HomeMy WebLinkAbout876107 LIEN STATEMENT (Wyo. Stat.§ 29-1-301) SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD hereby file a lien statement for services provided to JACK E. CORSI, 11314 North U.S. Hwy 89, Etna, Wyoming 83118. 1..Name and address of persons seeking to enforce lien: MARLOWE SCHERBEL of.SURVEYOR SCHERBEL, LTD, 45 wEsT 3RD AVENUE, AFTON, WYOMING 83110. 2, Amount claimed to be due and owing._ Six thousand, two hundred four dollars and twenty-seven cents ($6,204.27). 3. Name and address of the person against whOse property the lie~n is filed: JACK E. CORSI, 11314NORTH U.S. HWY 89, ETNA, WYOMING 83118. 4. An itemized fist settin forth and describin materials defivered or work perform ed: SEE ATTACHED INVOICE "EXHIBIT A" WHICH IS MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION BALANCE DUE: $6,204.27 (plus acCruing interest) 5. Name of ersons a ainst whom the fien claim is bein made: JACK E. CORSI 6. Date when labor was last erformed or when services were last r~endered, or the date when the pro/ect was substantially completed. FEBRU,~Ry 20, 2001 BOOK PR PAG Bowers Law Office P.C. 8 7 6 ! 0 P.O. Box 1550 ~lfion, YCyomfl~g 83 l ! 0 ¢07) 885. 0540 £ein 5'tatement -- Page f~urnished or upon which the work was pe~ormed: PARCEL DIVISION, GLO LOT 3 AND GLO LOT 4 SECTION 1, T35N, R119W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ADDITIONALLY SEE "EXHIBIT B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION AS IF SET FORTH FULLY HEREIN. A copy of the contract if available: See attached ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by MARLOWE SCHERBEL this _~ day of September, 2001. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ARY PUBLIC My commission expires: ~- z~_ ~ Bowers Law Office P. C. ] 06 Ho,pita! Lane P.O. Box 1550 .~fton, l~yoming 831 l 0 (~o7) 885. o64o Lein Statemen! -- Page 2 of 2 Statement P.O. Box 725 46 West 3rd Avenue Alton, WY 83110. Jack Corsi P.O. Box 111314 Et~ Wyo~g 83118 ............................................................................................................................................................... ............................... [ ......................................................$4,775.21 DAT[ ............................. : ................................................... .....................................TRANSACIION ............................................................................................ 12/29/2000 '~i~"~-~-~ .......................................................................... AMOUNT ~'~E- attess2- 0.00 02/20/2001 ~ ~318A 8,70'4.75 8,704.75 05/03/2001 PMT ~10976 - P~A1 Payment by Southwest (for Tess) -4,352.37 05/0W2001 ,. ~ ~FC 178 - F~ce C~ge 4,352.38 06/07/2001 ~ ~FC 198 - F~ce C~ge 163.12 4,515.50 07/06/2001 I~ ~FC 250 - F~ce Ch~ge 66.54 4,582.04 08/06/2001 ~V ~FC 306 - F~ce Ch~ge 62.24 4,044.28 09/05/2001 I~ ~FC 329 - F~ce C~ge 66.54 4,710.82 64.39 4,775.21 '~ Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. Statement P.O. Box 725 '~.,, 46 West 3rd Avenue ............ tS~?~ .............. Alton, WY 83110 ........................... ' ~, ,. ,, ~ ~, .. 9/5/2001 j :aack Corsi P:O. Box 11314 Etna, Wyoming 83118 DATE I ........ 12/29/2000 ~i~n~?~h- 1,421.56 , mtessjack- 01/05/2001 ~ ~FC 112 - F~ce C~rge 02/09/2001 ~V ~FC 140 - F~ce Ch~ge 19.03 1,440.59 03/08/2001 I~ ~FC 148 - F~ce Ch~ge 22.96 1,463.55 ~/04/2001 ~V ~FC 157 - F~ce Ch~ge 17.71 1,481.26 05/07/2001 ~ ~FC 171 - F~ance Ch~ge 17.71 1,498.97 06/07/2001 ~ ~FC 188 - F~ce Chmge 21.65 1,520.62 07/06/2001 INV ~FC 221 - France Ch~ge 20.34 1,540.96 08/06/2001 ~V ~FC 274 - F~ce C~ge 19.03 1,559.99 09/05/2001 ~ ~FC 323 - F~ce C~ge 20.34 1,580.33 19.68 1,600.01 ................................... I ........................... U.E ....................... 't ......................... ~_E .................... l- .......... PAS_T.D~ .... J BASI DUE ~ AMOU~,~ uui- .................. ~-!:.!.~ ........... l .....20.34 /. 0.00 I 39.37-"[ ............. That parI of GLO Lot'3, th. at pat't of GLO Lot 4 and that pan Gl'the SW~'~NWVi of S~tion I, T35N, RI 19W, Lincoln Count, Wyoming, b~ing par( of those tracts of record in thc Office of ~e Clerk of Lincoln Co~ty in Book 325 of Photostatic Re, fda on pages 287 and 288 and in Book 308 of Photostatic R~cords on page 126, do~uri'~ as foflows: BEGINNING at the muthem{t corner of said GLO ~ 3; thence N~g%41 '.47"W, 13't5.31 f, et, along 0~e soulh line orsaid GLO Lot 3 and said GLO Lot 4. to an intersection with ~o soberly ex~nslon of~ha t~st Itne of Moun~in Shadows Subdivision, Plal No. 342, ol'reoorO ~n ~aid Office; thence S00°- 1'7'-49"W, 11,98 feet Io the northeast point of said Sabdivision; thence N86%55'-59"W, 389,36 t~el, along the norfl~ }ina of ~id SubdMsion, to an inter~ection with fha south fl~enco continuing, Ng6~.55'.59"W, 924.50 feet, along the nmih line of~aid Subdivision, to a spike on the west lilte of said GLO l~t 4; fl~ence N00°-59'.06"E, 361.52 feet, along said west Ih,e, to a spiko; thence Ngg°.58'.55"E, 2644.81 I~eh along a line parallel ~ the noffi~ lin~ of said GLO Lot 4 and sdd GLO Lot 3, I~ a point on .thenco 800~-30'-40"W, 451.01 f~t, aloug said east lino~ BEGINNING; ENCOMP~SINO an area 0f25.29 the BASE BEARING ~br this ~u~ey is the west lina of the RI 19W, boing NORTH; each "corner" tbund ~ describ~ In the Cotn~ R~cord filed or to be fil~d in the Offi~ of the Clerk of'Lincoln County; each "point" and "intersection'~ marked b)' a 5/8" X 24" ~I r~h~fixc, ing md with a 2" alumlnmn cap h~scxlbed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTl) AFTON WY PLS 5368" or "SURVEYOR 8CIIE~EI, LTD BIO P~JEY WY PLS 5368", with appropriate d~tails; eacl~ "spike" mark,d hy a 3/8' x 12' ste~i spike fermented by a 5/8" ~ 24" ste~l r~infixctng rod with 2" aluminum ca~ in~rlh~d, "SUI~VEYOR SC[-I~EL L'IT) AFION WY PLS ~368", wi~ appropriate details; SUBJECT ~o ~ e~ement for Corsi County Road No. 12.178; SUBJECT to ~ e~en em R~r East Etn~ County Road No, 12.110; ' ~.~ Co~ty lJ~l~, "PLAT TO ACCONWANY AMENDED PARCEL DIVISION ~ ..... ,,, APPLICA'~ON FOR I'ARC~L e AND PAR~L D ~OR IAC~ BLMO CORSI AND ~.t~o. c~ruttry .OOl - Ameade¢- ~"'~ J~ - "Modification in an~ 'nay of the le~ IlaN!/t~ of lbo au~eyor"