HomeMy WebLinkAbout924712 'U174 STATE OF WYOMING 1 ~ § J RECEIVED 11/22/2006 at 2:07 PM RECEIVING # 924712 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 174 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN ASSIGNMENT OF OIL AND GAS LEASES --- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, HENKLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. a Nevada corporation, whose address is 230 Finch Way, Carson City, Nevada 89704, and William R. Henkle, Jr. whose address is 230 Finch Way, Carson City, Nevada 89704 herein called "Assignor,· whether one or more, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is acknowledged, does hereby ASSIGN, TRANSFER, SET OVER and DELIVER unto BASELINE MINERALS, INC., whose address is 1645 Court Place, Suite 422, Denver, Colorado 80202, hereinafter referred to as Assignee, all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to those certain Oil and Gas Leases located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly identified and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ASSIGNOR reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, an overriding royalty interest equal to the difference between existing burdens and 17.5%, payable out of all the oil, gas, gas condensate, casinghead gas, and other liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons produced and saved from the assigned interest in said leases during the terms thereof, including any extensions or renewals of said leases. The overriding royalty interest reserved by Assignor shall be free and clear of all costs of exploring, drilling for, producing, separating, treating, and marketing such oil, gas, gas condensate, casinghead gas and other liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, but shall bear its proportionate part of all taxes and assessments levied upon or against or measured by such production. Assignor represents and warrants that there are no current burdens on said leases except those reflected. The interest in production reserved as an overriding royalty is on the basis of said leases covering a full mineral interest and Assignor holding all leasehold rights therein. In the event that any of said leases or Assignor's interest therein does not cover a full mineral interest, the interest in production reserved herein as an overriding royalty shall be proportionately reduced. THIS Assignment is made subject to the terms and conditions of that certain unrecorded Letter Agreement effective October 1, 2006 by and between Assignor and Assignee. THIS Assignment is made without warranty or recourse of any kind, expressed or implied, and is made subject to all existing royalties, overriding royalties and any other lease burdens, which shall be borne by Assignee to the extent of the interest herein assigned. ,Ç¡ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has caused this instrument to be executed on the day of N~eM&E"n . but to be effective for all purposes from and after October 1, 2006. HENKLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. WILLIAM R. HENKLE, JR. o ;,J1;;; 0001?5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF N0IAOA 1 ~§ J ~UIIII""UIIIII n''''''I''''"'UU'''IIUU''''''''''I''I''IIIIIIII''''II'''1I..........I..~ ª e MELINDA MAXWELL i I '~Notary Public - State of Nevada i ¡ , AppoIntment Recorded in Washoe County I i . ..' No: 03-8382~1.~ . Expires Augusl26.20()7 i .nlllllltuu.,.~:~·!~t~'t:1 · ".UU"~H'~ ..... \,'''''"''.II ltc'...nIl.....t..........u... COUNTY OF wAc;dOE:. This instrument was acknowledged before me this R. Henkle, Jr., President of Henkle & Associates, Inc. l~ day of NN~'i«.. 2006, by William WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Comm~sion Expires: 8/~~ ~ 7 ~~ Ñotary Public: STATE OF Nt='.} ~o,q 1 ~§ J :111I111I...'IIJIIII.III;.IIII.II.."1111........;I.....II..,.....'";. :;II.IIII'UIIl.UIlIlIlI~ ª MELINDA MAXWELL ª ¡ Notary Public - State of Nevada ª i .. . ' Appointment Recorded In Washoe County i ! . . No: 03·8382()"2 . Explraa August 26, 2007 i 'U"UI'''n.n'~nl '''':' !: III:.tI'IUnHII." .."",. ",I ..(Ï'...nl.uu...........u......,. COUNTY OF ~AS~G This instrument was acknowledged before me this R. Henkle, Jr. {~ day of 1\L~""Mð~ 2006, by William WITNESS my hand and official seal. . , My Commission Expires: µ fJ /tJ ? ~Jø¡~ Notary Public: '0. 'i.JII"·"l'llI-1'~ <::> ,..I". '¡:: .. 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