HomeMy WebLinkAbout923279 '0:".0:"1"-,,"1'1''-;,'''''''-'''' .. ¡, ! ';;¡,' ..L,,·' .,,'.. " ~ ;',:'¡Y;·'.'... .tJ.(H)fh ~ ," .. ì .' '.. \ -( ~ to ,. 'I, ~... I, ~ : t ¡ 000610 RECEIVED 10/12/2006 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 923279 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 610 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY , , State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data RELEASE OF MORTGAGE BANK Of JACKSON HOLE , which is organized and existing under the laws of THE STATE Of WYOMING and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by ERIC D. fEUSSE. A SINGLE MAN as Mortgagor, and BANK Of JACKSON HOLE as Mortgagee on 03·23·2005 , certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on 03·31·2005 , in the RECORDS for LINCOLN County, Wyoming and is indexed as RECEIVING 1907371 BOOK' 582 PAGE' 34 . The Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in the Property located at 901 HIGHWAY 89. ALPINE. WY 83128 and legally described as: BEGINNING AT A POINT LOCATED ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RlGHT·Of·WAY LINE Of U.S. HIGHWAY 89, SAID POINT ALSO BEING LOCATED 560 fEET EAST AND 1580 fEET NORTH 0°07' WEST fROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Of SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH. RANGE 118 WEST Of THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AND BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER Of A TRACT Of LAND DEEDED TO TED R. JORGENSEN AND BLAINE E. JORGENSEN BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDEO IN BOOK 71 P.R., PAGE 267, RECORDS Of LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING; AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0°07' WEST, 218 fEET; THENCE NORTH 63°11' EAST, 225 fEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°07' EAST, 218 fEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT·Of·WAY LINE Of U.S. HIGHWAY 89; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT.Of.WAY LINE SOUTH 63°11' WEST, 225 fEET BACK TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING. ~l .,../ , .t::; ì, I LENDER: BANK Of JACKSON HOLE ~ C2001 Bankers Svstems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form SAT·WY 4/4/2001 im!~*::f:::!*:;: ~:·:,:-:·~N ~~:.::'¡ (page 1 of 2) ACK~&~tEb'~:ME~T. (lender Acknowledgment) 0923~7S STATE OF WYOMING , COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this IO~ by SAllY L MARTIN as CONSUMER lOAN OFFICER of BANK OF JACKSON HOLE My commission expires: (Seal) CATHY KETCHUM NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 19. 2009 ~ (1:)2001 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form SAT-WY 4/4/2001 -·-~-"··cr·;"--';'·""""";""",'T"õ:'n,~", 000611 ene 0 ~n. ss. day of (-:;Þ\b{A dOO&' / .. .r.'r.'T"I'1·I,'. , ~:::¡::;~:!I~:;i:::i :;: ;.;,:. :·~~·~:':2~; (Titles) (Name of Business or EnJityI. (Nota (peg" 2 of 2J '.".-,'...'...'.....'..,