HomeMy WebLinkAbout924680 ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - ~ ... 'f MANUEL U. MARIN CommIssion # 1387946 ¡ . Ma Notary Public - California j ~ Los Angeles County f My CorTvn. ExpIres Nov29, 2006 --............----------------- UUU044; RECEIVED 11/21/2006 at 4:01 PM RECEIVING # 924680 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 44 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY PAB.TIAL RELEASE 0' REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE KNOWN BY ALL'l1ŒSB PRESENTS. That MFC ReaIt1 II parlDenlüp COID IONd 01 JoJu¡ T. ~ aad DeIIIse GI'II1,'-' TruItI.1IIId.. TrIIIIt ~ dated Sepœaber U. 19!JO. aad Morrill A. J'miaeIIa, S_ TnuCæ of the JàrfIIeJla F..nr Trud dated JUDD 26, 1m. docs _by çadfy!bat I1ID11pp bIuIna l1li_ 01 NDVllllbor 11, 1996 mad6 m:I aecutcd by Sial' vaUq CheeR CorpontioII. u IIIDl!p¡on to MFC Realty u mortgagea conveylnl cerIaIn reallIIIa1Ilh1n1D 'DIIIItJaIIIc u eecudIy for die payment or W3,100.00 as IhereJD IIIIcd. wbich ~ wu nc:onIId In Iho otfIcI 011be CouIIty Clerk IIId Sx..off'lCIo Hepler ofDeecb of llicoIn COIlDIy, Stale ofWyomiDg, onlauuuy 7,1990 In Boot 3921'R on Jl8l11 530 mortgaJlD¡ Ibe foUowlD¡ deIeribecI eal eataœ In said COU1II:y. to wit: SBB ATTACHED BXHID1T A FOR LBGAL DI!SCIUP1YON OP PARCBL 1-8TAR VALLBY APARTMENTS AND PARCEL 2..sT1!ll VAU.BY ~ AND PARCEL 3-STAR v ALLBY CHBBSB PARCEL 4 ADJuSTJID. It helD¡ upreasty IIIIIIcnIoocI IIId apeed tb&t IhIa roIeuo ahI1] DOt affect the said mortgage of the .ccurIty Ihereof, In JI1Y maIIIIer Of fom¡ wbaÞioever. II to the remalncklr 011h1 real ...ute IIIOItpp1 tbcrcin IIId Ibcmby. WITNESS my hm:I lid. {ð' ã2:~c~ 17--'--- '(~~ - TIustco ---------- --- DI!DÙe Gray. Tnlstee Stale of CalltomIa ) COIIJIty of ~ ~~lþ ..- ~IS. '""" ~ foreaolD¡ iDstnuDI:ot wu ackIIowleclged before DIll by John T. MUIOn tbLI 1 :/.::¡..J:::: day of No_her, 2006. WilDen my haud IDd Officla1lCÙ. ~je,,,) Notuy Public My C-m'..lnn &p1re8: ~ S1atII of CaIltornla II. COUII1yot ) 0 7 Tœ Ding InItIumenI wu åDow1edpd me by DeniJII' Gray 1b1s day of NO'ICIIIber. 2006. WilDe.. my hud IIId oUlcla1 y _. /' / Notuy Pab1lc My COIIm1InIon &P1reI;-----_ // II /S/OG 'lEbO 00004'5 .., Parcel 1 Lot 5 of Star Valley Apartments Second Filing to the Town of Thayne, Lincoln County, wyoming as described on the official plat filed August 12, 2004 as Instrument No. 901938 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Parcel 2 A portion of Tract 2, as referred to in the Notice of Mortgage recorded in Book 493PR on page 607 with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the ~S~ of Section 23, T34N Rl19W of the 6th P.M., Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at P.K. Nail marking the Southeast corner of the Rodeck property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 447PR on page 314, with said Office, Baid POINT OF BEGINNING being S 25°58'53" E, 1358.92 feet from the B.L.M. type monument marking the H. Knowlton Jr. RLS 597, 1973 location for the Northwest corner of said NW~SE~ and S 89°24'52" E, along the South line of said Rodeck property, 190.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N 0°28' 04" E, along the East line of said Rodeck property, 108.00 feet to an Aluminum cap on Iron Pipe; thence S 89°24'52" E, parallel with said South line, 150.00 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipet thence S 0°28'04" N, parallel with said East line, 108.00 feet to an Aluminum cap on Iron Pipet thence N 89°24'52" W, at an identical angle with said South line, 150.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WI'l'B an easement 60 feet in width running to and from C.S.Highway 89 and Hokanson Avenue for ingress, egress ;md utilities and for such parking as will not obstruct ingres.s and egress, said easement described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of the above described parcel; thence 5 6°05'51" B, along said west right of way line 60.41 feet; thence N 89°24'52" W, parallel with the south line of the above described parcel, 513.29 feet to a point in the easterly right of way line for u.s. Highway 89; thence N 23°58'23" 11:, along said easterly right of way line, 65.97 feet to the Southwest corner of said Rodeck property¡ thence S 89°24'52" E, along the south line of said Rodeck property and the easterly prolongation thereof, 533.68 feet to the point of beginning. O~~:L1bðO I r Parcel 3 DESCRIPTION: STAR VALLEY CHEBSE PARCEL " AD.:JUSTED 1.0'1 6, LOT 7 .Am) LOT 8 or THE STAR VALLEJr APARTHBNTS SBeONll nLING, AS SHOIIN ON THE PLAT UCORDED WITH msntJJŒNT NO. 901938, ON KIU' NO. 149-G, 1JI ) A POR'lION or TRACT 2, AS REnmRED TO IN TIlE DEED RECORDED Irr BOOK 337PR, 661, ALL WITH THE olTtct or TIlE C:t.EJIJ( or LINCOLN CotIN'rY, WYOMING, WITHIN THE UWl/4SEl/" or SECTION 23, T34N, Rl19W, OF THE 6TH P.M., TOWN OJ' THAYNI:, LINCOLN COUNn, Ih'ŒlING, 'I'm: HE'I'ES I\NIJ BOUNDS BSING MORE PARTICULAI\LY DESC1UBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE WEST lUaHT-OJ'-HAY LINE OJ' HOKl\NSON AVENtIZ, AS SHOÌ'IN ON TIlE PLAT OF SURVEY FOR TßI: TOWN OF THAYNE OF HOKllNSON AVENUE, RECORDED 111m INSTRUNENT NO. 895989, ON MAP NO. 81-1, WITH SAID OITICE, SAID POINT or BEGINNING BEING 1,895.90 rEET S52'09'46"W FROM THE LLOYD B. BAKEI\ ,PEILS 698, 1995 LOCA'UON I'0Il. I' HE N01U'ßEAST C01QŒll or THE S&1/4 OF SAID SECTION 23, ALSO SAID POINT or BEGINNING BEING 2,069.28 FEET N45"27'53"W raCK THE PAUT.o N. SCllERBIL I\LS 164, 19,76 LOCAfION !'OR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 511/4; THENCE N89"24'52"W 193.65 FEEt TO I' HE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PAltCEL 3, AS BROlIN ON THE AllEN'DEI> PAI\CZL DIVI8ION PLAT, J\l:CORDED WITH INSTRUlŒN'l NO. 921011, ON MAP NO. 133-A, WITH SAID OFFICE THENCE NO,· 28 '0 ""E, ALoNG 'I'm: EAST LINt OF SAID PAltCEL 3, 108.00 FEET TO T1Œ NORTHEAS:J' COMBR THEREOF: THENC& N89·24'52"W, ALONG THE NORTH LtN& OJ' SAtD I'A1I.CEL 3, 150.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE El\3T LQU: OF THE RODtCK PROPERTY, AS 1\ErE1U\J:D TO IN 'l'!IB DUD IlECOllDED IN BOOK 447PR, ON PAGE 314, III'1'H SAID OFfiCE: THENCE NO·28'04"£, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 190.62 FEET TO A POIN'l' IN 't1Œ SOUTH LtNII: or TIlE LOWER VALLEY: LLC PROPEII.'1'Y, AS ItEFERl\ED TO IN THE DEED RECOllDED IN BOOK 476PI\, ON PAGE 689, WITH SAID orrxCI:: 'IHENCIC N8S' 01'45"1:, JU.ONG SAID SOO'l'H LIJŒ, AND TIIB E:IISTERLY PROLONGA~ION THEREOF, 204.21 FElT ''1'0 A THE NOIlTHIŒST CORNE'R or LOT 5 OF SAID STAR VALLEY APAR'l'HENTS: THENCE 86"05'Sl"E, ALONG THE Wl8T LINE OF SAID LOT 5, 77.03 !'EE:r TO THE IIOUTI!W':ST CORNEJI. TUREOr. THENCE N83·&~'09"E, ALONG THE SOUTH LDIE or SAID LOT 5, 103.00 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID KEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THENCE 86·05151"E, ALONG SAID IlEST II.IGHT-OF-UY LINE, 255.61 mT, ~ TIU: 1'0INT OJ' BEGUlNrNG, TIll CONl'AINING 1.19;1: ACRES OF IJ\ND. . GRANTING TO' GRJIN'ŒE, AND RESERVING TO GRJ\NTOIl, A NON-EXCLUSIVE EAllEllENT AS FOLLOWS: AN EASEMENT 60 FEET IN IIIM'H, RIJIINING TO PoND rROK U.S. HIGHWAY 89 1JI ) HOKllNSON A'VEHUJ, FOIl INGRESS, EGUSS, PoND !'OR THE INS'1'ALLA'l:ION, OPl!:IIATIOK, MAINT£tO\NCE, UPAI"', J\NI) REPLACEMENT OF tlNDERGROONlI U'l'ILI'l'IES, SAID EASEMENT œSCl\IUD .AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT Till!: SOU'l'IW\ST CORNZR or THE UOVE DESCIlIBED PARCEL; TUNC!: S'·OS'Sl"!:, ALONG TIŒ SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-NAY LINE 60.41 FEST I THENCE N89· U' 52"", PARA10LEL KITH THE SOUTH LINS OF THE ABOVE DUCtUUD PARC!:L, 513.29 nE1: TO A POINt IN T1Œ EASTll:ALY Jl.IGHT-OF-WAY LINt roR l7.s. HIGHlfAY 89/ 'r1ŒNC1 N23·S8'43"1f, ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGH'1'-OF~WAY LINE, 65.9'7 FEET TO THE SOUTHWIST COJUŒR or SAID ~œC2C PII.OP!RT'l; THENCE S89"24'52-E, ALONG THB SOU'I'R LINE OE' SAID RODECK ßOPERT'!, AND 'tIlE UJI'l'E&LY 1'I\OLONGll.TION 'l'JU:uor, 533.68 FEET, TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING. 000046