HomeMy WebLinkAbout924854 -----ì557 AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE I, Melinda Kay Schneider, being first duly sworn do state the following: 1. Pursuant to W.S. § 34-11-101, I submit this affidavit affecting title. 2. I am the owner of ce,rtain property located in Bedford, WY more particularly described in Exhibit A, which is a copy of a quit claim deed recorded in the land records of the Lincoln County Clerk at Book 637 Page 830, Receiving No. 923638. 3. That on the 1 sl day of February, 2006, I entered into a Marital Settlement Agreement, Civil Action No. CV-2006-1O-DC, Third Judicial District, In and For the County of Lincoln, Court records located in the Court House in Kemmerer, WY. Said Marital Settlement Agreement was filed on February 2, 2006. 4. Article 4 of The Marital Settlement Agreement provides that my ex-husband, Matthew Scott Schneider may receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the above described property if sold by me. 5. I make this affidavit in accordance with W.S.. § 34-11-101 and do so state in order that third parties may know that the Marital Settlement Agreement exists. Further the affiant sayeth not. DATED this d. / 5T " I THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) day of November, 2006. RECEIVED 11/29/2006 at 10:38 AM RECEIVING # 924854 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 557 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COUNTY OF LINCOLN MELINDA KAY SCHNEIDER, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and states: That she is the affiant in the above entitled action; that she has read the above by her subscribed; that she knows the contents thereof and verily believes the statement therein contained are true. '-fJtLJ" *âmE~ ~ MELINDA KAY SO IDER Witness my hand and official seal. Affidavit Page 1 of 2 .....-. - -- SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to be fore me this ~ day of ~, 2006. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED· NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF .. STATE OF LINCOLN. WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 ~iM~ 1{ OßÞA.£) NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 4-?j)~cA Affidavit Page 2 of 2 O:9~;:I.rv.:.~; :j(lYde No.: 1S0106IISI04SMO ;l ;/' ! <I '"'I f'~,1{m;*~ --------,-_. ---- Ot~;':'I~1'1~~.O' .~!,:(,. ':>J:.:,~ '. RECEIVE.,_ zoœ al 3;44 PM RECEIVING # 923638 BOOK: 631 PAGE: 130 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY m ,¡¡ I EXHIBIT 1/ QUITCLAIM DEW MaUhw Scott Sciaelll.r, putur(.) of U.œla Couaty, Stale of W~..... b ad In coaaideIaIiaa of Tell DoIIIn IIßd OIlIer Good ad Valulble Cœ.1cIenIioIi. (-$10.00-), in had paid, receipt wbaeof is bInby Idœowledpd, henby CoIm)'(.) II1II QaIIdaia(.) To Mella.. Kay Sella"., gnmIiee(.), "hœudd,eal.:-¥BI. J/,¡"',./....,Æ..lc._ /1,'}.(;.Ml Wý fdl/;l. IIIIlrdaaItirl!belbllowiDsdeacribed tell property, .iIuIbt III UIIœla ~ II1II 5lIIIO ofWJHl1ll1r III wit A pardo. oft"NEY.sE~ of'SectIo.... T__IIIp3J NwdI,Rup 111 w_orthe~ PoM., lJDeohI CUDat)', W,.omiq, .....C..... partie......,. d~bed . f'ollaw8: llepaaiacat tile Qaarter Comer betweea Rid SedJoa 4 .... Sectio. 3 (J:~ co....r) ucI ......C tIIlDa So.... 0"3''34'' Eat, 231.71 r.; tIIeace Nania "'41'84" Wilt, 108.71 reet; tIIeace Nonb 0"3''34'' Welt, 138.71 reet tv the Norlll.... or..... SEV4J ......080.....1,.41'04" Eat, aIoaCIut laid !tertii IIae, 101.71 feet to the poiat .r........... Henby rcIcaIal uad waA-iag l1li riIbå uøder II1II by' ma. of !be IIomnImd ~ laws or !be Stale of Wyumln¡. rz- A1 ~-Dz.;: ...taew SeIICt Sdlae.lder , 2001S. Stale of Wyo. laC ) )11. Ccnmty oCUaeola ) Tho fin&oiu& ~... ac:Imowledpl beftn ale Ibis I ¡Ij. day of () cIv"t¿..r M.uhcw Scott Scbaoider. .2006, by WllDIIII my hlllld ond officiI! .... My _111100 expim: ¿if If M,ICIYIN VCYI.E8 . NOTARY PUSUc t=~ e ::.c:, Oct. la I....... July 1 II, 2007 ", ,:~~,.~: ,íi:~1~;'::;:~'::..' ':'1.\:('.+\:. . " :.I·...,.¡~ , ; ". "., ~~::" ~". '::f~"t~I.~,¡.¡,'" " .!"'". ·',t. .. .... . .:~~;:~;~:. ..:..'. .... . ;:?,~~i",,> '!:.,. : ,: ~ .'! .: \ '.~ . 't ". , ~.' ··'r· ' . <: ...:'~::.: ... .- \~ ~·:l:~.·.:: .;,\ . , "~:r.;~:~t:~, ):~' -.:" . . ..:. ~ . . .;; ": . ..>?;~:'" .-:~~ ~:~!:!;:: , " o 0559 , .. '.