HomeMy WebLinkAbout923289 :;m~~~;rg;~m;:: ,-- -----.,.,,'-...- " r . _....._~_.".._-,-_..:.........-'------,,----... .--- ,. ~" ..__.~~, ,-.- ......,"...'""..,",-,~_..._-,...,. ., ,,'.,.,.... -,,"- ,,'...."'-',........'""-'-'.. After Recording Please Retwn To: MALOUF LAW OFFICES ISO East 200 North #D Logan, Utah 84321 d:woolqcd3.rbd. wpd RECEIVED 10/12/2006 at 2:32 PM RECEIVING # 923289 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 647 )647 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY /'1 " ' :,.0"019% QUIT CLAIM DEED EIVED 7/5/2005 at 11:36 AM EIVING # 909702 BOOK: 5 PAGE: 119 JEA WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CL~EMMERER, WY . . Le Roie Woolley Jr. and Julia Lillian Woolley, of 287 Dana Street, PO Box 263, Thayne, Wyoming, Grantors, hereby REMISE, REMIT AND QUIT CLAIM to Len Roie Woolley, 100 LibertyAvenue, Evanston, Wyoming 82930-3004; Lynden Jay Woolley of 568 Grand View Avenue, Grants Pass, Oregon 97526; Lorell Livingston Woolley of PO Box 434, Thayne, Wyoming 83127; and LarenRoss Woolley ofJ087 Nathan Dr., Bend, Oregon 97701, as tenants in common, Grantees, for the sum of One DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration the following described tracts of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: Parcell, having a common address of 287 Dana Street, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 76 rods West from the East Quarter Comer of Section 23, in Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Lf Meridian, in Lincoln County, Wyomin~ and running thence West 97 feet to Comer No.1 of this tract; thence South 100 feet to Comer No.2; thence West 70 feet to Comer No.3; thence North 100 feet to Comer No.4; thence East 70 feet to Comer No. I, the place of beginning of this tract, and containing 7000 square feet of land, together with improvements and water rights. Containing .16 aëres. Believed to be part of Parcel 12-3419-23-4-02-015 Parcel 2, having a common address of267 Dana Street, Thayne, Wyoming, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 1560 feet West of the East Quarter Comer of Section 23 in Township 34 North of Range 119 West of the 6th P.M. in Wyoming, and running thence South 100 feet; thence East 136 feet; thence North 100 feet; thence West 136 feet, to the point of beginning. Containing .312 acres. Believed to be part of Parcel 12-3419-23-4-02-015 Parcel 3, having a common address of Highway 89, Thayne, Wyoming, and more particularly described as: That part of the NE 1/4 of Section 23, T34 N, Rl19 W, within the incorporated limits of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 40 of Photostatic Records on page 448, as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest spike of said tract of records SOQo03'18"W. 359.00 feet from the northwest comer of said NE 1/4; Thence N89°38'54"E, 289.74 feet, along an existing fence line, in part, to an angle point on a west line NOTE: This serves to correct the acknowledgement of that certain Quitclaim Deed recorded July 5. 2005 in Book 590PR on page 129 od the records of the Lincoln Eî~¥f~ ''".'-U.....'_...,......'..' ,'...., ,.~""'-~.........'~~_._"'-",~". '.'.ca.o...&.JI......'.., ·'...:.'.'..,.,',_I,~--_.'.'<',.....""......_.. '." , ",'..,......,'. ';.'.~'" ~ - 0909'J or;, 0923283 000648 '.. 001. 30 of that tract of record in said Office in Book 281 of Photostatic Records on page 358; Thence SOoo02'06"E, 104.02 feet, along said west line, to a point; Thence' N89°33'324"W, 289.90 feet to a spike on the west line of said NE 1/4; Thence NOoo03'18"E, 100.00 feet, along said west line, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.68 acre, more or less; : Note: the Base Bearing for this survey is the west line of the NE 1/4 of Section 23, T34N, Rl19 W, being NOoo03'18" E; and the property is SUBJECT to an easement for US Highway 89. It is believed to contain .68 acres less the easement for US Highway 89, and the description is to be consistent with the plat filed in Lincoln County, Wyoming title "Plat of Boundary adjustment for Charles H. Dana Revokable Trust . . . within the . . . town of Thayne. . ." . . . revised April 7, 1999. Tax Parcel 12-3419-23-4-02-017 TOGETHER WITH: All rights, rights-of-way, easements, water rights, if any and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining; SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO: easements, licenses, rights-of-way, boundary line disputes and discrepancies in the legal description, whether recorded or unrecorded; water, mineral, geothermal and hydrocarbon resources previously severed; and matters of record. WIlNESS the hand and seal of said Grantors ~is d-#d~y of May, 2003. , X ~ ¡)~ ~ ('.f~¡~ LE ROlE WOOLLEY JR. JULIA LILLIAN WOOLLEY STATE OF UTAH ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CACHE ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this~ day of May, 2003, by Le Roie Woolley Jr. and Julia Lillian Woolley ~ t~; j: ~:f'tl:: j:~~: :::t: ~:~ ~;¡~~2mm;;j!¡,::; ¡·;'ïWt';?t'j·'-¡-' .:.:.....:.:.:t:-:,:.:.:. :~::~*'~~~:~:::~: '.....".....'.'...' ""',.,',:',.-,' ·,','.·".":L,''..;',''., " 0923289 000649 CORRECTED NOTARIZATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT The following notarization corrects Quit Claim Deed, #909702, received July 5, 2005, and recorded at Book 590, Page 129, by adding this Acknowledgment to the notarization: ' : STATE OF UTAH ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CACHE ) The foregoing Quit Claim Deed previously recorded as #909702, Book 590, Page 129, was personally acknowledged before me, a Utah notary, by LE ROIE WOOLLEY JR. and mLIA LILLIAN WOOLLEY on May 19, 2003. r-----..IIt:~-.i,... II> "-1W0Uf1 I . tlO ...- NIIIII eo I LGgIn. ..' I .11· ......,.., --I .... ",II." I.. AM" 01 Utah ~ _ _ _ .. _ _ MïirIì ...._._ _ .a d:woolacknowl.rbd.wpd /