HomeMy WebLinkAbout925274 ¡{\ ~ O~ .r.::. t;~ v \.:.; . .J.. ,,fJ '....!lf~ UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional) r I RECEIVED 12/12/2006 at 4:18 PM RECEIVING # 925274 BOOK: 643 PAGE: 158 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) Capitol Services,.Inc, P.O. Box 1831 Austin TX 78767 800/345-4647 L .J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - Inserl only .!!ru! deblor name (1a or 1b) - do nol abbreviate or combine names 1a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Anadarko Petroleum Corporation OR 1c MAILING ADDRESS 1201 Lake Robbins Drive 1d. TAX 10 #: SSN OR EIN CITY The Woodlands COUNTRY USA 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - Insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) - do nol abbréviale or combine names a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Anadarko E&P Company LP 11. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION Delaware o NONE OR b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME UFFIX 2c. MAILING ADDRESS 1201 Lake Robbins Drive CITY The Woodlands POSTAL CODE 77380 OUNTRY USA 2d. TAX 10 #: SSN OR EIN DD'L INFO RE 2e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 2f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION :~=ZATION Ltd. Partnership Delaware 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SIP) - insert only one secured party name (3a or 3b) e. ORGANIZATION'S NAME The Royal Bank of Scotland pic o NONE OR b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IRST NAME MIDDLE NAME UFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS 600 Travis, Suite 6500 4. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: ITY Houston STATE TX OSTAL CODE 77002 COUNTRY USA All that certain collateral more particularly described on Schedule 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein. 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable): 0 LESSEElLESSOR 0 CONSIGNEElCONSIGNOR 0 BAILEEIBAILOR 0 SELlERIBUYER 0 AG, LIEN 0 NON-UCC FILING /'VI This FINANCING STATEMENT is to be filed (for record! (or recorded) in the REAL ,Check 10 REQUEST SEARCH REPORT(S) on Debtor(s) 0 6. ~ ESTATE RECORDS. Allach Addendum (if epplicable! (ADDITIONAL FEEl [optional] 0 All Debtors 0 Debtor 1 Debtor 2 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Lincoln County, WY (165484) November Advance FILING OFFICE COPY-NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 07/29/98) HOU:2644688.1 .0.') ,.,.~ ~r.: f:!J\ V-\.,:V.Lr"..{"'J...., 092527'1: UCC FINANCING STAlElVENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 9. NAIVE OF FIRST DEBTOR (1a or 1bl ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IFIRST NAME IMIDDLE NAIvE, SUFFIX 10. MISCELLANEOUS: .--.- -- --.. 11. ADDITIONAL DE BTOR 'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - inserl only QlliL name 01a or 11bl - do nol abbreviate or combine names 11a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR I lb. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME ~IDDLE NAIvE SUFFIX l1c,MAILlNG ADDRESS CITY F'TATE rOSTAL CODE OUNTRY lId. TAX ID I: SSN OR EIN IfDD'L INFO RE 11e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 1111. JURISOICTION OF ORGANIZATION 111g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID I, if anv ORGANIZATION o NONE DF8TnR f I I 12.0 ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S or 0 ASSIGNORS SIP'S NAME - insert only QlliL name 02a or 12bl 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 12b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE rOSTAL CODE COUNTRY 13. This FINANCING STATEMENT COvers U timber to be cut or 161 as-extractod 16. Addidonal collateral description: collateral. or is filed 85 a 0 fixture filing. 14. Description of f8al estate: 15. Name and address of a RECORD OWNER 01 above-described real estate lif Debtor does not have a record interest): 17. Check m if applicable and check m one box. Debtor is 0 Trust or 0 Trustee acting with respect to property held In trust or 0 Decedent's Estate 18. Check .QQJ..l if applicable and check .cm!x one box. o Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY o Filed in connection with a Manufactured·Home Transaction-effective 30 years o Filed in connection with 8 Public-Finance Transaction effective 30 years FILING OFFICE COPY-NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEIVENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Adl (REV. 07/29/98) HOU:2644688.1 092527'::1: Schedule 1 000.160 Collateral means; (i) the Subject Hydrocarbons and the Receivables resulting from the sale thereof at the well head; (ii) each and every Contract; (Hi) any and all additions, accessions and improvements to, all substitutions and replacements for and all products and proceeds of or derived from all of the foregoing items described above in this definition of Collateral; and (iv) the deposit account (the "Proceeds Account") jointly designated by Debtors and Secured Party at the financial institution agreed upon by said parties to hold any of the proceeds of the Collateral pursuant to the terms of the Security Agreement and the Drilling and Funding Agreement; in each instance, however, only to the extent such Collateral relates to a Designated Well that is described in this or another financing statement filed pursuant to the Security Agreement or the Drilling and Funding Agreement or on any Exhibit attached hereto or thereto, as same may be modified, supplemented or amended from time to time. The following terms used in the description of the Collateral shall have the meanings specified below: "Contracts" means all contracts to which the Grantor now is, or hereafter will be, bound, or a party, beneficiary or assignee but only to the extent such contracts relate to the sale, gathering, treatmentr processing or transportation of Subject Hydrocarbons, and all exhibits, schedules and other attachments to such contracts, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified or replaced from time to time. "DesiQnated Well" means any oil or gas well that is a Designated Well under the Drilling and Funding Agreement and includes, without limitationr each well described on this financing statement. "DrillinQ and FundinQ AQreement" means the Drilling and Funding Agreement among Debtors, as Owners, Secured Party and Ramshorn Investments, Inc., as Funding Parties, dated as of July 25, 2006 but effective as of July 1, 2006. "Receivables" means all of the Grantors' rights to payment for Subject Hydrocarbons sold, whether now in existence or arising from time to time hereafter.. "Security AQreement" means the Security Agreement, between Debtors, as Grantors, and Secured Party, as agent for itself and the other Secured Parties, dated July 25, 2006, but effective as of July 1, 2006, as the same may be modified, supplemented or amended from time to time in accordance with its terms. "Subiect Hydrocarbons" means all oil, gas, natural gas liquids and other hydrocarbons in and under and that may be produced from the Designated Wells after July 1, 2006, except to the extent specifically excluded therefrom pursuant to the terms of the Drilling and Funding Agreement. HOU:2644688.I CC01;Si O~2527{\ Exhibit A Description of Designated Wells Well Name: Cow Hollow Unit 262-34 Anadarko Well Number: 70532 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 23.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 34 Quarter: NW NW Well Name: Cow Hollow Unit 266-10 Anadarko Well Number: 70534 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 22.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 10 Quarter: NW NE Well Name: Cow Hollow Unit 267-10 Anadarko Well Number: 70533 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 22.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 10 Quarter: SE SE Well Name: Emigrant Hollow Bord 37-23E Anadarko Well Number: 70377 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 23,0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 23 Quarter: SW SW HOU:2644688,¡ 0- 01. (."..., ~U''t,;) _. ,,~~/"" O~2527l1 Well Name: Seven Mile Wash 100-18E Anadarko Well Number: 69738 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 21.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 18 Quarter: SW SE Well Name: Wilson Ranch Unit 5-08 Anadarko Well Number: 70553 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 19.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 8 Quarter: SE SE Well Name: Wilson Ranch Unit 6-19 Anadarko Well Number: 70592 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 19.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 19 Quarter: SE SW -IOU:2644688.1 0925274 BC S 89"!O'33" [ 2638.95' (13194]') (1319...S') . I ;:) R. 112 W. BC ¡ J ~ ~ lIoa' I ~~ I I f\ ~=______+! _ r . ------1 ~~ I :..V" ~;; I 0_ 0'"" I .,,= I I -_---1__ BC I ¡ I -34------ I COW HOLLO-VV ¡ UNIT 262-34 UNGRADED ELEVATION: I 6550.4" I Ei:J:..'" ~I t "":;;-::,, ,,:~::":, ,;¡:.;:: OòI ~'r~!h'r· :.~{'q:'~f: ,-ok ·'"':lr~ N\~' t~r"'","" I ::'~r. .~(~. l::'.~."'. -f?~1;:-·¡'¡ £' I:;-..~:.:""~ _. ¡: !·.r, .0 1000 SOO ¡ C001G.3 N T. 23 N. LA nroDE NORtH 41.935029 OEG. LONG/TUDE WEST 110.109932 OEG. NORTHING 465052..29 EASTING 129975.97 P!'\TQM SPcs WYWC (NAD 27) o 1000 2000 I SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SCAlE FEET I. Louis A. Pence. 01 Rock Springs, Wyoming, hereby state: This map was made (rom notes faken during an ocJuol survey under my direcf supervision on September 13, 2005, and It correc/fy shows ¡he location of COW HOLLOW UNIT 262-34. NOTE!S <@> WEll LOCATION . fOUND MONUMENT (BC) EXHIBIT 1 I::l:f:7R1FF1N & ASSOCIA TES, ¡Ne. - SCALE: 1"= 100D' JOB No. 13010 REVISED: 9/15/05 1414 ELK ST., SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 (307) 362-5028 PUT OF DlULUNG LOCATION FOR WESTPORT oa It G4S CO., LP 60a' F/NL & l108"FIWL, SECTION 34, T.13 N., &112 W., 6th PM UNCOl,N··COUlVTY, "'YOMlNG 092. 274 R. 112 W. s eO;}-Q6'';'~· e: aSU.94' S 89"06'35' E ,635.20' <1:al9.50') <1319..60') K ~ f è- è .... \C II.! ~ ~ iuè-J I N~ I ~~ . M..c I : ~1I.t ~----~-+------ ,>- I I ¡ , I ¡ I ¡ ------10---L-_ COW HOLLOW I UNIT 266-10 ' UNGRADED ELEVATION: I 6488.6' I , I DA TUM S?cs 'y,""rNÇ eN AD 27) 252!J' ñ SCALE. j -c~OOQ' p) .If) Ò Co v.: !h .....ìn - ..,. ..... No ",0 ¡;;... 1: 22 N. LATTTUDE NORTrf 4-1.9CS:i01 DEG.. ~ LONGITUDE ,,: WEST 110.1 037a2 DEe.. ("J -.!) OJ :Jt NORTHING 4s~S7.S"l- EAS11NG 1~1-484.07 ;.. Basi:; of Eh,vQtial1: USGS' st'ot e;~tton iát:.<!ted cl 1he NW COomer 5'ec. 10. T22N. R112W Ele"OUOI'I '" 6507' .,. è-> ~"I ë ö ..... N 89"lC'Sl' OJ 264lJ.~· 1000 SOo I o 1000 20CC ---d 5URVEYOR"S STATEMENT SCAlE FEET I, Louis A. Pence, of Rock Springs, Vlyvming, hereby state: Tn is m<:rp \t'os mod~ from notes taken during On actual survey under my direct supervision on MARCH 21, 2006 ond it correctly shows the location of COW HOLLOW UNIT 266-10. EXHIBIT 1 NOTES . WELL LOCA -nON . FOUND MONUMENT (BC) Iì(7R/FFIN &ASSOcIA7ES,/NC. SCALE: 1":::1000' JOBNø. 12996 REVISED: 3122/06 PL1T OF Dlllf-.r.wG LOCA'DON FOR WESTPORT OIL & GAS (:0., LP 506' FIlVL & 2:>70' FIEL, SEopON 10~ ~:nN..,.1l.112 W., fi~P.M. LlNCOLNCOONrY. WYOlJ1J1VG , , 1414 ELK ST." SUtTE202 ROCK SPRINGS, WY82901 (S07) 362..5028 09Z5274 R. 112 W. S 89·06'-4<1- E 2636.94' S 89·06'3,5" ( 263~.2D' ò- d ., '" ....... COW HOLLOW UNIT 267-10 UNGRADED ELEVATION: 6470.4 > I I I ¡ -10 - - - r- - - I ¡ I : I I : I--------¡------- I : , : I ~ ~ ~ o o (It 6øsíS of Elevation: USGS ~ol elevation located at tht NW c;orner See. 10. T:22N. R112W Elevation "" 6507' ------- 11 8' N 89'10"1" IJ 2640.:13' 1000 500 I o 0001.85 N n ~ ci M ..:! r" > in SCAI.E: 140:1000' in .... Ò 0 '" I 71. 22 N. ¡JA TfTUDE v NORTHI41.a9.H56 OEG. ..., LONGITlJDE ~ WEST 1~0.09aS69 OEG. ..0 (\ ::J NpRTHING ;.. 4p0220.23 .... EASTlNG ñ lþ275J.66 !" <3 Q V,I DATUM spes WYWC (NAD 27) 1000 2000 I SURVEYDR"S STATEMENT SCALE F'EU I. Louis A. Pence. of Rock Springs. Wyoming. hereby state: This mop wos mOdt4 from notes token during an actuol survøy under my direct supervision on JULY 20, 20~5 and it correctly shows the location of COW HOLLOW UNIT 267-10 NOTES c@> WELL LOCA TlON . rOUND MONUMENT (BC) EXHIBIT 1 lWRlFF1N&ASSOCIATE6.1NC. SCALE: 1"<:: 1000' J08No.12997 DA TE: 71'2!i1tJs PUT OF DRrLLINGWQTION FOR WESIPORT 01£& GAS CO., LP I 454' F/SL & 1186' FJ.EI, ON 19, T. Z2 N., lL 112 W.., 6th ~ LDVCOLN COlJN.I'Y, WY "G 1414 ELK ST., SUITE 202 ROC ( SPRlNGSþ WY 82901 (30)> 362../iIJ2fJ 092527'-1 3: U) rS ...ã ~~ w~~u;5~ ffi-O: ¡:~~xi!!> Q~.s: æ::i"~~~ rj 3 ~;; : fªa:~§ ~~ æ ::s ~ ~ ~¡t~;!~ o c ('oj s= ::s .111:..... >' Ki -j ~ ii ~ c~~~~~ to) is ~ d ~õ:°::)Ri,.: ~ % 0 Ž .' ff!Ç0~ ~ ... ..c I') D' ~ ~~ ~ %~I:: o ~ : ~.si ~ é.~3¡::J~1) n ! 0 . li~~:~~t 'Ã! 5 "0.._ ~ .'~ ,: -i ~1II!l üì -< ~!ð':III~i5 o .gj~m .,~:C~a51D ~ :;.!! 1; ~ ~ bt~u §iiE~ ;3 LJJJ8 .... ....~ .., :s ~~ ¥!~s ONÕ c := ~;¡¡¡a:III:': - I Õ c~ ~~~ =¡~~ ~-~u~ 2 ~ ..........J ~¡,J~~2~!! {10C1.SG .OooL : . II:) ¡y ¡ iÑ Ú , ~ !!O ~ '" D ~ I~ !: J, So - ~ ... ate:. .. ~ii , I!! Ig! è .II X !SI ~ .. -j t- O ðli . )Ii % = . -j ¡- ! w ...@ .j .0 < ! u .. I en .OQÇ ili; .0001 bj: Ii i ('0-1"9) ,(IO"09ZÇ - M.tQ.OOH ~ 0.: ~ ooNd' (Q ~ $ ~~ t\l .~ ..... on ~, 0:: III ;... ~i t') ~ I -- I I -- . ('0 T:» .DCr0t9Z - M.mOON 0) ~ j ~ ~ -\ ~ ~. ~ ~! ~ì ~l It-i§ I'~~ g 3 111 II d š. - ...-.:: == wi .:.c .:""" ã ~. ~ ~~ ~~ lilt m -< -", Gilt 7 ~!!l ~I !! III ml p- 11'- :I i~ 131 ;: -; ;: -; . aa< ~ . . i!i m~ i' I¡;I! ~1 ~1~§1~§ CD ~ "8 ~ . <It; 'II .. ~ ~ ß a..a.fn ~ . . . ~..J..... laJ I@' ISI .o..nOA '-r:'I"':,- V'll; ~.þ.o\.....7> 1I . or')l521""1'" 09"" If "J: :si;;'- 'NOO,7'E - 2640.00' (CoLO.) ~ 00U..u "" ~~~ ~.r ~ . . . ~ Z ~ ;: ~ f? o ~ ::;j 0 ~ o II) !: Z a to § ~ p ~ ~ III :x g ~ > ~ NOl"29'W - 2640.00' (G.LO.) r : ~~ ~~ §=~ CQ~ a~_ ~1'11 ~ f~ :1 ~ ct b~ ,~ I.::) ~? .- I~ ~ ~~ '"'5. ~ ): ~. 1~~ '~"":t l' ~ 6 -i m r o -4 -..l Z CD IØ & :i I \.,) 'ol ~ ~ r o -I UI ~ ...... % ..~ DII 10 ..: DII ~ ~ , ...... ~ ...... l'ü PD ~ I\) ~ ...... Iõ) f- 0) P t"foo - ~ ~ ~ p f¡;i Þ tltf - t¡ l~i m 6>:'2'6>'2' ~ Z::t>Z:::t> U) Ð2cС:!o ~ ~~~~~~ ~ CD ~ '. I.... -lñ~ ...... ..... z - ~ 9~ õ:!i ~en ~ f(~ ~~ iii ~ · ~~ ~8 > to ~ ~ o. r;)""~ .~ ~- :u ~ Øt ';'* -~ Y» ~ "'.ï ::"::,, z '" 0" pw:) O ;)~ :..~ G~ men:t §! ¡.! !a ¿ !!! N ~ - - :::t ~ ...... Q:) N tr~ì If:' l~' NOOTJ4.'55"w - 2640.79' (11.05.) ¡a:"'¡ NOO'06'32"W - 264J,.5" (1Ieo11-) fÞ,," -~. ~I il II I, I, \ I ~ I ~Z ~ ~ . ! - ~ ~ ã ocn- ~ 0" 00... cn =- ::J~~- -0.. - ~::JQ.g ~....o 0 ~ $'2"" g; ls:f aJ ª-¡j~.? 8 > :J.... 0 en tit CP:Z ~ ,.., ~ ëñ ~ :;u -. o ....:J " ~....~ 0 ", ~ ¡ J;; S; F;; C) II) ~ ~ :T~~Ej :::t "11' ~ .. ~ .. ~ ~ cn~ Zé r-'" 0 P 5".... ? n,_ 52. ~ C» :;) 1"1 0" - t ~r &i:ti .f Iii ",::I I ",êì1' o Iii DI~ T (;) .......~ ;0 p ">1 ~ &1 CI r cr ..z~ 8 p ~ ~ :u ." - ~ E ~f - ~ ø: Z tD", P ',¡ 01 !i ~ .,.if ~ .. ¡¡5;1!::£;a;¡¡~ ~x!~~...§ ~I"'1"O :;:~ x c: ez~§ ~~ ~i!Z¡R~ m· ~ x::;j@ zC)~;"Ig~s:: gl"t CII~ :1 ~~P~~i.!8~ o Zn ..., c:c:,.,:1ø ;:¡~~;;Im~~ ~i:m2~~ ~>!&J~~R . ~'::f¡o> ~cr¿~:Tâ oqJ2!"t~_ PI~:ø E~ ~i!!~:'~ )OPI-i:~'" ::Izo_~ ~-t?;~:z 1000' 500' ø 0 :. O' ~ PI '" þ @. 1000' " R. 112 w. ·V{ILSON RANCH UNIT 5-08 UNGRADED ELEV ATrON: 6461.3' r I N SCAlf: ¡""'1000' ----- r , I -8- I I -- ...---- i T. 19 N. eœ::,; of E;evoti.o:l: USGS spo: elevation Igca~e( at the SW corner Sec. 8. TI~N. R11:2W Elevation -= 6437" I I r-------J- I ----- I I I I ! LATITUDE NORTh 4-1.6~6339 DEC. LIJNGIWDE \YEST 1 to.07672' DEe, - ñ ~- ";0 NI:" nM -... ... '0 N W NORTHING .35õ072. 72 EAST/NG 1:'733.2.89 DATUM SPCS W't'J.'C {~"'D 2':: 1000 500 0 tOOO 2000 I - J SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT SCALE FEET I, Louis A. Pence, of Rock Sprir}{;s. Wyoming, h<!reby stole: This mop was made from notes token during an actl.:al survey under my direct sup~rt/isicn or. iJ.AY 25, 2005. and it correctly snews (he location of WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-08. EXHIBIT 1 ~RIFFlN & ASSOCIATES, INC. .s- NOTES ~ WEL:" LOCA TICN . FOUND MONUMENT (GLO Be) 1414 ELK ST., SU1TE202 ROCK SPRINGS. WY 82901 (atJ7) 362-5028 SCALE: 1"=10f!!J' JOB No. 12561'" DA TE: 5/27/05 PUT OF Dll.lUJJVG LOCATION FOR ~ORTOrL& GdS CO., LP no' FlSL.. 22(J1 FÆL, SECTION 8, z: 1!J J.V., R. 112 W., (jf z P.M. LINCOLN COUNTJ!, WYOMlNG O~2527t1 R. 112 W .. I $ B"j-c7'5S' E ~5:;.S2' i LOT 1 I ~~ ~ I c-..: I "" I I ~ -------1 ": i ? ¡ :1 LOT 2 f ¡ i I ¡ I < I t- - - -t - - -119- I., ;... ~ LOT 3 I ;¡Ef ~I~ ¡ w ~f---- - - + - - - ---1 ~~ I _,~ I -r LOT 4 ~Or;' I , ) f c ,.. -+ t:f~1 N \~lLSON RANCH UNIT 6-19 UNGRADED ELEVATION: 6304.1' 4 ~ I SCALE' 1'" lOCO' 8c~ís of Elevation: USGS ~ot 1:!1evc:':lar, Ir::cction <It the $'# ::omer Sed:je '\ 19. 119N, R1'12W EJ~'Vot;cn = 6.)24' ----- T. 19 N. LA TlTUDE NOR"fH 4i.5ce'~ Dt:r.>. Þ. LONGTTUDE ..:. 'WEsr '10.1CSle7 DEC. ... I ..:: '" '" '" I~ õ NORTHING J45919.~7 EAST1NG 129116.42 :. DA TiJM SFCS \\~'\!AD 2ìì I: æ'::5'~::¡' v 26~~la" lOCO SeD i o 1000 1COO . SURVEYOR~S STA TEMENT . SC,\.LE F'"'d:T I, Louis A. Pence, of Reck $pdnçs, Yly.::ming, hereby stete: This map was madE ~Tcm notes token during on cct~cl sur.¡ey under my dlrect supervisicn or; February 20, 20C6. and it correctly shows the location of WilSON RANCH UNlï 5-t9. NOTES ~ \NElL lOCA TJON . FOUND MONUMEN'7' (EC) EXHIBIT 1 I:l:f:7R1FF1N & ASSOClA n=S. INC. 1414 ELK ST., SUITE 202 I SCALE..- 1";;: 1000' ROCK SPRINGS, WY 82901 JOB No. 1:3785 (301) 362--5028 OA Te 2/21/06 PLAT OF D1.l.1LL1NG LOCAfJION FOR WESTPORT OIL & GAS CO~7 L.P. 470' F/SL & 2300' F~ SECqON 19, T. 191V., R. 112 W.,. 6& p,M. LINCOLlV COlINTY, WYO~nNG