HomeMy WebLinkAbout876124 I ::()W AI.L MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS, That First National Bank - Kemmerer a coq,,-'ali.n, of the Cou,,ty of Linco In Wyoming eertlf~ that a certain mortgage, bearing date the 28th day of April m,ld,'~,,,,texecutcdby S. Cyril Housley and Cheryl D. Housley s First National Bank - Kemmerer Ihercb, ,.l.ttml, which mortgage was recorded in the office of tln~ Cdunb, Clerk and l".x-()frick) I{t, glsler of l)eeds of Linco County, Shtte .f W_vomiag. tm ti,,. 1St .tidy id' May __10 98 lit II,,~td 611 of Mnrtgages, at page 253 a.d mortgaging the f.llowi.g (h,.scrillcd real cslah, ill said Cotlrll)'. m-wit: ' ALL LANDS DESCRIBED ON THE ABOVE MORTGAGE is. ~,hh a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, a.d discharged ami in c',msideralhm thereof lhe said m.rtga~tq, (h.:s b.,t cby release anti quitclaim anto the said mortgagor the premises thereby ('-n~e)'ed filial mortgaged. 1; WITNESS WIIEREOF, the .... F~YS~ Nak~ona~ Bank - Kemmerer has r;,.,.M Hwse'Prd~e.ts lobe slg.ed by its Loan Officer ,, BA 21st September 01 ~ (~ Seal: :0 .-..,.~.~ - . ,.-. /~ ........ 't,-, ~ .... '" Asst. Cashier ' "~ ~te,~;'~h i~ not ~ea{red todeaerlbe land~ in ~paee lherefor, in~er~ ~he [oHow{n~: "AI~ lands described ~n ~'. d,k 21st d.~ ol September ~). 0~ Karyn Black to n,~ ,,,really known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is II,e Loan Officer a~,,~ 'm~ lhe seal affixed 1o ~flid in~rumenl i~ lhe corporale ~eal of ~ald eorporatJon, ami [hfll ~aid hlstrument wa~ sigm,d and sefll~,d I,> ~.,th,,,'ity ,,f its lloa.I ,,f Directors and said Asst, Cashier arkno~h,(l~ed, sltid instrument lo be the free act and ~lee([ of sflid eorlJ()ration. (ti,'.,, t~ ~L~I .otarial s~9~,h~ I 21st .day ,,t September A.D. ~ 01 ;',I) I t nlmtssmn expires on the ~ ~ ~ day of February -; ~fl '-~ -~- ' -' Notary l'.bllc. '1'~' g'I'ATF; OF WYOMING. ( ],mf~~' o[. ~ [1,~ inatrulllellt was filed for record at o'clock M., on Iht. day of ~, Iq ...... ami duly recorded in Book on Page County Ch,rk ami Ex-( )ffit'i. I{,,gistcr of l)ecds '"~ .... Fei;s, $ J),'l,til) (~h'rk