HomeMy WebLinkAbout925241 C0005«J: RECEIVED 12/12/2006 at 10:12 AM RECEIVING # 925241 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 54 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Return To: NEW F R E E 0 0 M ATTN: Final Doc's 2363 SOUTH FOOTHILL SALT LAKE CITY, UT MORTGAGE CORPORATION DRIVE 8 4 1 0 9 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY STATE OF ( ;.) YO /)') / ì~ COUNTY OF L, 11' ro /'\ ) ) 5S, ) Know alJ persons by these presents &hat l!we. COD Y S, MIL L A R D and ASHLEY N. MILLARD, HUSBAND AND WIFE (the "undersigned") of the following address: 533 0 A K S T R E E T . city of LAB A R G E , state of W Y . have entered into a Borrowers Note ("Note") and Mortgage. Open-End Mortgage. Deed of Trust, or Dedit Line Deed of Trust, Security Deed ('"Security Instnunent"). together, the "Loan Docwnents" associated with that certain loan secured by the real andlor personal property at the address iudicated above (the "subject property"). and that I/we do hereby make, constitute and appoint New Freedom Mortgage Corporation and its successors in interest (collectively and individually, the "Note Holder") liS my true and lawful anomey in facl for me and in my name. place Bnd stead, and on by behalt~ and for my use and benefit, for the following limited purposes: 1. To execute. deliver, file and/or rcçord any docwnents, including, wi&houllimitlltion, the Security InstnUl1ent, f'mancing statement,. notice, agreement, or other papers that may be reasonably necessary or desirable (in the reasonable judgment of Note Holder) to preserve. pcrf'ect. maintain, hold or validate the security interest in the subject property pursnant to and consistent with the Loan Docunumts Secured by the Manufactured Home, New/Used: USE D Year: 2 0 0 2 Manufacturer's Name: R U S HMO R E HaM E S 0 F W Y I N C Model Name or Model No.: C l ASS T C Serial No: H 0 1 0 4 2 4 A B HUD Plate #; R a d 1 3 5 2 4 3 4 R a d 1 3 5 2 4 3 5 Length x Width: 2 4 X 4 4 . 3 2. To execute, deliver, record any and all dOClUTlents, instruments or agreements which Note Holder reasonably deems necessary to obtain andlor maintain insurance 011 the subject propcrt)' as provided in the Security Instrument, andlor to ,"ollect insurance proceClds on such insurance in the event of a loss, includinB die power to appear in any proceeding necessary for the collection of insurance proceeds. and accordingly, to receive and apply such prOèeeds in accordance with the Loan Docwnents when reasonably necessary, 3. This instrument is to be constmed and interpreted as a limited power of attorney. and shall be governed by and subject to the Jaws ofthc state: in which the subjeçt property is situated. The enumeration of specific items. rights, acts or powers herein is not intended to further limit or restrict the scope of the specific powers herein granted to sa id attorney in fact. 4, The rights, powers and authority of the said attorney in Cact herein granted shall commence and shall be in full force and effect on the date of execution of this Limited Power of Attorney, and sucb poWCl'S and authority shall irrevocably be aald remain in full force and effect thereafter, until payment in full of tile debt which Ìs secured by the subjectpropcrty. P"s" 1 of~ 16 Mal\fHomc POA(.Jf'71U~ QW) ,..I..",~n~~ ..1..'» ~ au rn...do.. I{/: UUb 092SZ41 000055 5. Should BUY one or more of" die provisions of this instrument be held to be invalid, illegal or unenfon;;cabJc under applicable law. then. so long as the intent or the parties is fulfilled. this LimiÞ=d Power of Attorney sholl be construed as if'such invalid, iIlcßaJ or W1ClÚorceabJc provision (or such portion d1CleOfwlùch must be removal to make tbe provision valid. legal and enfon::eablc consistent with the intent af'the parties) had never been contained hen::iu and the remaining provisions shall be given effect to d1e 1Dllximwn extent then permitted by law. 6. The undersigned agree(s) to execute and deliver, after the date hereof. without additional consideration, such fUrther assurance, instnunents and documents, and to take such further actions in ailirnuuion of the activities of the attomey in fact as the attorney in fact may reasonably request in order to fulfill the intent of this instrument. DATED this J I tI~ day of d:) t! tz)hel"'" , 20qiW CODf/~~ ~ (\ l4A~¿¡rJ ASHL . MILLARD STATE OF /1) ~b m /1:6; ) COUNTY OF /2-./ n (icl T\ ~ ss. , On trus -1L day of to (! I::cJ k:J.¿ /- , 2001; pe"Jonally appeared before me, CODY S. MI LLARD and A..5'ìleL( fL rY), naryt personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfàctory evidcl1coyto be the same person(s) whose mune(s) appear as the signer(s) of tbe above instrument and who. being by me duly sworn, aeleno ledges that he/she executed tbe same, My Commission Expires: fp / It] j-:20/v ....- I BETTY MOCEIKA - NOTARY PUBlIC COUNTY Of STATE OF LINCOLN " wYOMING '....~~~síon Expires 06/19/2010 P.gu 2 of2 16 M..rHomc POA ("""7(01 cw)