HomeMy WebLinkAbout924679 000041 I" RECEIVED 11/21/2006 at 4:01 PM RECEIVING # 924679 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 41 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY C4ERK, KEMMERER, WY PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AND PROMISSORY NOTE KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Morris A. Farinella, Successor Trustee of the Farinella FamIly Trust dated June 26, 1997, does hereby certify that notice of mortgage bearing the date of lunc 13, 2002 made and executed by Star Valley Cbeese Corporation, as mortgagors, to Morris A. Farinella, Successor Trustee of the Farinella Family Trust dated June 26, 1997 as mortgagee conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the pay1l1Cllt of an undisclosed amount as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on July 3, 2002 in Book 493PR on page 607; Amendment recorded March 10, 2006 in Book 614PR on page 71 and Promissory Note recorded March 10, 2006 iJJ Book 614PR on page 73 mortgaging the following descn'bed real estate in said County, to wit: SEE ATfACHED EXHIBIT A FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL I-STAR VALLEY APARTMENTS AND PARCEL 2-STAR VALLEY PIZZA AND PARCEL 3-STAR VAILEY CHEESE PARCEL 4 ADJUSTED. It being expressly understood IIJId agreed that this release shall not affect the said mortgage of the security thereof, in any manner or fOIm whatsoever, as to the remaiuder of the real estate mortgaged therein and thereby. WITNESS my hand this / {i ~ MomsA.Fuùæ~,Truáee State of California ) )ss. County of Los Angeles ) -l ~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Morris A. Farinella this , day of November, 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. . he. .~' )'V1 ~ ~ .V\Jt¡e.¡Jj Notaty Public My Commission Expires: f'·- ''1'- ~ /..¡ ~ ..... .... JIo. ..... ..-. .&. -- ..... ..... ..... It..c~'~ MANUEL U. MARIN . Commission # 1387946 ¡ ... Notary Public - California J ~ Los Angeles County f MyCormt ExpIres Nov29. 2OJ6 ---.....-------......--- UU· JlI'¥('C"'IIt._4I ":¡":..i: ~ If ...I 000042 II Parcel 1 Lot 5 of Star Valley Apartments Second Filing to the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed August 12, 2004 as Instrument No. 901938 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Parcel 2 A portion of Tract 2, as referred to in the Notice of Mortgage recorded in Book 493PR on page 607 with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the ~SE~ of Section 23, T34N Rl19W of tbe 6th P.M., Thayne, Lincoln County, wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at P.K. Nail marking the Southeast corner of the Rodeck property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 447PR on page 314, with said Office, said POINT OF BEGINNING being S 25°5$'53" 2, 1358.92 teet from the B.L.M. type monument marking the H. Knowlton Jr. RIrS 597, 1973 location for the Northwest corner of said NW~SE~ and S 89°24'52" B, along the South line of said Rodeck property, 190.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence N 0°28'04. E, along the East line of said Rodeck property, 108.00 feet to an Aluminum cap on Iron Pipe; thence S 89°24'52" E, parallel with said South line, 150.00 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipet thence S 0°28'04" W, parallel with said East line, 108.00 feet ~o an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thence N 89°24'52" W, at an identical angle with said South line, 150.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOc;STKBR WITH an eaøement 60 fe.t in width running to and from U.S.Highway 89 and Hokanson Avenue for ingress, egress and utilities and for such parking as will not obstruct ingress and egress, said easement described as follows; BBGINNING at the Southeast corner of the above described parcel; thence S 6°05'51. 8, along said west right of way line 60.41 feet; thence N 89 ° 24' S2· W, parallel with the south 1 ine of the above described parcel, 513.29 feet to a point in the ea lterly right of way line for U.S. Highway 89; thence N 23°58'23" E, along said easterly right of way line, 65.97 feet to the Southwest corner of laid Rodeck property; thence S 89°24'52" B, along the south line of said Rodeck property and the easterly prolongation thereof, 533,68 feet to the point of beginning. u~;;:L1{tlÌ"i9 000043 "I Parcel 3 DESCR:IPfION: srM VALLEY CHEESE PARCEL 4 AD.:nJSTI'.D LOT 6, LO'l' 7 J\ND LOT 8 or THE STAR VALLEY APARTMl!:NTS SECOND rILING, AS SHOIIN ON TIŒ PLA'l' RECOIIDED WITH INSTROMEN'r NO. 901938, ON MAP NO. US-G, J\ND A lIOaTION or 'f1IACT :z, AS REFERRED TO IN TJŒ DEED RECORDED IN BOOR 3371'lI., Ci61. PoLL "I'1'Il '1'BB OFFICE or TIŒ CLElUC or LINCOLN CotlNTY, WYOMING, WItHIN THE NW1/4SEl/4 or SECTION 23, T34N, R119N, or ~ 6TH P.M., ''r0l'lN or 'l'BI\YNE, LINCOLN COUNTY, "yaUNG, THE HETES J\ND BOONI>S BING MORt PARTIcui.lul.LY DESCI\IBED AS FOLLOIfS: BEGINNING AT A POIN'l' IN THE WEST RIGK'r-Or-WAY LXNI OF HomISOH AVEHIJE, AS SHORN ON '1'JD: PLAT or SURVEY !'Ol\ THE 'fOWN 01' 'rHAYNE 01' HOKl\NSOR AVENUE, 1\ECOIIDSD WITH INSTR'UMENT NO. 89:5989, ON MAP NO. 81-1, WI'l'R SAID OttICE, SAID POIH'l' or BEGINNING BEING 1,895.90 rEET S5Z·09'46nW FRON THE LLOYD B. muœ:R PE/LS 698, 1995 LOCATION rœ. THE NORTßEAST COIUID. or Tm: SEl/4 or SAID SECTION 23, .l\L8o SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING Z,069.2B FEET N4S027'53"W !t\OM '1'IŒ PAUL N. SCllERBEL IU.S 164, 1976 LOCATION FOR THE SOUTHEAS'1' C01OO:R or SAID SE1/4/ . THENCE NB9·24'52nw 193.65 lEET '1'0 THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3, AS SHOIIN ON till!: AlŒNDZD I'AIICEL DIVI8ION PLAT, RECOaœD WITH INS'lRUHENT NO. 921011, ON MAP NO. 133-A, WITH SAID OFFICE¡ THENCE NO·28'04"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE or SAID PAkCEL 3, lOB. 00 FZET TO 'l'H1!: NOR'l'IIEAST COJINER 'l'IIEIŒOI'¡ THENCE N89·24'5:Z"W, ALoNG '1'H! NOR!H LINS or SAID PAaCSL 3, 150.00 rEEf TO A POINT IN THE EAST L~ OF THE RODECK PROPER'1'Y, AS :REFERlU:D TO IN TIlE DEED REC01U)EÐ IN BOOK 447PR, ON l'AGE 314, WITH SAID omCE THENCE NO·28'04"B, ~G SAID %AST LINE, 190.62 FEET TO A POINT tN Till!: SOUTH LINE or THE LOIIER VALLJ:Y LtC PROl'ERft, AS RErzaRED '1'0 IN 'l'IIE DJ:ED ItECOP.DI:D IN BOOK 4161'11., ON P.AGE 699, WITH SAID OFFXCE] TIŒNCI: N8S·01,unE, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINJ:, ANI) 'rHI: El\STERLY PllOLONG3\'l'ION THEUOi', 204.21 I'.UT TO A'l'HE NORTHWEST C01UIi:R or LOT. 5 01' SAID STAR VALLÐr J\PJIR'l'MENTS¡ '1'HENCE 86·0S'51"E, ALONG 'l'IŒ 1I!:S'l' JoINE or SAID LO'l' 5, 17.03 FEET TO TIlE SOU'l'IUIIS'l' CORNER THEREOr.; :rHI!:NCIC N1I3°S4' 09nE, ALONG 'l'IIE SØU'1'H LIHB or SAID LOT 5, 103.00 ~ TO A POINT IN SAID WEST RIGHT·OF-WAY LINE; 'rIIENCE aGo 05' 51"g, ALONG ~ tlEST 1\IGB'l-OF-WAY LINE, 255.61 J'EET, TO THE fOINT or BEGIJINING, THE CON'l'AINING 1.?9t ACN:8 OF LAND. , GtUlNTING TO GIWI'1'U, AND JlZSERVING '1'0 GRANTOR, A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AS FOLLOIIS: AN EASElŒNT 60 J'EB'I IN KID'rH, P.UHNING '10 J\ND I"ROK U.S. HIGIMAY 89 7IND HOIOlNSON AVENU:I!:, rœ INGJlESS, EGNCSS, AmI FOa THE INST1\LLA'fION, OVEM.TION, MAINTDlANCIt, J\EPAIR, AND REl'LN:!:HEN'l' or IINDERGROt1ND UTILI'1'IES, SAID I!:AUKENT DESCRIBED AS FOLLOIIS: BEGINNING AT 'r1Œ SOUTHEAST CORNIa Dr 'nIB JUlOV£ DBSCRIBBD 11111\CKL , '1'HJ!\NCE 86·05'Sl"E, ALOHG T1Œ SAID IlEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINZ 60.41 nET¡ '1'HEIICIt N89-24' 52n", l'JlJ\ALLEL WITH TIlE SOUTH LINE or 'l'HE ABOVE DJ:SCRIZED ÞAP.CEL, 513.29 nET TO A PODrl IN ~ EAB'rEIlLY aIGHT-Or-WAY LINE !'OR I1.S. HIGHWAY 89¡ THENCE N23·58 '43"19, ALmG SAID EAS'1'E1\LY ItIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 65.9'1 rEET TO THE Sot7TH1IIS'1' C01\N!a OF SAID RODECX PROPERTY¡ 'rHENCII: 889°24' 52"E, 1ILONG THE SOUTH LINE or SAID I\ODECX PMPEl\ft, J\ND ~HE WTnLY PROLON~'UOII THEREOF, 533.68 FEET, TO 'rIlE POINT or BEGINNING.