HomeMy WebLinkAbout924709 ""'"''1.&.100 QUITCLAIM DEED (Corporation) For ten dollars ($10.00), and other valuable considerations, cash in hand paid, The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation having an address of 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207, Englewood, CO 80112 ("Grantors"), convey and quitclaim unto The City of Kemmerer, having an address 220 Wyoming Highway 233, Kemmerer, WY 83101 ("Grantee"), the following described real estate: PARCEL "A" Aspen Avenue North Extension A parcel ofland in Tract 63, Section 13 of the resurvey ofT.21N., R. 116W. ofthe 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said parcel ofland currently being used and maintained as a public street for and by the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of the Martin Addition to the City of Kemmerer where is found a rebar with an aluminum cap; thence N 85°26' 51" W, 550.51 ' (N 85°28'45" W, 550.00' record) along the northerly boundary of said Martin Addition and the northerly boundary of the Willow Addition to the City of Kemmerer, to the northwest comer of Lot 4, Block 4 of said Willow Addition where is found a rebar with an aluminum cap. Said point being the Point of Beginning of this description; Thence continuing N 85°26' 51" W, 34.26' (N 85°28' 45"W, record) to a point where is found a rebar with aluminum cap; /7 ( Thence N 87°53'01" W, 0.74' to the northwest comer of said Willow Addition and also being the southwest comer of that particular parcel of land conveyed by quitclaim deed to Foothills MHC, LLC as recorded in Book 618 PR on page 557 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office (hereiq. after referred to as the Foothills MHC, LLC Parcel). Said point being monumented by rebar with aluminum cap; Thence N 87°39'55" W, 39.60' to a point on the east boundary line of that particular parcel of land conveyed by warranty deed to Wyoming Industrial Gas as recorded in Book 209 PR on page 365 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office (herein after referred to as the W.I.G. Parcel). Said point also being the southerly most comer ofthe boundary of a 5050.5 square foot area identified as "Reserved For Road Purposes" on the mapping for an easement for water, sewer and waste lines to the City of Kemmerer as recorded in Book 314 PR on page 723 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's office. The following five (5) courses being along the perimeter of said 5050.5. square foot "Reserved For Road Purposes" area; RECEIVED 11/22/2006 at 12:32 PM RECEIVING # 924709 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 168 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY o':)~ - '."'}~ 000169 Thence N 16°27'28" W, 92.89' (N 16°20'17" W, 92.54' record) to a found rebar without a cap; Thence N 60°59'23" W, 40.08' (N 60°00'00" W, 40.00' record) to a point where is found a rebar with aluminum cap set this survey, said point being a point on the curve to the left on the east R.O.W.line of U.S. Highway 189; Thence 60.21' (60.00' record) along the arc of said curve to the left and said east R.O.W. line of U.S. Highway 189 to a point where is found a rebar with aluminum cap set this survey. Said curve to the left having a radius of2009.86', and a chord of 60.20' which bears N 29° 30' 30" E (N 29°51 'OO"E record); Thence S 60°16'01" E, 39.98' (S 60°00'00" E, 40.00' record) to a rebar with aluminum cap set this survey; Thence N 29°44'00" E, 19.29' (N 30°00'00" E, 19.30' record) to a point on the east boundary line of said W.!. G. parcel. Said point being the northerly most comer of said 5050.5 square foot "Reserved for Road Purposes" area where is found a rebar with aluminum cap set this survey; Thence N 4°33'07" E (N 4°38' E record), 93.83' along the east boundary line of said W.I.G. Parcel to a rebar with aluminum cap set this survey. Said point also being a point on the south boundary line of that particular parcel of land conveyed by quitclaim deed to Burg Enterprises, LLC as described in book 541 PR on page 850 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. The northerly most comer of said W.I.G. Parcel bears N 4°33'07"E, 13.19' where is found a rebar with aluminum cap; Thence S 85°10'49" E, 74.45' (S 85°28'45" E, 70' +/-) to a found rebar without a cap. Said point being the southwest comer of said Burg Enterprises, LLC Parcel and the northwest comer of that particular parcel ofland conveyed by warranty deed to John D. Wright and Rhonda A. Wright as recorded in Book 332 PR on page 657 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office (Said parcel herein after referred to as the Wright Parcel): Thence S 4°33'42" W, 100.06' (S 4°31 'IS" W, 100.00' record) to the southwest comer of said Wright Parcel to a found T -bar without a cap. Said point also being the northeast comer of said Foothills MHC, LLC Parcel; Thence S 4°29'57" W, 150.20' (S 4°31 '15" W, 150.00' record) to the southwest comer of the Foothills MHC, LLC Parcel and the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 0.54 acres more or less. O· 1'1...\ .., .J' .r. ,P,1 ~~ I[} , ~J~..Lf.~ I.i ',} ,_1 000170 PARCEL "B", Aspen Avenue Willow Addition A parcel ofland located in Tracts 59 and 63, Section 13 of the resurvey of, T2lN- R116W, of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said parcel is a strip of land being approximately the actual westerly half of Aspen A venue as that street is currently being used and maintained by the City of Kemmerer and adjacent to the Willow Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, as platted, October 30, 1922 This parcel of land is more particularly described Js being approximately 40 feet in width and 1400.0 feet in length lying adjacent and parallel to the westerly legal boundary of Aspen Avenue as describe in the Willow Addition Plat of October 30, 1922, containing 1.29 acres more or less. Dated this ~ day of I/o l-~6<:" /" 2006 I THE PITTSBURG & MIDWAY COAL MINING CO. ~ ' Robert G. Utter, Attorney-in-Fact Cf!J STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~rt G. u~.r as ~ in-Fact for The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., this llay of . ~ 2006. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: CJ 1j d.Î Jd.tJO 9 I