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Know all men by these presents, that David John King whose address is PO
Box 2697 Mills,WY in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00)
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt where of is hereby
confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, conveyed and
quitclaimed release and forever quitclaim unto Betty Colleen King, whose
address is 762 Willard Apt. B Pocatello, Idaho all such right, title,
interest, property, possession claim and demand, as he may have or ought to
have, in and to the following described premises to-wit:
Lots (11)Eleven and (12) Twelve in Block (6) Six all in Tract 82,
Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, with the exception of : A
portion of Lot Twelve (12) , as follows: Beginning at The
Southeast Corner of Block (6) Six running West along Street
number (7) Seven, for 21r Twenty-One Feet; starting at the Street
for (40) Forty Feet, then on a diagonal line from these two
points which is a line of (45) forty-five feet; this portion is
to be excluded from Lot (12) Twelve. This is in Heuett Addition
to Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
A portion of Lot Twelve (12), Block Six as follows: Beginning at
the Southeast corner of said Block Six, running west along street
numbered Seven for Twenty-one feet; starting at the southeast
corner of said Block six and running North along Sage Street for
Forty Feet, then on a diagonal line from these two Points which
is a line of Forty -Five Feet. Including all buildings and any
improvements theron,
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights of homestead, together with all
improvements thereon situate.
To have and to hold the said premises unto the said Betty Colleen King to
her and her own proper use and be hoof forever, So that David John King
nor any other person in his name or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or
demand any right or title to the premises or any part thereof, but he shall by
these presents be excluded and forever barred,
RECEIVED 11/27/2006 at 9:46 AM
RECEIVING # 924722
BOOK: 641 PAGE: 210
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David .whn King
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In witness whereof, he has hereunto set his signature this ;;)~ day of
November, 2006.
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David J King
SmreofVVyonnng )
County ofNatrona )
The fo!~going instrument was acknowledged before me David John King,
this~ day of November, 2006.
VVitness my hand and official seal,
ÚiIõ- trfu¡ ( 4]¡-J1u'L-
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: CtJ. /d, J ro '8
Notary Public, County of Lincoln
My Commission Expires
October 12. 2008