbcr JœIDI. M'oIt¡qor audIoriua Leader to IIdcrva. in Mortp¡or·. UIIIC in any of Ibc above daaibed I&:tIoaa or cJaimJ. Mort¡I&or UIÍpI to Leader Ibc IrOCCieda of any award 01' c1aim b d8mapa COIIIICCted with a """"--""r! or OIlIer tatiua of all or any put of the Propaty. Suda proc:oaIa IhaI1 be COIIIidemI paYIIICIIII aad will be IppÜcd aa provided in dúJ Security 1AIuumr:ør. Tbia Hair- of poc:eeda Íllllbject to tbc IcIma of my prior 1IIOltpp, cIDcId of trust, ICiC1Id1y a¡reemèßt or OIlIer Iia1 documaat. II. INSIJRANCE. Monptor IIaaI1 keep Property iuaanxlapiDIt loa by ftre, flood, Ibcft I11III 0Cber bazarda IDd risb reuœahl.y ·UtlCilIed 1riIh Ibc Property due to ill type ad loc:atioo. 'IbiJ m.uranœ IhalJ be IIUImniQed in &be &IIIOIUItI IJId fur !be periods dIat Leader 1'IIqIIira. 1'bc ÙIIUlaIIœ c:aniI:r povidia¡1bc ÍIIIUraDte IhaIJ be cboRaa by Mortp¡or IIIbjœt 10 LaxIcr'. approval, wbicII IIIaU DOl be IIIØCIIOIIIbIy wJIbbdd. If Mortp¡or DiJII 10 maia&aiø. tbc covcn¡c dcacribed above, LaIder may, at Leader'. opciœ, oIICIiDcovaa¡e 10 protcctLeuder'. ri¡bIa in tbc Propeny ICCOIdiIJ& to Ibc termJ of1laia Security IIIItrumI::at. AU ......... poUciea aad IaICW8ia IbaU be IICCe)ItabIII to Lalder and IbaJl iDcIude a Ifandard "mortpp ciaUIC" aad wbere appIieabIc, "Iou payee clauIe." Mon,ap Iba1I imnwrll.."'¡y DOrity Leader of CIII'CellAtinoq or 18rnm.tioø of die ÍIII~. Leader IhaI1 haw: tile ri&bt to bold Ibc po1icjea 1IIIII1'CIIC'WIIa. If Leader œquiRa, Monp¡or IbaJI immediately give to Leadcr all reccipIa of pakI premiama aad n::acwaJ 1IOÛI:eI. Upon Ioaa, Monp¡or IbaJl ¡ivc immcdiate DOCiœ to tile iBsurIDce carrier aad Lauder. Leader may maD PlOOf of Jou if DOIIDIIdc: i........ti...ty by Mortp¡or. Uü. 0Iberwiae aareed iD wriIiD¡, all iaJuraDce ~ IhaJJ be app1ied to Ibc reltondaa or rep8Ír of Ibc Pmpat}' or to the Secured Debt, WIIctbcr or DOl 1bcD due, at Leader'. optiœ. ADy applicatioo of ptOCIICda to priDcipal IbaI1 DOt eJIICDII or .t--..............~MN 11_7.23411 f.....llfoUTG-wY 11/1l1li4 f)fJ (,.... 3 of 4J / >:i . '...., .- -. ':':':"','" -..... '1>:'" "',,1 <il~î¡!~,: . .' :::··:.:;;Ukt:j~f·> . :,';",','..';',"': '<:·~l~;¡:¡]J~:,.\':;< . . i.;:[: , , ~!::;. '. ·'':è~.'<~: .' ¡,:.::..-., ..... :-~t:.»-~,~. ..~.;';~:... Si;'.~ . .i',.·:" "j )-, -.,'-.('."" ,; ::)::¡":"->, ','1."': :'1"""'--:'- +;.";-;' jl,: -:.<~ ,~~,.~t;;.:;.._.-;' .:;,h· ::-: :~;: :;:, ;~, . ~:;' ': -: . .::. ;':S:.._:·.'·_·:-:>."·' ·:~~,;:,·t;'1I ';'~'. ',,;:~\,<~i;;' . ',\i ~.:':';":~:\ :~: :~~ -. 000590 poItpœC die due dúe of die ICbeduIed paJlllelll DIll' .. die amuat ot ur¡ paJlllelll. Ally .-.. will be paid to die Monpp. If die PIoprrty iI a&:e¡1IØI by Lader, Mortpaor'. riIbt to aay ÙIAnIII:e poIicia IIId proc:eeda I'IIIIlûDa from cIama&e to die Property before die ~'¡fWorI ûWl ""10 Lader 10 die exIaII of die Secured Debt immodÚllfty bem die KqUis\tIoD. 1'. I!'SCJIOW FOR TAXES AND JNSVRANCE. UDIeu otberwUe provided in. IepIIúc &pcmaI1, Mortp¡or will DOt be nquirallO pay to Lcoder IuødI for aua IIId ÚIIUranI:C in CICIOW. , 21. FINANCIAL JtEPORTS AND ADDmONAL DOCUMENTS. Mortpp will provide to Leader upoII RqUaÎ, aay fiIIaDcJaIltaIaDaIt or ÏI1hmarinG Lader may deem reuœab1y JII:œUU)'. Mart&a&or acroa to lip, ddi_, 11111 fik any Iddi&iœaJ 1,1................ or ccrtificadoaI dIIt Leødcr may COIJIida JII:œUU)' to pc:rfa:t, c:oatinuc, mI preaerve Mortp¡or'. obtipIioaa UDder 1bIa SeI:urity Jutrumrø &lid Lader'. 1m IIaIUI wdle Property. D. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABIUl'Y; co.slGNEIIS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS IIOVND. AU d1Itia UDder IbiI Seaøity .....,... an: joiDI &lid iDdividual. If Mortp¡or IΡIII dIiI Security IaItrumaJI buI docI DOt lip au evideace of debt, MorIp¡or doa 10 0Dly 10 mortpp Monpp'. iDM:rat In die Property to IICiCIU'e paymœt of die SCICI1Rd Debt &lid Mortp¡or docIlIDt ape to be ¡aJODaIly lIabIc CIa die Secund Debt. If 1bIa Security IDIIrumeøt IeCIUQ a ¡u&rIDIy œcw- Leader mI Mortpaor, Mortpaor a¡œea to waive any ri&bÞ 1bat may prnaa Leader from briu¡iø¡ my Iáion or claim ...- MortIaIor III' my party iDdebfcd 1IØIc:r die obtiptIoa. Thae ri&bU may ÙII:1Udc, buI are DDt Iimùr:d to. my aDIi-cleficil:acy III' 0IIIHI:dœ IaWl. Monp¡or a¡n:ca Ibat Leader mI auy party to tbiI Security IIIIIrumeat may wcud, modi1Y or maIœ my dIaap In die IaIaI of IbiI Security IIIIuumcø or aay evldalce of debt wJtbout Monp¡or'. œIIICIIt. Sucb a dIaup will IIDt n:kue Uonpaor from die !ami ot 1hiI Security 1rIItrumait. TIle duâeI 11111 bcœfitI of 1hiI Sa:urity bøtnIaaIt IIIalIIIiDd mI bcDcfiIdIe IUœaIOI'I &lid uaipI of Mortp¡or &lid Leader. 22. APPI..IC.UI..E LAW; 8EVERAB1L1TY; IN"I'ERPIIETATION. ThiI Security IDIcrumaK iI¡ovemcd by 1bc law. of die juriIdjcIiœ ill wldda Lcoder II located. aøpt to die ataII ocberwiIe nquind by 1bc law. of die jurùdjçIioa wbcrc Ibc Property II 1oc:Ifed. ThiI Security IDItnimaJ¡ . comp\cID &lid fiIlJy iDte¡øtal. 1bia Security IDItrumeur may DOt be ameadcd or =~~ ~;ü.:.~ ~m:beS;:vc~~~ :'~y~1bcto~~~ wriøa11pC111111C11t. If my IIICIiaa of 1hiI Security IDsuumat CIIIIIIJt be ea1bJœd a:amüøa to 1tl1IamI. Ibat ICI:Iioo will be JevCI'CId IIId will IIDt úIiIc:t the cøbœabiIity of Ibe raøaiDder of Ibis Security bIItnImeat. Wbeœver used, die lÙIIuJar abaI1 iDdudc die plural &lid tbc plural die Iiø¡ular. 1k capdaaa mI JIeIdiøp of die ICCÛœ.I of dûa SecurIty IDIUumeut an: b COIMIIÙeIII:e OIIIy 11111 are DOt to be UIOd to iørapret or defiDe 1bc terms of tI1iI Security IDIIruzœot. TiiDc: is of Ibc cueaœ ill IbiI Secudty 1utrumaIt. 23. N011CE. UDIaI 0Ibc:IwiIe nquiraI by law, &II)' IIOtiœ ûWl be ¡Ivaa by ddivCIÜII ir or by IIIIiliD& it by ðnt dasa mail to the appropriate puty'. 8ddIeu 011 pa¡e 1 of Ibis Security iDIIrumeaa, or to any otber .Jdraa deaigDúcd ill writiq. Notiœ to ODe mortp&or will be deaId 10 be IIDtiœ to all mortpaon. 24. W AIVJ:RB. BKept to die CIIaIt prabIbåcd by law, Mørtpaor wliva aay riIbt rep¡diDa die manba11iu¡ of lÎrDI &lid UIetI 11111 aD --..ad ....~ rlpta reIadøa to die Property. 25. OTHER TIIIMS. If dIccbd, die iIUowiD& are applicable to 1bis Security IDItrumeat: D 1JDe., CredIt. 1k Secured Debt iIIcIudea . revolVÍll¡ _ of credit provlaiOD. A1dIo1Iah die Secured Debt may be Rduœd ID a zero bI1aDcc, dUI Security IIIIIrUaIaIt will remaJa In effect tIIItil rdcucd. o C88IInIdIoB~. 1biI Security IDIuumaK aecurea m obU.pâoa ÍIII.1Umd b die COIIItJucdoa of au improvaueat OD die Property. D Ibtun FIiIIII- Mortp&or JÞDII to Leader a IKIIrity ÏIIIcrCIt In aU ¡ooda 1bat MOItPlOt OWIIS DOW or ÎD die f'Ut1n 111111bat are at will become fiJIIUreI related to die PIopcny. TIaiI Se :IIriIy IIIaInaueat IUftiœa u . fiIIaDciD¡ atarcmeDt &lid aay carboa, pbotopaphic: or oCher reproducIioa may be filed of rocord for puIpDIeI of Article 9 of die UIIifDJm Commadal Code. D ....... 1k c:oveuuta &lid a¡rec:meaa of each of die rIden cbecbd below an: ÙII:orporaIcd iøo &lid IUppiaueat 11111 amcad die terma of IbiI SecurIty 1DaIrumcat. (Cbcct an appUcabIe boUl] o Cnndnmiom- Rider D PI.umcd UIIÍI Dcve10pDcø Rider D Other ........................................................ o Ad..... T.... SIGNA 11JU'.S: By aIJIIIøI below, tdarrp¡or ..... ID 1bc IeIDII IIId COVCII&IItI coataiDcd In tI1iI Security IIIIIr1IIDcU mI ill my au.ç-. Mon¡a¡or aIao acJmow1cd.. reœipc of a œpy of Ibia Security 1DIàumaI; mdle date .tatcd oa pqe 1. (~~..:·..·..·..·(~·-·z'?" (.......) ............................................................................ (Duo) ACKNO~~...rJt.vldl.1........... ......... COUNTYil:....WJ.1s~~.~...~.... ....} u. ~ ThiI ÛIItIUIIIeDt wu ackDowIcdaed before me dùs .....f:f.~.......... day of ....~(..:r.u.~.......................... .~~~~:.~¡ ;oïtT··..~.]itl4~ ~ ~..,_... No. ~ltNØI-~ . Mv AAJI. ..... 10. 201G - ~ ......... ..... at. a..I. MH 11.....7-D4U f.....IIE-MTG-WY :*Þ. .:.y., ~L~:!~:: . . ,1;>.:1