HomeMy WebLinkAbout876128 SlDUTHklEST TITLE CO. Fa×:1-$07-877-9602 Sep 29 '99 16:46
KNO~ ~L ~N T at
of the Cowry of Linooln, State of Wyo
in comid~ation of Ten ~d ~/iO0's ($10.00) ~d other good ~d vMuable comideration
to ~m ~ h~d paid by
Charles A. Schreiber and LaRae Schreiber
h ~oseaddress m..~,.¢ ~¢v
.. w ' """ /'Li~.,. ,: ,,.,
.. The recei~ whereof is eeby eo~essed ~d ae~owl~dg~, have r~ed, rtle~ed, conve~ ~d ¢orever
quitcla~ and by ~ese presents do for my heirs, e~cutors ~d a~inistrators, remis, rele~e ~d
forever ~itcl~ unto ~e said
C~LS A. SC~ER A~ La~ SCrIBe, H~b~d ~d Wife ~ Ten~ by the
heirs and assigm, forever, all such right, tide, intcrcst,.p,operty, possession, claim and demand as I have,
ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all rhe ~'ollo~ing' described premises, to-wit:
That part of the NW~4SE~4 of Section 4, T32N RIlgW of lhe 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincotn County in Book
I19PR on page 333, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the South right ol~ way line of the Auburn Tygee County Road 12-134,
N 7°42.5' E, 2297.13 feet from the South Quarter Corner of said Section 4, as described in the
Certified Land Comer Recordation Cerdfiiat'e'ih :/~aid Office;
thence S 0°33.5' W, 297.14 feet to a point;, ' t.,
thence N 89016' W, 147.22 feet to an existing fence comer;
thence N 0033.5' E, 295.52 feet along an existing North-South fence to a point on the
said South right of way line;
'thence S 89053.5, E, 147.23 feet, along said South right of way to the pohlt of
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under andrby virtue of the homestead exemption la',a,s of the
TO/dAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises unto the said
Charles A. Sehreiber and LaRae $chr¢iber
heirs and assigns, to his and their own property use and bettoof forever. So [hat ne/the/' I nor any other
person h~ my uame or behaif shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right to title to the premises or
any parr thereof, but they and everyone of Them shall by.',these presents be excluded and forever barred.
Dated this ...... '--~'"' i , , ,
~ day of ~'~-c ,?~-.~.~.~ :., ,-~199'9. ;,~ ,,
i, .-. ', /
Charle~ X. $chreiber
,, c~he foregoing instrument was acknowledged l~oi~'~-¢ me by Charles A. Schreiber this ~2Q
da~ of OQ~-i'c.q¥~l-x~v, , 1999. ' .... .. _
SEP 29 '9~ 17;32
1 38'7 8?? 96132 PtqGE.~3