HomeMy WebLinkAbout925033 -- I I I Z, I UUU~ð I \..y Plie No.; ~j i6j (04) RECEIVED 12/5/2006 at 10:56 AM RECEIVING # 925033 BOOK: 642 PAGE: 187 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I t WHEN üCORDED RETURN TO¡ Name; Addreu: GIIIY L. Hóèi1ñó 515 West Greens Rd #900 Houston, TX 77067 WARRANTY DEED (Iï1dividual Fðrm) Mcrlìn J. pt'ioe and JQY P. 'rtÇ\!, husband zwd w¡fc~ GJiLANTOl\(S) of BinaÞ~County. Swc ofIdlho, CÖN\1EY(S) AND WARRANÏ(&) to Gill')' L~ Hoehne, a sln¡Je man and S;ÙlyJemèñ il širltlé WómáD. äS jotnt œnantswith full rights of Surviv0f5hip GR.UnEE(S);whoønddre!'8Î$ 515 west Green ~~~ite 900. Houston, TX 77067 fó.t thì!J $ilif¡ ðfTttiDöUars and other good. and valuable consÎdel'iltÎoll; tbc. following desonÎNd ro.d ",taté, sItuate in Liiï.êôtn C6iit1tÿ. StätiJ of Wyoming. hereby releasing and waivmC aU rights under and by virtue otIho HQmestead &cmptiOIiU~ ottñè S'W'ti. tð'-wh: The South ~ of the Southeast ~1 áxíd the SóUffi ß 6fthâ Nón:l1 ~ oftlic Southeast If,¡ of Section 28. Township 28 North, RAnge ï 19 West oftbo g1b P.M., LÎnëólri Cóurili. Wyoming. ;; Subject to teservatfons and rHþ"lctÎOI1& contained in tha United Stâtûï PAttiU indto £UerRents andr1¡hts-of~ of record I or in ust. ?¿~ '" i Tògether with all ÍtnpfÐVM1MI5 and appurlêritiö¿ei thòtéöñ. WITNE-56, the band of'fI¡id grantor(l) thà 11th Qå¥ öt JÛ~I ~G{t6. I æ:L i I ~' · I ~,-.-... I n I I I I I ~ r , G?~ -Jt¡ P. rice STA T£ OF IDAHO COtTNTIv OF "ßn\(VrI(;L.vy\""'- O· J.... The tbregoing iDstrUmeJ1t was ack-nowlEdgcd before me this._ ''L ~ orJuly. 2M6, by Merlin J. Priœ AIld joYP. Price the &igner(s) of the wlùtln tl1$trUment \\'110 duly acknowledgod to ~e that they IJX~ Û1c HJm'I. WITNESS MY HAND ,A¿""¡D OFFICIAL SEAL. rilliNììiiDm 5lt~$ Ltmrl Tille Compan)' Warranty Deed - (Individual) ?age 1 gf] €£L·~ lOO/lOO'd Ill·! 981S·SSL·LOS ~ugdWO~ ;I~I! puø,~~ LlISO SO·ll-,nr