HomeMy WebLinkAbout924401 OCT -19-2~!;:;~:1:i~:t\p0 P~:1;;:;:;::~:};~.: :: FLL I ANCE TITLE AN!?:;;:. ;t;JW ... .',' 000222 307877 P.04 ;. J , " ~ CORRECTIVE QUlTCLÄIM DEED -- -- RECEIVED 11/14/2006 at 3:32 PM RECEIVING # 924401 BOOK: 640 PAGE: 222 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY File No.: 6010616180DAB JENNIFER NEWELL formerly Imowa a. JENNIFER STEWART, A. SlDcJ, Penoa,. grantor of Llneola County, State of Wyomfal. for and in CODSidcratiOD ofTen DoIIan and Other Good and Valuable Conaideration (.510.00-), in hand paid, teœipt wbueof is hereby ickDowfed¡ed, hereby Convey(s) and QuitçJaims To JARED W~E1uCKSON. A MARRIED MAN &rmæc. whose addIeSI is: P.O. Bo 474, Thayne, Wy. ~U7, all ~terc5t in thc foUOwm¡ dcacribed real property. situate in Llacom Coumy IDd State ofW10miJll, to 'WÍ~ Lot 115 of Star VaDey Ruth Plat 5, Llncobt Couty, Wyoming as deserlbed OD the offidal plat med OD ¡.ae 30, 19711.$ instrument No. 431709 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. NOTE: This serves to correct the ftuue of the Grantor c:CJDWncd on that certain Quitclaim Deed rec:OJdcd June 16, 2006 in Book 624 on pa;e378 of'tbe records olthc Unco1ø. County Clerk. Hereby reh!asin¡ and W&Í'VÎDg all rights under Uld by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of WyomDJl· Ûçtober. 2006.. SETH C. JE:/!I\.lN NOTARY PU8UO COUN'TYor ··,t~' STATE OF UNCOLt,· ~ ~> '~NYOMING ...;:.¡- ¡1$S1Ot.. ~~;;Rf:S JUNE 11 200II State of wyoming ) )... County ofUneolu ) The foregoing ÌO$tnJment was acknowledged before me this 22 "d day of C:--~ ù be.. r Jennifer Newell formerly bOWD u JeDDlfer StewJart. .20~.by Witness my band and official leal My commission expires: Ú _ \' - -z..oo '\ " N~ C Jl-= ','t Pile t oU €\8 Slraml..i-fte Deed - Quit Cblm WY. bY. IM9/2006