HomeMy WebLinkAbout923336 ,-"7 J / ,-"" u 00079B \~ RECEIVED 10/13/2006 at 11 :45 AM RECEIVING # 923336 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 798 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY GARDNER LAW OFRCE O. Devfd GaIdner, AItomey P.O. Box 96 Ab. WY 83110 (307) 885-3183· Telephone (307) BB5-3686 - Fu IN THE DISTRICT COURT, THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING GARDNER RANCH, INC., a Wyoming Corp., ) ) Plaintiff, ) No. CV·2006-149-DC ) vs. ) ) DECREE QUIETING TITLE CHARLES BERG and CLARA BERG, ) Husband and WIfe, of Atton, WY, LARS J. ) HALLING and CHRISTINA M. HALLING, aIkIa ) KIERSTENA M. HALLING, Husband and Wife, ) of Afton, WY, AROET LUCIUS HALE and ) ELIZA E. HALE, Husband and WIfe of Atton, ) W'f, All of whom are deceased and their ) heirs, successors and assigns, and PAUL D. ) SMITH and DENISE G. SMITH, Husband ) And WIfe, of Afton, WY, GAYLEN R. ) CLEVERLY and RHONDA MAE CLEVERL'f, ) Husband and Wife of West Jordan, UT, ) SHAUNA MURDOCK LEWIS, of Atton, WY, ) KEITH W. MURDOCK, of Atton, WY, ) R. SCOTT MURDOCK, of Loveland, CO, ) VERN A. WOLFLEY AND BERNICE ) WOLFLEY TRUST, Dated February 7, 1974, ) Bemlce Wolfley, Trustee, of Atton, WY, ) TOMMY C. CYNOVA and BRENDA T. ) CYNOVA, Husband and WIfe, of Atton, WY, ) the HELEN STEVENS TRUST, Dated May 12, ) 1983, Helen M. stevens, Trustee, of Atton, WY,) The HELEN M. STEVENS FAMILY TRUST ) AGREEMENT, Helen M. Stevens, Trustee, of ) Atton, WY, and the VAL AND DALE ) KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST, Dated March ) 15, 200ò, Richard Val Dee KeMlngton and ) Cecella Dale Kennington, Trustees, of Atton, ) WY, ) Defendants. ) DECREE QUIE71NG T1TLE GIn#ntr RIncIt, Inc., VI. 8wJ, "II, No. CV-....14t-DC Page 1of3 :~~i~'~~~;ili;imii::i 0923336 000799 1lIE ABO~D CAUSE coming on regularly before the Court on this ~ day of cr-- ~ . 2006; the Plaintiff appearing by and through its attorney, O. David Gardner, of Afton, Wyoming; the Defendants n~t appearing, either in person or by counsel; and it appearing to the Court that the Defendants, and each of them were duly and regularly served personally or with Summons by publication in the Star Valley Independent, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Uncoln, State of Wyoming, and that a copy of the Complaint and Summons was mailed to each of the know defendants or served by the Uncoln County Sheriff; that the time allowed by law for answering or otherwise pleading has expired; and the default of the Defendants has been duly entered, according to law; and the Court having heard the evidence and having examined the proofs offered herein, and having fully considered the same, and having found that the allegations of the Plaintiffs Complaint are all true, now, therefore, by reason of the foregoing fac~, and , virtue of the laW; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DEREED that the Plaintiff owns and is in possession of, and at the commencement of this suit owns and is in possession of the following described property, to wit That part of Section 13, T32N, R119W, Uncoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Uncaln County in Book 359 of Photostatic Records on Page 303, as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest Comer of the SE% of Section 13; thence 889°.Q6'-24-W, 765.32 feet, along the South line of said Section, to a ,spike; thence NOO° -30'-43'W, 30.00 feet, to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of the Kennington-Burton County Road No. 12-136; thence coursing along an existing perimeter fence line as follows: NOO° -3O'-43'W, 630.00 feet, to a point on said perimeter fence line; continuing NOO° -3O'-43'W, 130.98 fee~ to a point at a fence comer; N84°-55'11'W, 82.13 feet, to a point at a fence comer; Nooo-56'-22'W, 583.33 feet, to a point at a fence comer, 8870 -30'26-w, 36.04 feet, to a point at a fence comer; NOD ° -08'-04-W, 381.38 feet, to a point at a fence comer; S89° -38'-27"W, 368.51 feet, to a point at a fence comer; NOD ° -13'-30'W, 881.61 fee~ to a point on the north line of the SW% of said Section 13; NOO° -00'-21 "W, 498.86 feet, to a point at a fence comer on the southerly line of that tract of record in said office in Book 600 of Photostatic Records on Page 690; -thence N89°-07' -4<rE, 1319.30 feet, along the south line of said tract and the south line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 492 of Photostatic Record on Page 179 to the southeast point of said tract in Book 492, on the east line of the SEY4NW% of said Section 13; thence SOO°-53'-06-W, 83.07 feet, along said east line, to the southwest point of Lot 60f Cynova Acres Subdivision of record in said Office as Plat No. 101~F; thence coursing the southerty boundary of said Subdivision as follows: N89° -05'- 57-e, 216.12 feet, to a point; sooo-53'-œ-w, 415.37 fee~ to a point on the north line of the SE% of said Section 13; N89° -05' -STE, 1139.91 feet, along said south line to DECREE QUIETING T11l.E Gnrw Ranch, Inc., va. Serg, et al, No. CV·zoot.f.ß.DC Page 2of3 ~i;~~¡¡~~¡i~~Im~f~' 'j. :~:": i ::~~i~i~;~i i~I: ~:',J ~ ;. f.:?:::.:.7CF··d,'i 336 liS";' J [:~~;;~?~~~\ ..........~:::-..,. 000800 the northeast comer of the NW/4SE% of said Section 13; identical with the southeast comer of said Subdivision; thence continuing N89° -05'-578E, 24.33 feet, along the north line of the NEY4SE% of said Section 13 to a point at a fence comer, thence coursing an existing fence line as follows: 8OOo-14'-3Q8E, 999.45 feet, to a point; 800° -09'-558E, 324.41 feet, to a point on the south line of said NE%SE%; SOO° -11'- 4Q8E, 813.31 feet, to a point at a fence corner; S86°-34'-Q88E, 87.00 feet, to a point at a fence comer; 800° -29'-078E, 504.28 feet, to a spike on the south line of said Section 13; thence S89° -05'-OOW, 98.49 feet, along said south line, to a spike; thence N01 ° -33'-06'W, 437.97 feet, along an existing fence line, in part, to a point at a fence comer, thence N89°-58'-54'W, 889.20 feet along an existing fence line, to a pipe; thence SOO°..46'-5Q8E, 268.62 feet, to a pipe on an existing fence line; thence S68°-02'--418E, 472.99 feet, along said existing fence line, in part, to a spike on said south Une; thence S89° -05'-OO'W, 961.01 feet, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 151.82 acres, more or less; it is the intent of this description that the called-for monuments, and not the existing fence lines, control the location of the property lines; The BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the NE% of Section 24, T32N, R119W, being Nooo-17'-OO'W, BlM 1981; SUBJECT to an easement for Kennington-Burton Lane County Road No. 12-136; EXCEPTING THEREFROM those lands recorded in Book 618PR at Page 534, dated :May 1, 2006, and recorded on May 2, 2006, in the office of the Uncoln County CIett, all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Unco1n County tWed -GARDNER RANCH INC. PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN SECTION 13 T32N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING8, dated 22 December 2005, as revised. That the Defendants, and each of them are found to have no right title, interest, claim or demand; that the Defendant, and each of them, are hereby forever debarred from asserting any right title, interes~ claim or demand thereteo, and title thereto is quieted in the Plaintiff, Gardner Ranch, Inc., a Wyoming Corporation. DATED this ~~y of October, " Iii; I ,_, .. ,. ,,' _'\.>.~....;~ ".'..~-, I .... ~~, g" ", '. ......... ::' .../' ..";" ... " . "..,... i (I' -; it" .. ft·::.:, ¡.... {\11 . '. STATE OF WYoM,~~i,~~· ;;. _: ,: :.~' COUNTY OF LlNCOL~~< . ,.,> :,~ I, Kenneth D. Roberts,é.1,er~ oUh~Jh,\~~t JL:dicial District Court VilithH1'at1d"fe~~~d . county and in the State otto said, dO' hereby certify the " "'''~n¡ng tea full, true, and comp;etE U;)!. DECREE QUIETING TITLE Gantner RMch, Inc., n. BtIg, et" No. CV-2OOt-14f.DC Page3of3