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HomeMy WebLinkAbout923757 '~"""'oL.J_..". , ·:.:.:.:.:.....a;..I.,.. ,'C':":--·.:' ·'~IJ..a;··_;r.>ê,· ;,·L","". ~;:,!" ., , :.,.........,'.. ~ r_ 3Ja.11 (OáoIIer 1m) /~~~~; u~ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT OFFER TO LEASE AND LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS SerW rD002ßO W·-,l ?2S?8 "Be u-"¡p-t (__) oIfen to Ieue all « ID)' of Ibo Iaada Ia Item 2 IbIa are available for Ieue punIIIDt to Ibo MiœraI Leuiq Act or 1920. u IIIICIIded UIII p,ppI-n".~ (30 U.S.C. 181 Ie MIl.), Ibo MiMraI Leuiq Act for AA:quiRd Luda or 1941, ulDlllllded (30 U.S.C. ~1-3'9), Ibo ÂØIX1IIDJ Oeaaal·. 0piIIi0a or April 2, 1941 (40 Op. /UrJ. Gca. 41), or Ibo lOW) INI11tUCl1ONS BKrORE COMPLlmNG 1. ~ ßcøC/lff!.. þ,,·JI~ "/S¡.þC. SInec t 1Þv.r Cø,J(t Plf<:e.., S'",.k.lJ;¡~ . Cit)', be, ZIp CodD .Dn),~1t¡ {O ".:1 ø.:1. 2. TIú Wv-w./ilØlrlleue ÎI fur. (Old IlIIly OM) .Jr1'i¡øuc DOMAIN LANDS 0 ACQUIIU!D LANDS (perçea& U.S. ÏIùIeIt ....... ..... ..-:1 if odI« dIaa BLW: 1hIiIJPIOjcct LepI dIIcripciaD of lmt ........: -1'Ir1:eI No.' ;1 ~ :J.3.3 -Sale (mldJy)JIJ.., ~, ~~ -sa 1TD12 IN INB1'KVCI1ONB BELOW PRIOR TO COMPLETING PARCEL NUMBD AND SALE DATE. T. d.:J 11#~'¡~ R. 0. Weridiaa b'¡''¡ HIJ be ~ c-,. L..ln0)Þ) g: IJ.LL q: L,f.s ~,;)I /)i. / :1.s ~.s~ lv j): 1.. is ~.s;; '~II)~:V.s t:1J J¡,) .....~c:. 1 fl: )...() + I / / 1"-,;) "-at ........: PIIiDa ... s 335.. l) D I.-J ... s ;;)JJ.9s-. so Tc8I __ ~ for} ¿'S6.//<Æ DO NOT WRITE BELOW TBIB LINK (. t:J o ~g ()"\ ¡:'T:¡ 7:: ..,., g ~~; 'T c', :., co "0' f'" ".- .1 ;,,....., ~--- ~~5 ~ 3. LUIII mduded Ia IMIe: T. a. Weridiaa ..... D =t: rT~ ..._ c-,. ~! ¡.. . . SAME LAND DESCRIPTION AS ITEM 2 RECEIVED 10/26/2006 at 2:04 PM RECEIVING # 923757 BOOK: 638 PAGE: 230 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ;:'; <:: -0 3P1 w ~~O Z G> J: ::~ ::>·rñ ~;~ 1~"jr' :JC ;u Pl- ~~ -.J Tc8I __ ill ..... It.eIIIal ....... S 1biI1eue iI -- PaâD& Ibo uduIivc ripI to drill for, IDÌIIC, atnct. IIIIIOYC UIII diIpoIc or aIllbo òi1 UIII pi (uc.øpt INUwn) Ia Ibo Iaada dac:rihccI iD Item 3 topdIcc willa Ibo riabt to build &lid Ill&ÎlllaÍllIIiDCCII&I}' impuvcaIcøra 1bcRupoa for Ibo lam iDdicared below, IUbject to I'CIICWI1 or cúeIIIiœ Ia aa:orduIœ wilb Ibo appropriIIc Icuiø¡ awborit)'. ij¡brI pIDICd are IIIbjcc:t to IIppIiAbIc law., die tenDI, .......tm__. UlllIIItadIcd ..;p..I........ orlbil__, Ibo SccreIary orlbo 1DtcrioJ"'. ~ UIII fomW orden iD c&ct u ofleue ÌIIUIDCc,IDd 10 RpIaIiou UIII formal Olden IIcrcafter pIOIIII1IptaI wbca II1II ;"".,.,.,¡..- with Ieue ripù FUlled « IpCCÜiI: provÎIiOIII or 1bi11cuc. NOTE: ....... .... II ...... Ie die .... ....... .......... Ie IdIIMr dilly aecuted ..... .. --....- .... .......... IIIIder 43 CI'Il 3ut ... II IIIIIjcd Ie die pI'O'fiIIøM of dIIt ..... .. . -"' - ... .... ....... _ dill .... . . . Type UIII primuy lam or Ieue: "". MAR 1 6 2006 Þ.PR 0 1 2006 (Date) ~.¡:.~:,g¡:.:,:;:,:.;~ BFPBCTIVB DATE OF LEASE ;<:;:f:;;:~~;ì.~:;:;:;~:¡:' t·.·.·:.',':."·:,···,··',.:.·...:..:.....'.., ., ~, ··'·¡l " ~ ~ Ff);;frf':tl~~rr Jl~ Ieue (1aI,..n) " ~ o Compeddve 1_ (tea )'eMS) o 0Ibcr --1C .~ _, ,.' .; ,'.'.~' ;.1...,.;., ~~:¡¡¡2:r;;~'·~' ;:<:~¡ .··.-..-.:.'Ij..:...·:...._ ~:r(~:m:;~~~ ¡:~::~»}.t:::ì:i ,..: .~. .:....~. 'f', ' '.' . ". ~. .. '.... ... 4. <a) Ubdcni¡oed catifl. !bat (1) affaw is a dlizca of the Vulled Stotca; IÐ .......,¡..v,g of aucb c:m-; a a>lmicipality; or a c:orpaI1IIiao ....aaizcd uador the laWl oflbe Vnited SIIItea or of8DJ Slate or TerritŒy IÍIaa:If; ('2) .u ¡wtiao baIdio& au iaIen.t In Ibc oŒcc we io ""'"pI;~ wiIb 43 CfIl3100 aod Ibc 1caIi.. autbaritia; (3) off«or'a d>ar¡cable iotaala, diœct aod iodin=c:t, io cadJ ¡d>Iic domaio aod IICII UÍRd Iaado ~y In .. -- St.œ, do DOt cx.cecd 246,1IØO -- ill 011 aod 1M -- (of wbicb up 10 200,000 _ may be io oil aod 1M cplioaa). or 300,000 _ ill I..... io cad¡ lcaoinø Dimict io AlaHa of wbicb up 10 200,000 - may be io opô.... (4) aftaor ia DOt QOßIidorcd a D1ÏDCC uador ..laWl of tbc Slate io wbidi!be IaodI _end by Ibia ollu an: locaIcd; (5) offc:nx- io io ~¡-- wiIb "...llr"....¡... ØI:IIIQOIIIÍ.. FcdcnJ coal Jcaa boldiop provided io ace:. :1{a)(2XA) of.. MiocnJ Lc.iD l Ad; (6) o/fcaw ia io'-'-pliaoœ wiIb rccIamatiœ rcquircm_ for .u Federal 011 aod .- Jcaa boIdIop .. recpn.d by aec. 17(¡) of .. MiocnJ Lca.ioa Ad; aod (7) aftaor ia DOt io vioIaIioo of ace:. 41 of .. Ad. (b) Vodcøillood...- Ibat ai¡aalurc 10 /hU¡ oŒcc coaatkutc. """"ft1il.1œ of 1bI. IcMc, iocludio¡ aU ta1oo, CDDditi.... aod aIipulaIioaa of wbidi offeroc baa bœo ¡iwa DOtIcc, aad any ~eaI or acpacaIc Jcaa !bat may ioc1udc IIÐY Jaod dcacribcd io tbia oŒcc opc:o 10 lcaaiog at !be 1imc Ibia offcc - filed but omiucd foe any I'C8IIDD fran tbia lcaac. 1bc oft'aw furtbcr aar- Ibat tbia oller caooot be widxbwu, cilber In wboIe or in ¡wt, uolcu !be wiIbdrawal ia RCcivcd by ~ ~ ~ ~ bácro IbIa Icaac, aD amcodmcot 10 Ibia Icaac, or a MpIInItø I..... wbidicvcc COlI.. the Iaad doKdbed In .. widxbwal, ... bœo ai¡oed CIII bebIIf of.. UalIed SIIIáoa. U ~"" 3 I ::) I £ 00023 j. 'l11li.... willie ~.... will..... ..... - JIIWItJ If It .. ... preperlJ ~" .... ......... -... wIda ... ~ ..If It ..... -r .. ~ .......... ..,....... 11 U.B.Co See. 1..1....1t. crt.c... MJ.............., ........, Ie.... Ie.y ~ wllpllC)'''''' u.IIed su.. .~y ~~. I _ Of ----.......--..- ~ -P - ~ Duly øeaued dúa ~+Ja day 01 FeJ,~q f 19 ~~ . d' . csipaluø of ~ Œ ~-io-fIà) Soc. 1. ReoIaI.t-ReutaIa IbaIJ be paid to ~ofIiœ oIlaIŒ io advaoœ of cad¡ Jcuc ycar. ADI1IIal Ia1IIIl nICI per 1l1:l1I Œ Û1II:IiaIIIbeøof lie: Ca) N~live Jcuc. SUO for the finI , yean; 1bcnafIcr S2.00; (b) CœIpáiIive Icuc, 51.50; fer.. finI, Y"; IIIeceatta- 5200; (c) OIbc¡-, ace.............. Œ .. IpOCificd in e¡uIaâoaI at the time dúa Icuc ia ÏUUcd. If dúa Icuc or a pDI1iœ Ibcnof iI c:œJIJUøed 10 aD approved CXIIIpCØÛve or IIIIit plaD wbida iocludea a well capùIc of producio¡ Icucd ~. aad .. plaD COIIIaÌDa a proviaioa for aÐocaåoo 01 producciOII, royabica IbaIJ be paid œthe producâoD alIocaIed 10 dúa Icuc. However, aoouaJ I'CIIIaÙ IbaIJ COIIÔIIIIc 10 be due at .. I1IIC apccificd in (a). (b), or (c) for thoac Jaoda DOt widIÌD a pu1icipaIiD¡ _. Failure 10 pay aoouaJ 1a1IIIl, if due, œ . before !be aaoivcnary dale of dúa Jcuc (. _ olficia wodåo& day if ofIiœ iI clœcd) IbaIJ ..........,;...lly IicrD1ioaIc Ibia lcaae by opcntioD 01 law. Rca1aIa may be waived, œduœd. .1Uapcoded by .. s...:r-y upoo a aufticiaaJ abowiD& by Jeuoc. Sec. 2. Royahica-Royabica IbaU be paid to prupcr offiœ 0I1euor. Royaltia IbaIJ be œmputed io accordIII1œ widJ r~ œ productioD nmøved or aoId. Royalty nICI are: (a) N<>---......lâve Icuc. 12~ S; (b) CGmp:âIive Ieaae, 12 ~ S; (c) 0Iber. ace ......~: Œ .. IpOCificd ia rc¡uIaIiœI at .. time 1bia .... iI ÏUUcd. Lcuor røcn. .. ript to IIpOåfy wbeIba- royalty illo be paid io value or io kiod, _ .. ript 10 catahliIb raaoaablc IIIÎIIio1wD VÙIICII 011 p'OducII aft« ¡ivioa Jcuee oobce _ aD oppor1WIi1y to be beard. Wbca paid ia value, royabica IbaIl be due aod payable œ the Iut day of..1IIOIIIb roI1owia& the IIIOIIIb io wbida producâoD oa:urred. Wbca io kiad, producIiœ IbaU be ddivaaI, ..... CIIIawiIc'-1o by Ieuor. io~ œudi✠0II1bc ~ wbcœ procIuœd WÏIIIOuI _ to Icuor. Lcaaœ IbaU DOt be requ3nod 10 bold audI producIiœ io IkJn&e bcyOlld die Iut day of.. IIIOIIIb foIJowio& !be IIIOIIIb io which productioD ~. _ IIOlIbaIJ Jeuoc be bdd IiabIc for loa or dcatrucûoo 01 royalty ail or 0Ibcr producD io IkJn&e frum QUaa bcyoad the raaoaablc CXIIIIr1II of Jeuoc. . Mioimwo royalty io lieu of I'aIIal of.. ....1baII..1a1IIIl wbiåa OIbawiac would be ~ foe Ibat Icuc ycar ibaI1 be payable at .. cad of cadi Jcuc ycar ~ oa. aftu a diacovay in payjna QIIUIIÙÌCI. TI1ÏIII1Ì11ÎII11III1 royalty may be waived, 1UIpCIIded, or nduœd, aad .. above royalty _may b.c Riduccd, fur.u . porIÌOIII of dúa Icuc if the Secráuy cIcIcraWa Ibat IIIdI ac:IiÒII 10 -=ounae the paIcat ~ -cry of1bc Icued raourœa, . ia·oIbcnriIe~: . . AD ÌDfCI'CIIi ~ IbaIJ be ~ OR late royalty pa~' .1IIIdcrpa~ io 8IXDI'IIaaœ widJ IbC Fedaal Oil aad Ou·Royalty u._.....-. Aaof 1982 (FOORMA) (30 V.S.C. 1701). Lcaaœ IbaIJ be liable for royalty par-.!JI& oil aod ... Ioat. w.-l from a Ieuc aile ..- IlldlIou . w_ iI due 10 ac¡lipaœ œ 1be put of.. opcnIŒ, or due to !be failure to c:omply widJ allY rule, rqu1aIiOD, ~, . citatiOD iIIued IIIIIIcr FOORMA . the Icaaioa audIority. Soc. 3. BoadI-A boIMI IbaIJ be filed aad ......ü-t for Jcuc ~ as roquircd IIIIIIcr ~.-.,." '.' .. -' Sec. 4. DitipIœ. '* of ~ IIIIIÏIizaIiœ, aad clrJlap-Lcaaœ IbaU cxaciac laICIIIIbIc diIiia- in cIcvdopio¡ aod ~. _ IbaIJ PRY- -.y damap 10, Iou of, or w_ 0I1cued raourœa. Lcuor raavea ripI to IpCCify _ 01 dcvdopœat _ producIiœ . in the public ØaaI _ to RqUire ~ to aubacribc 10 a IXIIIpCnIÎvc or IIIIit plaD, widIÌD 30 da)'l of DDâœ, if deaDed fur pI'IIpCr ~. opcntioD of _, fidd, or pool cmbnciJJ& dac Icued laada. t- àI1 drill aod produce wdla 10 pnwa:t Icucd laada fran draÏDale . pay ..........~ royalty for draioa¡c io _ dcIerJoi-s by leuor. Soc. ,. nn.-._. mdeaœ. aad iaapcØaD-Lcaaœ àI1 file wiIb pI'IIpCr oØiœ of__, ..later Ibao 30 daya aft« cffea¡ye .dale.IÌIenocif, allY _. ~ of 0Ibcr arraøacu- fur .. . diapouI of producâoD. At IIICh IÌIIIaI aod ia IIII;b bm.1euor may pracribc, __ IbalJIÌII1Iiab dcIaiIeci_1IIoWiitc atDIJ!IIIIII.....lfialiIyol ìIl'pmducu nmoved _ aoId. ~ Ibcrárum. __Iued fur ~ JIIIIJK* I. _voidatliy Ioat. Lcaaœ may be requira' IotþnMdè ,P1m _ adocì...ïic}dià,nma ~ ~ wert aad improv..-., aad repona widJ Iapect 10 paniea io iaIerat,. apc:udiIurca. _ dcpncia✠"'*-. 1a the fama pnaœiIed by __, Ie-. àIllr.ccp a daily clriIIPI¡ --.s. a 10&. ;.¿...... 011 wdI aurvey. aad _, aad a r-.d of aut.udiM:c iovearipIioaa _ furaiab c:opica to Icuor ..- required. t-1i1IIIl bcp os- at .u RUDMbIc Iimoa ... ÍIIapCáioa by allY audIorized Gðica- ofleuor, ....... ~ aad all....., ..........-., madIiacry, _ Iiøaa--' aad all boob, acceJIIDIa. 1IIIpI. _ øœrda nüIive 10 opeaâøaa, aurveya, or iDvcatipIiœa 011 or io 1bc.......... Lcaaœ.....1II8ÏIIIÚI œpa. of aU 1XIIIIIaI:II, ... .-.1ICaIIIIâIa øœrda, _ ,w".-..w, IIIdI as biIIiDp, invoiœa. or aimiIar ""'"'.~- Ibat ........ ~. ¡~'~'/:." ~ ::.~..... ".~.'~"'-:.' .. ".: ~;:,! '( I.. LEÄSE 'IDMs -- claimed .. ...._._,rio¡, pqIIIlaÔOÐ, aodI.1raIIIportaIba coati. All auåJ øœrda abal1 be maioJaiocd io ~'a .........nti'l l o/fiœa for fuIure audia by Icuor. t- IbaIJ maiDIaio roquircd øœrda for 6 ycan aftu "y arc ¡aIClaIed ., if aD audia Œ inveaâp✠ia IIDdc:rwaY. UD1il rdcued of the obüptiOD 10 maiDIaio aucI¡ raxmIa by Icuor. Duriøa eùaeaœ of tbia Jcuc. iaformatioa obIaiacd IIIIIIcr dúa IOCIioIa IbaU be doled to ioapc:c:✠by .. puIü: io aa:onIaocc willi the Fæcdom oflafurmaâOD Act (' V.S.C. "2). Sec. 6. Ccxåx:t of opc:ratiIa-Lcaaœ aIIall CODduct ope:ratioaa in a __ 1IIÌI1iIIIizCII.tva. ïmp.caa 10 .. Iaod. air, aad waaa-. 10 adIural, bioIO ical, viaual. aad ocbcr raoun:ca, aad to 0Ibcr laod - or uaaa. t-1balJ1ake rcaaœabIc __ deemed ~ by Icuor 10 ~iÀ 1bc ~ of Ibia 1OCIioIa. To .. _ ~ widJ Ieuc ri¡bÞ pI1tod, IIIdI - may iacludc. bua arc DOt IimØed 10, mnd;~ to .... or dcaip of faållâCII, ~ of opcnIÎOIIa, aad ~ of ÌDIo:riIII aad fioal ,....1.......... _. Lea.. røcn. 1bc ript to ~ cxiaIiac - _ Io.wborize fuIure -IIJIOII or in d1c Icued laoda. ÌDàIIdiIII the approval 01 _ . ripra-of-way. Such _ IbaIJ be N>nditVw.a 10 U to pl'CV_ -.y or IIIIII:IUœabk Ï11IafIIraM:c wiIb ripra 01.... Prior 10 cIiIIurtIiøc .. aurfaœ of.. Icued Jaoda, Jeuoc IbaIJ COIIIKt ..... 10 be appriaed 01 proc:edwa 10 be followed aad mndifi("~ or ,....J......v- _Ibat _y An:u ID be dia1urtJed may require ÌDvIKICorica .1pOcial1llldia to dcfcnaiac.. _ 01 iD.- 10 œ. raourœa. ~ may be æquind to coœpIetc IIIÎIIOl iovclllodlla Œ Ibort IcnllIpOCÌÙ aIIIdiea IIIIIIcr ¡uidc:IiDa povided by Icuor. If io d1c c:œduct of opIInÛIIIII. ~ Œ CIIdaDped rpec::ica. objccIa 01 biaIoric or aciœâfic ÌDIInat, Œ aubatuJâaI ........;..;p-""It eo~ eð"ec:Is are otJacn.ed, ... IbaIJ i........ti.""y COIIIKt ...... t- 1baIJ_ allY opcnIÎOIIa dud would rauIt in die dcatruc✠0I1IIdI apec:¡. Œ objeça. Soc. 7. Mioiu& opcnâoaa- To .. _ Ibat ï frum IIIÌDÌIII opeaâøaa would be ........nti.11y ~ Œ ¡raa Ibao thoac aaaociaJed wiIb __ ~ opeaâøaa, ..... røcn. .. ri¡ba 10 delay approval of IIIdI opaaIÍOIII. Sec. B. &a.:Iiœ oflll:ümt-Lcuor ~.the opIioa of ~ .IIaVÌDl-...l baIium from ... pocUcâoa io a -- apccificd _ by __ povided by ..... _ 110 apcI1aC Œ Iou to kaaDC. ow..- of the .... Lcaaœ IbaIJ ior.:Iudc io allY -.:t of.. of 1M .. ~ oUIia ---. . . _ - , Sec. 9.,. 10 pnIpeIty-t- IbaU pay Icuor for climap to Jcuor'a .....v._. _ IbaU lave aad boid Icuor barmIcu fiœa.u claimI fur climap Œ harm 10 pci.. Œ pIupiny U a .-II of Ieuc opaaIÍOIII. Soc. 10.✠of divcnc ÌDtcrab _ equal oppor1Wùty-t- abal1: pay ..- due .u ... JcpI1y --- _levied __lawa of1bc Slate or .. VIIÍIed SIaa; 8I:œId alllIIIployeca """"'*"'" freedom of purdIaac; pay .u w... at Iaut twiœ -=II IIIDIIIIJ io lawtlal .., of d1c 1h1iIed SIaIca; maioIaio a aafe wwtiaJc l1l\I;'......... io IICCCJRIaIø willi....... m.ry1ßClÏCCll; _ lake ___ -.ry 10 pnwa:t .. IIcabh aad IÚII&y of 1bc pIbIic. Lcuor ~. die ripllo CIIIIIIR Ibat producâoa iI aoId at ....... .... aad 10 PRY- lDOIIOpOly.lfkuee opc:nICII a pipdiac, or OWIII cœttollioa ___ io a pipdiDc. a COIIIpUy opaalÌD a JIÍPCÜIIe. wbicb may be 0fIClIIIed acœuiblc 10 ail derived frum dac Iaued laoda. -- IbaIJ œmpiy wiIb ICICIÍOII 2B of the MiDen1 ........ Aa of 1920. Lcaaœ IbaIJ comply wiIb Euc:uûve Order No. 11246 of Scpca¡b. 24. 19M;. 1I1IIeI1ded. _ rqulatiœa aad rdcYUII orden of.. Secráuy of Labor ÏUUcd ....- 1Iacnto. NcidIa- -- ... Icuec·. IIIIbc:oaInM:Io IbaIJ maiDIaio ac¡reJaled faciIiâea. Sec. 11. T,... àt Ieuc a.r- aad ,..Jincp'i.!un..,( of Icaao-Aa æquind by ~. "'1baIJ file willa ..... allY .............. . 0Ibcr IraDafer of aD ___ ÌI1 dåi..... t- may IdiDquiah dúa Jcuc or aDY IcpI aubdiviaioa by fi1ia& ia the pn1pII' aftiœ 11 wriIIia poJi"<P,i~. wIIicII abaIl be c&cûve u of" dale 01 filiDc.1Ubja:c 10 the CCÌIIIÌIaIed obIiPâoa 0I1bc -- _ ...., 10 pay aU acc:rued r-u aad royaIIiCII. Sec. U. Delivery of pr-' , AlIIIdI time u .u . portioaa of1llia .... an to__. -- aIIall place affecaed wdla io c:oadlâoo for ·'''P''''''IÌOII or ....~\. ndaim .. Iaod .. IpCCified by -- aad, widIia a ....... period of lime. __ ~ _ imp'ovCIIICIIII - dcaaed by ..... fur ..-vatioa of pntducibIe wdla. Soc. 13. Pruœediap io c:aae of dcfauJt-1f Jeuoc faik 10 -.., wiIb aay pI1JViaa. of dúa Jcuc, _ die ---...".'-- CIIIIÔIIUCII for 30 daya aft« wriIIia .... dIcratI. dúa ... abal1 . be IJJbjcocI to .......--I1ann. uIIIeu or III1IiI .. kaaåIoId ___ a wdI CIpIIIe of productiœ of oil · 1M ia ..y'" .......... . 1bc Icuc ia COIIIIIIÏDed to _ 8fIIRJVCd -..â... or UIIÍI pIao · ..............;.;........ .- wbida ___ a well c:a¡ùIc of pmducâaa ofllllilízed IUbIIuo:ca ia paYÌl\l ........ TI1ÏI proviaioa IbaIJ _ lie ___ to ...- !lie aen:iae by lcaaor of allY odaa- IopI _ equiIabIc n:medy, ÌDàIIdiIII waïv. of d1c dcfIuIt. My IIIda n:mcdy · waïv. abaIl.. prevaa later .......·~II- for die _..... CICICIIlliaI- allY DIller IÎIDC. ~ IbaI1 be..q.:t Io~~aad .......ofJlOOllMA (]OU.S.C. 1701). Soc. 14. Hån aad ~I!acb oIJIipâaa oI1IIia Ieuc abaIl eØIIId to aad be biadiD¡ IIpOI1. aad ovwy baIdiI Itcnoof IbaIJ ÌDuR 10 die Iaeiø, __. admioiaJraton. aua:ea.D. batdiciuiea, or au;,- of .. reapec:Iive .... __.. , ,,'. ,- .,r-::'-'''::- ' ~. (;'..;'.;';:¡ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1997-613-004141058 t~m~1Ül~Y · -----..~...~... .-. .-.. '., ..... ~-..'-'-_...............__.-'--~ ... ······...'·.-.L..··.· '_.h·'··_"''''_''~'''.,..·,·'''_~'_.'.·.".,...,_,.., , 0923757 MULTIPLE MINERAL DEVELOPMENT STIPULATION " ,...."'.-...,.. ......- . 1" . ,.. .;.' ;"."'.:"~.."'....' WYW172578 000232 Operations will not be approved which, in the opinion of the authorized officer, would unreasonably interfere with the orderly development and/or production from a valid existing minera11ease issued prior to this one for the same lands. TIllS STIPULATION APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS J::~:t;t~::;::::::i~ ,.. '''-~.~I l:'¡Mf~~I~ ::¡mŒ[¡¡[~:/ ·,·----.-.......············,·.··_....··....---..........~n ,'........._.-...'.. -, ..............-...."'". "'"'' -,".............~. " ..,......'.......,...,. JYW172578 0923757 LEASE NOTICE NO.1 00023:1 Under Regulation 43 CFR 3101.1-2 and tcnns of the lease (BLM Form 3100-11), the authorized officenpay require reasonable measures to minimi7.e adverse impacts to other resource values, land uses, and users not addressed in lease stipulations at the time operations are proposed. Such reasonable measures may include, but are not limited to, modification of siting or design of facilities, timing of operations, and specification of interim and final reclamation measures, which may require relocating proposed operations up to 200 meters, but not off the leasehold, and prohibiting surface disturbance activities for up to 60 days. The lands within this lease may include areas not specifically addressed by lease stipulations that may contain special values, may be needed for special purposes, or may require special attention to prevent damage to surface and/or other resources. Possible special areas are identified bel~w. Any surface use or occupancy within such special areas will be strictly controlled or, if absolutely necessary, prohibited. Appropriate modifications to imposed restrictions will be made for the maintenance and operation of producing wells. 1. Slopes in excess of25 percent. 2. Within 500 feet of surface water and/or riparian areas. 3. Construction with ftozen material or during periods when the soil material is saturated or when watershed damage is lilccly to occur. 4. Within 500 feet of Interstate highways and 200 feet of other existing rights-of-way (i.e., U.S. and State highways, roads, raihoads, pipelines, powerlines). 5. Within 1/4 mile of occupied dwellings. 6. Material sites. GUIDANCE: The intent of this notice is to inform interested parties (potential lessees, permittees, operators) that when one or more of the above conditions exist, surface disturbing activities will be prohibited unless or until the permittee or the designated representative and the surface management agency (SMA) arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated iJq>acts. 1bis negotiation will occur prior to development and become a condition for approval when authorizing the action. Specific threshold criteria (e.g., 500 feet ftom water) have been established based upon the best information available. However, geographical areas and time periods of concern must be delineated at the field level (i.e., "surface water and/or riparian areas" may include both intermittent and ephemeral water sources or may be limited to perennial surface water). The referenced oil and gas leases on these lands are hereby made subject to the stipulation that the exploration or drilling activities will not interfere materially with the use of the area as a materials sitelftee use permit. At the time operations on the above lands are commenced, notification will be made to the appropriate agency. The name of the appropriate agency may be obtained ftom the proper BLM Field Office. TInS NOTICE APPLIES TO AU. PARCELS ~ -- -------.-.------ 09~3757 000234 WYW172578 LEASE NOTICE NO.2 BACKGROUND: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), by including National Historic Trails within its National Land&cape Conservation System, has recognized these trails as national treasures. Our responsibility is to review ouf strategy for management, protection, and preservation of these trails. The National Historic Trails in WYODÙng, which include the Oregon, California, Monnon Pioneer, and Pony Express Trails, as well as the Nez Perce Trail, were designated by Congress through the National Trails System Act (PL. 90-543; 16 U.S.C. 1241-1251) as amended through P.L. 106-509 dated November 13,2000. Protection of the National Historic Trails is normally considered under the National Historic Preservation Act (PL. 89-665; 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) as amended through 1992 and the National Trails System Act. Additionally, Executive Order 13195, "Trails for America in the 21st Century," signed January 18,2001, states in Section 1: "Federal agencies will...protect, connect, promote, and assist trails of all types throughout the United States. This will be accomplished by: (b) Protecting the trail corridors associated with national scenic trails and the high priority potential sites and segments of national historic trails to the degrees necessary to ensure that the values for which each trail was established remain intact." Therefore, the BLM will be considering all impacts and intrusions to the National Historic Trails, their associated historic landscapes, and all associated features, such as trail traces, grave sites, historic encampments, inscriptions, natural features frequently commented on by emigrants in journals, letters and diaries, or any other feature contributing to the historic significance of the trails. Additional National Historic Trails will likely be designated amending the National Trails System Act. When these amendments occur, this notice will apply to those newly designated National Historic Trails as well. STRATEGY: The BLM will proceed in this objective by conducting a viewshed analysis on either side of the designated centerline of the National Historic Trails in WYODÙng, except, at this time, for the Nez Perce Trail, for the purpose of identifying and evaluating potential impacts to the trails, their associated historic landscapes, and their associated historic features. Subject to the viewshed analysis and archaeological inventory, reasonable mitigation measures may be applied. These may include, but are not limited to, modification of siting or design of facilities to camouflage or otherwise hide the proposed operations within the viewshed. Additionally, specification of interim and final reclamation measures may require relocating the proposed operations within the leasehold. Surface disturbing activities will be analyzed in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL. 91- 190; 42 U.s.C. 4321-4347) as ænended throughP.L. 94-52, July 3,1975 and P.L. 94-83, August 9,1975, and the National Historic Preservation Act, ~ to determine if any design, siting, timing, or reclamation requirements are necessary. This strategy is necessary until the BLM determines that, based on the results of the completed viewshed analysis and archaeological inventory, the existing land use plans (Resource Management Plans) have to be amended. The use of this lease notice is a predec:isional action, necessary until final decisions regarding surface disturbing restrictions are made. Final decisions regarding surface disturbing restrictions will take place with full public disclosure and public involvement over the neIt several years if BLM determines that it is necessary to amend existing land use plans. GUIDANCE: The intent of this notice is to inform interested parties (potential lessees, permittees, operators) that when any oil and gas lease contains renmants of National Historic Trails, or is located within the viewsbed of a National Historic Trails' designated centerline, surface disturbing activities will require the lessee, permittee, operator or, their designated representative, and the surface management agency (SMA) to arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts. This negotiation will occur prior to development and become a condition for approval when authorizing the action. TInS NOTICE APPLIES TO ALL PARCELS ~¡:;:::::?f~::~ .'. !I~.¡.;.;.:.: :.~.:,:.:., ~ I;.................., ~~~~;:;::-, ~m~i~§ili~;¡;~ .,....................-,.,.....,.,..-,., ....,_. ",'--",'..'-~ ".-.---. '.-"" ... d.'·_' ..~...,,,,..," - '................,.,.-., ,_, , "'--..........,.:0 ·.'L~··..1..O..,:--''''-- "....".. 09··.Þ·J.~t-.-, ~'" ~ .]¡ " 000235 WYW172S78 TIMING LIMITATION STIPULATIONS - TLS , , No surface use is allowed during the following time period(s). This stipulation does not apply to operations and maintenance of production facilities. (1) Mar 1 to Jun 30; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of (reasons): (3) protecting Sage Grouse nesting habitat. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) ~. ... ......................' '.·'_r'_T-""'··_,,_·· 000236 09~3?5i7 WYWl72578 TIMING LIMITATION STIPULATIONS - TLS , , No surface use is allowed during the following time period(s). Tbis stipulation does not apply to operations and maintenance of production facilities. (1) Nov 15 to Apr 30; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of (reasons): (3) protecting big game crucial winter range. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) fH;;: ~ :¡ ¡~; I; ¡;I ~;: :Af\t il.'i ~ ¡; , ¡,'.¡' ¡ 'I' ¡ !j~¡ 7; iU (~i~~l'l'::!:.;!~;~ "¡:~ .... I!::::::*:~:~::!::;;: .'¡..I..~iilill;:~ ~::~~f.~f.:~~:;:; '·~·:.r·:¡:':I:.:.:.:.:, :. ......"........... ........ -.. ,'.....,... "'..". .">.. ''''.'~' ..... . ..""..;&;.0........ -.,..,......._...._~... 09237S7 000237 WYW172578 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STWULATION-CSU Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (I) Surface occupancy or use will be restricted or prohibited unless the operator and surface managing agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) protecting CJass I and IT Visual Resource Management Areas. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) :t: ~",.-.~,.._,-.,.... -. .... ..."..'......"........... ,'. ··M'...,·--'"o~,·,.·_'.._·.._!,.. .,. 000238 00(.-> 41?t-t-t ~...ù ,)I" WYW172578 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION - CSU Surface occupancy or use is subject to the followin: special operating constraints. (1) Surface occupancy or use within 1/4 mile or visual horizon of the trail, whichever is closer, may be restricted or prohibited unless the operator and surface managing agmcy arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) protecting cultural and scenic values of the Oregon Trail. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) :It- I:::::.:.g.:j::;;;;;: ·,' ·.·í!ñ·j·~~:;) iŒ~]~Ç ...-....-.:.:..... OQ":" ·:P"'1t-~J oJ "'- \.,j I ..) " 000239 WYWl72578 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION - CSU '. Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (1) Surface occupancy or use within aucial big game winter range will be restricted or prohibited wIess the operator and surface managing agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts. This plan may include development, operations, as well as the number, location, and maintenance of fucilities; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) limiting winter access, protecting habitat quality, and preventing the loss of crucial big game winter range. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with 1he land use plan and/or 1he regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on 1heuse of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) .... ... · ,.....;. '.... -.. 000240 09~317~it¡i WYWl72S18 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION - CSU Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (I) Surface occupancy or use within 1/4 mile ofa Sage Grouse strutting/dancing ground will be restricted or prohibited unless the operator and surface managing agency arrive at an acceptable plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) protecting Sage Grouse breeding habitat Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) '#' ~:::::~~i~¡:::::~: 1"':1;,1,: . :I~:;j :~;:~;;:::r::~:?;?~' .1 1t!I t'I~.f'·'·I·t· ·¡ '~ :~~;:~:~':':f:':'; , . ....L......'''.,···. .....,.c....:..'".: .....,_""_. 000241. 09~:.ri1~j7 WYWl12578 CONTROLLED SURFACE USE STIPULATION - CSU '. Surface occupancy or use is subject to the following special operating constraints. (I) Surface use or occupancy shall not be allowed by oil and gas lessee(s), operating rights holders(s), andlor oil and gas operator(s) on this Federal oil and gas lease to conduct any oil and gas operation, including drilling for, removing, or disposing of oil andlor gas contained in the Federal coal lease WYW0075206 unless a plan for mitigation of anticipated impacts is developed between the oil and gas and the coal lessees, and the plan is approved by the Authorized Officer; On the lands described below: (2) as mapped on the Kemmerer Field Office GIS database; For the purpose of: (3) For the purpose of protecting the first in time valid existing rights of the coal lessee, the Authorized Officer reserves the right to alter or modify and oil and gas operations on the lands described in this lease ensuring: a.) the orderly development of the coal resource by surface and/or underground mining methods; b.) coal mine worker safety; andlor c.) coal production rates or recovery of the coal resource. The oil and gas lessee(s), operating rights holders(s), andlor oil and gas operator(s) of this Federal oil and gas lease shall not hold the United States as lessor, coallessee(s), sub-Iessee(s), and/or coal operatoc(s) liable for any damage or loss of the oil and gas resource, including the venting of coal bed mðhane gas, caused by coal exploration or mining operations conducted on Federal coal lease WYWOO75206. Any changes to this stipulation will be made in accordance with the land use plan and/or the regulatory provisions for such changes. (For guidance on the use of the stipulation, see BLM Manual 1624 and 3101 or FS Manual 1950 and 2820.) .... .. --·-··~'·~·-~··""~~~"-"__"''''-_'·~_'-'-d~"''_.''.''''~'.''''''''''''''''~..c_. '~~...'..'.. "~·~·'·~-"'H·~',,",,"'.,,,,,,,,,"-'-"'-'.L.·~'-.^. . .··......·.·."..·C.-.·.,,·.'..,...,.,·...,.. ......,.."....'".... 0923757 tj, Y W 1 7 2 5 7 8 000242 NOTICE TO LESSEE Provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, affect an entity's qualifications to obtain an oil and gas lease. Section 2(a)(2)(A) of the MLA, 30 V.S.C. 201 (a)(2)(A), requires that any entity that holds and has held a Federal coal lease for 10 years beginning on or after August 4, 1976, and who is not producing coal in commercial quantities from each such lease, cannot qualify for the issuance of any other lease granted under the MLA. Compliance by coal lessees with Section 2(a)(2)(A) is explained in 43 CFR 3472. In accordance with the terms of this oil and gas lease, with respect to compliance by the initial lessee with qualifications concerning Federal coal lease holdings, all assignees and transferees are hereby notified that this oil and gas lease is subject to cancellation if: (1) the initial lessee as assignor or as transferor has falsely certified compliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A), or (2) because of a denial or disapproval by a State Office of a pending coal action, i.e., arms-length assignment, relinquishment, or logical mining unit, the initial lessee as assignor or as transferor is no longer in compliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A). The assignee, sublessee or transferee does not qualify as a bona fide purchaser and, thus, has no rights to bona fide purchaser protection in the event of cancellation of this lease due to noncompliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A). Information regarding assignor, sublessor or transferor compliance with Section 2(a)(2)(A) is contained in the lease case file as well as in other Bureau of Land Management records available through the State Office issuing this lease. ,.,. ì:; ~::·~:::~;:'i. ·t4¡-"~'¡·I' ·.·".~