HomeMy WebLinkAbout924934 uuu·,;:)u File No,: 6010616337 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY'fH]!'.SE PRESENTS THAT: Yvonne M. .Kellogg, haslhave made, cOn5tituted and appointed, and by these presents doIdoes make, constitute and appoint Harold L. Keltog, true IIld lawful attorney for mel\ls and in my/our name(s), place and stead, to sell, con~£y and mortga¡e realty and to execute, acknowled¡c and deliver deeds of real property, notes, mortgages, releases. satisfactions and other instrumentS relating to realty which helshe considers necessary; to do business with banks, and particularly to endorse all cheCks and drafts made payable to my/our order and collect the proceeds. to malœ such payments and expenditures as may be necessary in connection with any of the foregoing matters; and IIwe hereby give my/our attorney full power to do everything whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in said transaction, oft:he following de8cribed property: See attached Bxbibk A for ~cription. Giving and granting unto my/our said attorney, full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premia" as fully to all intents and purposes. as IJwe might or could do if personally present with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and . . confirming all that my/our said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In Witness Whereof. l/we have herel111to set my/our hIIld(s) and scal(s) this November 30, 2006, 1 ~-~ #I. .¡r;j/dtJ/ þð0ne l\f, KelIogC ' State of Wyoming ) ) sS. COunty of Lincoln ) RECEIVED 11/30/2006 at 3:53 PM RECEIVING # 924934 BOOK: 641 PAGE: 750 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -pi.. The foregoing instrUment was acknowledged before me this 86 -day ofNo'Vember. 2006, by Yvoune M. Kellogg. Witness my hand and official)eaL My O<ATJJDission oxpire~tvM- '1, .,7,00 fj' .,.....".. . ...'··,\).iU: I " ó¡t):l#f~;@it, ,-_...~~.;~;. ;'~" 1;;",0'::: ~/ '"~~../ " Itf ........ ,oI'\:¡. " ",··.tOU::TY. '¡':>' I ~ I , t. II ' . . , . \. \' 'to'd ë:096 US ¿ø£ MO~J63 a~ 3ìlIl 3~N~Iìì~ £v:60 900ë:-0£-~ON ............, ..,... c0 'd l\:Hû.L Exhibit A '15\ O('~·r" 'If' , ":J~"'f:~,'j;.'k Parcell That part of the NEl/4NK1I4 of Section '7, Towuhip 26 North Ibup 112 West ",ithiD the iacorporatcd limits of the Town Of LaBarge, Lincoln County, W'0..u.¡deseribcd.s !ollows: BEGINNING at I point on tbe South be of Ibe said N.E¡/4NE¡/4, Soutb 89°58' Welt, 1073.64 feet from the South..t coner of said NEU4NEl/4 wbere foad 2 IDeb .llvani1ed steel pipe with bnu eap inscribed "PAUL N. SCIDRBEL RLS 164 BIG PINEY, WYOMING, TZ6N Rll%W N1116 57/581977tt aDd North 89D58' Ell_I, 1563.%5 feet tram the Soutlawast corner of tbe NE1/4NE1/4 of said SectioD 7 where found a gramte stone to"xl'".''' ....rked 1/160" W, S5 on E; the.ee Nortll sgagJ East, 100.0 feet to a poiDt; tbeDU Nortb 00°14' East, 50.0 feet paraDeI to tile Ban ri¡bt-of-W'a)' Une oeState Highway 189 to a poiDt; tIIeøce South 89°58' West, 100.0 fect parallel to the Slid Sontb Uue to a poiDt; thence Soulb 00014' West, parallel to the sailS ript-or-..y lille, the base bearinl for this survey, SO,O feet to the poiDt of begin.ing. cadi point marked with steel T-sbapclS stake 24" lobi with metal cap iàlc:ribed "SURVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB RLSI64". Parcel 2 That part of Lot J or Section 7, TOW1l.hip 26 North Ra...112 West ottbe ,"I þ,M., Linealu County, Wyomiug described al foDow.: ' BEGINNING It a pohat 08 the North UDe of the said Lot 3, South 89058' West, 1073.64 feet from the Northalt corner of .aid LoU where found a 2" ph'aaizcd steel pipe with brua cap iDlcriÞed "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS 164 BIG PINEY. WYOMING T26N R112W N1J16 snS/8 1977" .nd North 8~58' East, 1563.25 feet from the Southwest comer oftlae NWl/4NEI/4 of Did Section 7 where fOUDd a granite stODt IO"xI7I:16" marked lIUi on W, SS on E; theace North 8'-58' EIIn, 100.0 re.et to . polat; thence South 00014' West, 50.0 feet paraDe) to the EIIIt right-of-way of Sc.te Highway leg to a poiDt; tbence Soutb 8!J05S' West. 100.0 feet parallel to Aid North lillie to a point; theDce North 00014' Eat, parallel to the I.id riPt-of-way liae, the base bearing tor this InrvC)', SO.O feet to the po'øt of begJDaiDg. cuh poiot marked with steel T-sbapeclltake 24" lóØ8 with metal tap inserlbed "SURVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB RLSI64". Pan:e13 A parcel orland located In I portion of the NEp4NE1I4 of Section 7, Township Z6 North RaDge 112 West or the ~ P.M., LiDcolu Coupty, Wyoming within lb. iacorporated limits of the To1\'Ø of LaBarge, being I more particularly lSaeribed .s foUaws: ' CommeneåDg It a point 00 the South Une or tbelaid NJ:l/'NE 114, South Sg053' West, 1073.64 feet from the So.tbeaat comer of .aid NEl/4NEI/4, where toaDd a11Dch lalvaDized steel pipe with brall cap insc:ribed "PAUL N. SCHERØEL RLS 164 BIG PINEY, WYOMING T16N RU%W, Nt/16, 8nS/8 1977", Aid pOiDt Id.adeal \YItIa tbe Soath.Mt eora.r or a tract of land recorded in tbe Oftic:e of tbe Clerk of Lløeoln CODDIy iD Book 139PR OD .....193; tbeaee Nortla 001114' EI.t, SO.OO feet paraUcl to theEMr right-of-way line of State HigbwlY ¡ 89 .¡ad along the Wellt line or .aid tnct of record i.. BoOk 13'''' to the Nortbwest corner of sBid traet ot record in Book 139PR, .aid Nortbwest comer beinl the poIDt or beginaiag of this dncribecl parcel, said poiDt of begiaøing also beiag tbe poiat of beCI...1q or Parcel Wl. recorded iD the Ornee of Uae Clerk of LincoJn County in Book 213PR on pap _"'0 beinl a steel T-slalped ,take; thence cootinUÌl1g North 00·14'00" Eut, parallel to the aid Eut right-of-way a distance 0151.30 feet to a 518" rebar witll.luDlÌJ....n SVRVrKAP lta.paI ItJFC PELS 574": thlace Nortb 8!J047'lCi" Eat, a distanee of 100..24 feet,to a SJ8" rebar with alullÛDulQ SURV-KAP stamped "JFC PEU 574"; , thence South 00°13'22" West, I distaDce o15l~œ feet, to. steel T-.baped stake with metal c:ap iascribelS "SVVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB ~ Iff', aDd bel... tbe Northeast COf'ller of said tract of reeonl ia Book 13'PR; ; thence Soutla 89D3'7'4O" West, alone the No" u.. ql'taid tract of record ia Book 139PRJ a dismnce of 100.:15 feet totH poiDt of bepnuing of sa", ~L I I I c0'd c096 US ¿0£ MO~3 aN~ 31111 3JN~lll~ £v:60 900c-0£-~ON