HomeMy WebLinkAbout923354 V:"":tll¿UVtI :¡:UJS ¿J.:jU FAX JUltltlJltltlSJ LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC -.." . -- I4J004/CtJ7 ,.. I ¡ I ! - RECEIVED 10/13/2006 at 3:25 PM RECEIVING # 923354 BOOK: 636 PAGE: 876 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000876 ï I "j -, ·1 .1 j I I I 'I 'I I i I ¡ .\ I ¡ I I i ! ì I I CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY I, LINDA A. MILLER, President of Wyoming View, Inc., a Wyoming cotpOration, hereby certify that Wyoming View, Inc. is the Manager of Indian Creek, LLC, a limited liability company registered and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wyoming. I certify that the following resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Members of said limited liability company by unanimous consent on the date herein below written: RESOLVED. that atromey M. Kevin Voyles of Lincoln County, Wyoming, is hereby authorized to negotiate and enter into the sale and purchase of real estate located in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Wyoming, including purchase agreements, promissory notes, security agreements, mortgages, bills of sale, assignments, contracts and deeds, and such other writings and documents as may be necessary to complete the aforementioned on behalf of the limited liability company, from time to time for and on behalf of the limited liabiJity company. I further certify that said resolution: (a) is not contrary to the Articles of Organization or the Operating Agreement of said limited liability company; and (b) that it has not been modified, I '1 1 I I I I I I ¡ : I i i I I I ¡ ¡ repealed, or rescinded, and is in full force and effect. I further certify that as Manager of said limited liability company, Wyoming View, Ine. is duly authorized pursuant to the Articles of Organization, the Operaûng Agreement, and the foregoing resolution to so act on behalf of said limited liability company. DATED this 27th day of September, 2006. \. ¡ I CERTmCATI 0)1' AèmoRITY INDIAN CREEK. LLC PAGltl011 \~~~?~ii:: ee ./,~: '. .¡.O_:,', ",_ .....,. c:'¡)'~~¡;~ij i'" ~~. ,.' ,'...' '. ¡~,' .;.....,. i:\!I~i o.U~_~_[2~g~__;'.tJE3_~131 PAX 3078837889 LUTHI' VOYLES, LLC j ·1 i . i i ."1 1 ., '.1 I I I I 1 ( i I 1lI00S/DO? 000877 0923354 / -- A PRESIDE I WYOMING VIEW, INC, MANAGING MEMBER, INDIAN CREEK, LLC STATE OF MARYLAND ) )8S. COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 27th day of September, 2006. by Liuda A. Miller, who acknowledged further that she is the President of Wyoming View, Inc., a Wyoming corporation, which is the Managing Member of Indian Creek, LLC, a WyomiDg limited liability company, and that she signed the foregoing Certificate of Authority for and on behalf of Indian Creek, LLC purswmt to authority provided to her by said compånies. WITNESS my hand and official seal. i ¡ I ¡ I I I :1 .1 I ì I i I " I I I I I j I I I My Cornmissionexpires: .,A~(?fi~~ NOTARY PUBLIC HERMAlIN GAYLE IŒA~SE NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF MARYlAND 11ft CommIssion Expire¡ November 1, 2006 ~. . , ...., ,-".- "0:) 1...-....-. ............t2,f.. ..~......~...'.i!....__ ~:' ,.:. .";.', ....y... " f' :':,1 /' ':.) J ì ù .... \ . '. .,-111.. "/)111'" .£. ('"{: : ~ '- 1 I,' '~I -:.I.ø :....¡'. '.\!,7'" ,_~ Q/: .<~ :,.\,.1). (",. -. ~;'I I .:~. ::. -¡- ". 1r I . .: '~:' ~~ ~ ". ..... 0 ~·1... '.. :- ..... v Ì' ...." ..... .:-)' ~.... ~.' '(1/.- '¡"~"..)..,J...\) " ". .', .¡.\--'....' .,,' f~, ,..,~ '\ 1+- \I\\\~"l . ~ I' . , CERTIFICATE OF' AUTHORITY INDIAN CREEK, u.c PAGE 2 011'2