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HomeMy WebLinkAbout923445 000303 RECEIVED 10/17/2006 at 10:35 AM RECEIVING # 923445 BOOK: 637 PAGE: 303 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF WYOMING, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Probate No.: 2006-24-DC VICTOR GEORGE KRAMETBAUER, Deceased. DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION PURSUANT TO W.S. § 2-1-205 This matter comes before the Court on the Application for Decree of Distribution or:Claiming Distributees Louise R. Krametbauer, Vicki Hainsworth King, Gene D. Krametbauer, and Dene E. Krametbauer, by and through their attorney of record, M. Jason Majors of Gonnella & Associates, PC. Based upon the Application for Decree of Distribution, the records in the Court's file, and being otherwise fully advised of the premises herein, the Court hereby makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: (1) Claiming Distributees are all of the distributees at law of the above named Decedent Victor George Krametbauer, who passed away intestate; (2) Victor George Krametbauer passed away on the 14th day of February, 1970, in the State of New Mexico, and the last place of residence of said decedent was the County of Clark, State of Nevada; (3) The entire estate of said decedent, wherever located, less liens and encumbrances does not exceed the sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00); (4) No appointment of a personal representative is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction; (5) Thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of said decedent; (6) Claiming Distrubtees are entitled to distribution of a certain undivided one-quarter (1/4) interest in real property seized of Decedent, located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to wit: A portion of Lot 2, also being a part of Homestead Entry Survey No. 128, Section 30, Township 35 North, Range 118 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Comer (SE-cor) of aforementioned Lot 2, also being comer No.5 of aforementioned Homestead Entry No. 128; thence NOoo23'46"W, along the East boundary line of said Lot 2, a distance of 440.02 feet; thence N89°57'47"W, 990.17 feet; thence Sooo02'13"W, 440.00 feet to a point on the South boundary line of said Lot 2, also being the South line of said Homestead Entry No. 128; thence S89°57147"E, along said South boundary line, 993.50 feet to the point of beginning. Together with all tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances including easements and water rights, if any, thereto belonging or appertaining, and any reversions, remainders, rents, issues or profits thereof. Decree of Distribution ..... Pag :;~::::I.:~l::*;:¡:ß . .: :I:~~~¡:I:-:.:~:~, . .;t~;~~¡ ¡;:;:~:~;~:~¡;m;i¡ 09~3l\4t5 000304 The property is more commonly described as Lot 2 Prater Canyon Estates, Unit No-3, City of Thayne, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, 83127. (7) The value of the one-quarter (1/4) interest in the real property, pursuant to a sworn report of appraisal was established to be $26,250, as of March 6, 2006; (8) Claiming Distributees are entitled to delivery of the aforementioned real property, in accordance with the following percentages pursuant to W.S. § 2-4-101 and 2-1-205, as they are related to the above named decedent in the following manner, and there are no other distributees of the decedent having a right to succeed to the property under probate proceedings: Louise R. Krametbauer Surviving Spouse 7956 Lisa Dawn Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 1/2 of Victor George Krametbauer's 1/4 Interest Vicki Hainsworth King Surviving Adult Child 3927 Placita Del Lazo Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 1/6 of Victor George Krametbauer's 1/4 Interest Gene D. Krametbauer Surviving Adult Child 10008 Robin Oaks Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 1/6 of Victor George Krametbauer's 1/4 Interest Dene E. Krametbauer Surviving Adult Child 8055 Romine Cow1 Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 1/6 of Victor George Krametbauer's 1/4 Interest (9) More than two (2) weeks have lapsed since the first publication of Notice of Application for Decree of Distribution; (lO)As of the date of this Decree, no objections have been made or filed regarding the Application for Decree of Distribution. NOW THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Cow1 hereby Orders, Adjudges, and Decrees as follows: The real property which is the subject of this Decree of Distribution is more particularly described as an undivided (one-quarter) 1/4 tenancy in common interest in the following real property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: A portion of Lot 2, also being a part of Homestead Entry Survey No. 128, Section 30, Township 35 North, Range 118 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Comer (SE-cor) of aforementioned Lot 2, also being comer No.5 of aforementioned Homestead Entry No. 128; thence NOo023146"W, along the East boundary line of said Lot 2, a distance of 440.02 feet; thence N89°57147"W, 990.17 feet; thence Sooo02'13 "w, 440.00 feet to a point on the South boundary line of said Lot 2, also being the South line of said Homestead Entry No. 128; thence S89°57'47"E, along said South boundary line, 993.50 feet to the point of beginning. ::III Decree of Distribution Page - 2 on 0923445 The property is more commonly described as Lot 2 Prater Canyon Estates, Unit No-3, City of Thayne, COWlty of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, 83127. 000305 The Court finds that the Application for Decree of Distribution is proper and hereby orders, adjudges, and decrees that the above-referenced real property situate in the COWlty of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, is to be distributed to the following individuals in the following proportions, will full right, title, and interest in the property: Louise R. Krametbauer Surviving Spouse 7956 Lisa Dawn Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 One-half (1/2) of Victor George Krametbauer's one-quarter (1/4) Interest Vicki Hainsworth King Surviving Adult Child 3927 Placita Del Lazo Las Vegas, Nevada 89120 One-sixth (1/6) of Victor George Krametbauer's one-quarter (1/4) Intere~t Gene D. Krametbauer Surviving Adult Child 10008 Robin Oaks Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 One-sixth (1/6) of Victor George Krametbauer's one-quarter (1/4) Interest Dene E. Krametbauer Surviving Adult Child 8055 Romine Court Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 One-sixth (1/6) of Victor George Krametbauer's one-quarter (114) Interest The Court hereby orders that this Decree of Distribution be filed with the Clerk of Lincoln COWlty, Wyoming. There being no further matters pending before the Court, the above captioned action is hereby closed. Dated this . -ç/c:4 day of - '.,,~ " ;(i, 1 ~', : '. . ' .- ..', ss. ~g t·.·.'·,·.~.~.!.¡,":!,..\.. j," '+:,:;;, ~i~·¡.~;~;~ .. 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