HomeMy WebLinkAbout925105 000409 PROOF OF DEATH & HEIRSHIP County of Riverside ) ) ) RECEIVED 1217/2006 at 11:17 AM RECEIVING # 925105 BOOK: 642 PAGE: 409 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF California AFFIDAVIT OF HEIRSHIP OF Virl!inia Leanne Davison Eckenrode also known as Virl!inia Le Anne Smisek , DECEASED. .Tohn Andl'ew Gealta , being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: The helshe was acquainted with Vinrinia Leanne Davison Eckenrode also known as Virl!inia Le Anne Smisek deceased for 25 years; That helshe is a son-in-law of said decedent. That said Virl!inia Virl!inia Leanne Davison Eckenrode also known as Virl!inia Le Anne Smisek died intestate on or about the lOth day of June ,_ A. D. 2003, at about the age of 68 years. That the said decedent was not married at the time of death. That the said decedent was married two (2) time(s), and the name of each spouse, with date of death, is as follows: Name Date of Deatb Clifford Eckenrode Thomas Smisek Divorced 1977 November, 1996 That the said decedent was not divorced ITom Thomas Smisek That the following children of said decedent were living at the time of said decedent's death: Names Address Date of Birth David Eckenrode 2898 LaCresta Circle, Minden, NY 89423 9-11-1955 Dawn Eckenrode 4578 Calle Amigo, Fort Mohave, AZ 86426 11-8-1956 Denise Gealta 34185 POUlTOY Rd., Winchester, CA 92596 3-8-1959 Dennis Eckenrode 30300 Antelope Rd., Apt. 1017, Menifee, CA 92584 10-6-1961 Deanna Zamora 313 West Devenshire Ave., #3, Hemet, CA 92543 11-12-1962 That the fullowing child + of said decodent died prior to her death, and left heinlas fullows Name Date of Birtb Marital Status Heirs N/A 'UU'.,·· r: ".; (,¡ , , a..:., "'" ',-b'JJ" "'^ 000410 If decedent left no surviving children, give the following infonnation: First: List parents, if living; also list brothers and sisters; if any brother or sister died before decedent, also list his or her children. Second: If no parent, brother or sister survived decedent, list the following if any surviving: grandparents, nephews and nieces; uncles and aunts; cousins; if none of foregoing survived, list nearest ofkin surviving. Names Age Address Relation to Decedent N/A That all of said heirs at law were and are of sound mind, and that none of them are incompetent. That all debts and claims against the estate of said Vin!inia Leanne Davison Eckenrode also known as Virginia Le Anne Smisek were fully paid and at the time of her death she was the owner of or had an interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: Township 21 North. Range 115 West. 6th P. M. Section 34: WY2SWv.. and that part of the NEv..SWv..lying south of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way Further Affiant saith not. /~ ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,,~ day of NOJ011bcr ,2006. My commission expires --J We. i\ ~( () J ,\,. OlSen Notary Public STATE OF CQ \ rfo(ol<:7.... COUNTY OF P-I \It:rS,C G ) ) ss. ) On this --1L day of ~ 1)ndn-w 6eQ I TeL , 2006, before me personally appeared J oh n , who is known to me to be the identical person whose name is affIxed to the above instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be and deed. free and voluntary act My Commission Expires: . 2~()h ~ J'ú)C If,'ðolQ r NOTARY PUBLIC J.L :mil . eu.¡.....-IV'I# 16 .. NaICIV NIle . ¢4IØ ..".;.. ~''101 MYCOfNI'o -- I I ~ ~ II ¡I ~ P.: I I ~ ~